Crazy Weight Loss
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Hello Ladies,
I haven't posted in a while, but here I am. I've lost over a 100 pounds since these symptoms began. I was scared at first and then I realized that at times I couldn't eat. The sudden onsetof anxiety turned my apetite off, gas and indegestion made it impossible to eat at times and when I started to eat, I ate very little for being scared to trigger symptoms.
Well now im noticing an increase in my apetite where I want to eat everything I see. It really seems to increase at night and it's usually for something sweet. I find myself sneaking in the kitchen to steal food. I needed to lose weight, but not this way. Now im scared to start feeding my cravings for fear of gaining all that weight back. Have any of you ladies experienced this?
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Sochima822 jamie50513
Yes, Jamie, I'm going through this right now where I've gained 10 pounds in less than a month! I'm trying to control my appetite but like you I get the craving for something sweet at times. I'm trying to avoid eating late at night as well. I've been good thus so far but sometimes it's hard. I found that chewing gum rather eating has kept me from eating and making me lose a little weight. I also found a candy that seems to cut the craving for more sweets. If I feel I need to have something sweet I eat that candy and the craving goes away. Lately, I had been craving cookies but since I dont have any I'm eating quinoa chips which cuts off the craving for a little while. It's a never ending circle.
CCinCal jamie50513
Experiencing this as we speak. I got so worried when I lost 25 lbs in 4 months. No appetite even forced myself to drink water.
Now I'm overeating. All the bad stuff too. Can't stop myself. I'm making up for lost time.
Once I finish off all the biscuits, chips, ice cream etc I've bought I'm going to really try hard to resist buying such things. If I don't have it in the house I won't think of them. Hopefully.
Sochima822 CCinCal
No you'll just crave them, lol, you'll be looking for anything to eat. It's a vicious circle.
CCinCal Sochima822
I've noticed that for me I'm into crunchy food. So I'm trying to substitute orange bell peppers, sliced cucumbers with good hummus.
We have Indian cash and carry here that carry HobNobs and it took all my willpower other day not to get them.
But kale or mushroom chips I've found too. they are yummy.
Usually it's around 6pm on that I get the cravings which isn't good for acid reflux too.
Sochima822 CCinCal
Same here I'm into crunchy and good idea on the bell peppers, and sliced cucumbers with hummus except that I don't crave them I crave either somethng sweet or salty chips.
DearDoe jamie50513
jamie50513 DearDoe
didi0613 jamie50513
That's exactly what happened to me last year. I guess I wasnt eating much either mostly cause I had stomach issues too. I lost almost 20 lbs. though and very very fast, and almost every night I'd wake up and weigh myself snd seemed I lost another 3-4 lbs. Just like that. It was frightening. Had all kinds of tests dobe yoo, thinking I had stomach cancer or something, and all came negative. Just a slight case of gastritis. Probably, cause my stomach was so upset and had barely any food in it so created more acid then anything else. I barely had an appetite too. I got very depressed and a bad attitude. This was about a year ago.
Now I gained all that weight back, and then some. I need to lose about 8-10 lbs. I am hungry all the time now too. Especially, at night.
You will slowly gain your weight back, I did and now need to to lose it. I wish there was a happy medium.
maria101 jamie50513
Hi Jamie, I went through the same thing I lost weight feel sick couldn't eat basically horrible, at night I find myself eating and eating now my tummy is fat again
I go for cornflakes and milk I would eat 3 bowls's like your eating habits change because in the day I eat less
for me it is better to eat don't like to be skinny I'm already slim and loosing weight it's not a good thing..l.hope you feel better soon hugs xxxxx
Thank you all so much for your responses. These last 9 months have been freightening to say the least. I feel a lot better knowing that i'm alone. I was really beginning to worry even though my docs aren't. I'm trying to convince myself every day that nothing bad is happening to me even though my mind feels like it. I just pray every day that we will all get through this and be ok.
Zigangie jamie50513
Hi Jamie,
I didn't loose as much as you but went from 91/2 st to 81/2 st during peri only to end up 101/2 st and unable to shift this now post 3 years. I was 7 lbs heavier and lost that just after going on HRT.
I had the same, felt to nauseous to eat then suddenly boom up every night looking for food usually cake!
My advice to you is to not do it or at least go for more healthy option.
I've never had problems losing a little weight only really had to think about it before but now even though the midnight food cravings went this weight just will not shift, half portions more exercise don't seem to help. The only good thing is I'm not gaining anymore.
metamorphed jamie50513
debbie75601 jamie50513
Zigangie debbie75601
Hi Debbie,
I don't know about Jamie but I had nausea and an awful taste in my mouth for about 3 years almost continuously during peri, the bad taste was always there and has only gone since I started HRT (3 years post).
The nausea then would come and go and I went back to eating fairly normally.
Sometime during my first period free year I couldn't stop eating and would be up at night raiding the fridge. I lost about a stone during peri went back to my normal weight towards the end of it and gained a stone that really will not shift since my first period free year.
jamie50513 debbie75601
The symptoms lasted about 5months. Then i started to get my appetite back. I still go through the bouts of bad gas sometimes to the point I can't eat. But I force myself anyway. I stil don't have that big of an appetite during the day but by the evening time, im starving. I still dont eat or drink the things I used too to keep indegestion and gas down.