cyclic information peri nausea
Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi ladies I will keep it brief.
I'm suffering debilitating nausea. Latest episode two weeks and counting.
Doctor gave me cyclzine. Anyone tried this x
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi ladies I will keep it brief.
I'm suffering debilitating nausea. Latest episode two weeks and counting.
Doctor gave me cyclzine. Anyone tried this x
1 like, 24 replies
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Sochima822 michelle50768
michelle50768 Sochima822
I've just taken one this morning so waiting to see if it helps. I've had bouts of nausea in my nine years of peri but not coping well at.
Appetite is zero
Sochima822 michelle50768
Sorry to hear that it sounds really debilitating. I hope it works. I'm trying to make out what the sickness wrist band is that Wilson's talking about.
My peri nausea was bad too, I also bought something otc, but recently my doctor gave me a rx is for an ear condition of vertigo which causes nausea with almost the exact name except it starts with an M.
wilson170568 michelle50768
michelle50768 wilson170568
michelle50768 wilson170568
Did u find out what was causing the nausea. Is it just hormones?
Health anxiety is kicking in 😢
ruth24048 michelle50768
Acejohnston michelle50768
I've been suffering with the nausea on and off for the last 3 years which got worse last year due to a large cyst on my ovary. I vomited everyday too and was on zofran and stemetil but I didn't like the side effects so stopped and got acupressure bands which helped a lot and did acupuncture. After the cyst was aspired the vomiting stopped but I have had bad nausea and some dry wretching recently again and started taking b complex 50mg and that has really helped me as well as the bands which I'm wearing again. I've had scans and the cyst is gone but I've had blood and saliva tests done which confirmed low progesterone and low estrogen and also my fsh is 35. My GP told me the nausea is caused by hormone fluctuations. My mother in law told me she had it really bad during the change as she called it and it went when her hormones settled down. She said it was the worst symptom she had and remembers feeling so sick. But it did go. The other thing that helps me is ginger tea. Hope you get relief soon. It's awful xx
michelle50768 Acejohnston
Thank you for response. The cyclizine do make me feel weird as well. I'm just worried I will lose loads of weight again. It's just constant no let up. I will buy the bands today. I do take ginger as well but it don't seem to be having much effective atm.
Thanks again for info x
shallah24 Acejohnston
It's my worst symptom too- nausea is the worst . It brings on anxiety and low mood. I hope it disappears soon .
shallah24 michelle50768
I don't know if my previous message got posted but I also suffer from nausea . I have tried many anti nausea . The best one for a while was stematil but that guest work . I am goi g back to see GP , because I have had this for a year . It's bad during my period & a few days after . I get v anxious once the nausea hits. I would appreciate any help as I don't think my GP knows what to do. It's trial & error . I am too scared to go on to hrt as it may not work & side effects scare me. I know exactly what you must be going through .
Sochima822 shallah24
michelle50768 shallah24
It truly is awful. I've got the sea bands on and they seem to be helping a bit. Boots do their own brand. I've got dizziness as well. I'm so so fed up right now I truly am. I've been in peri nine years. My gastrointestinal consultant told me yesterday my symptoms are not coming from my stomach. He told me to get a brain scan. He was so rude basically he told me it was in my head.Just fed up. Hope you get relief soon x
shallah24 Sochima822
shallah24 michelle50768
I've had a CT & MRI - all clear thank God. I am certain this is peri but how to treat these symptoms ? Who do we need to get referred to so they can help ? I think if you don't get seen by the right specialist - it's trial & error with the GP.
I will be visiting GP again as she dies listen but I need some direction from her now .
Feel for those suffering from nausea it's such a nasty symptom - floors you . Hope we all get over this soon .
maisie05 michelle50768
Hi, sorry you are having such a bad time just now. My daughter used the sea bands when she was pregnant and suffering with nausea and sickness. They helped her. You can also use acupressure on the inside of the wrist. It's on a pressure point called P6. I'm trying to find a way of sending a diagram but hopefully googling 'acupressure' will show the spot on the wrist.
michelle50768 maisie05
wilson170568 shallah24
shallah24 wilson170568
It's all very challenging . If one of the symptoms would abate one might be motivated . But all the symptoms are tough . I think you need to take it one day at a time , don't think ahead . If you can get to work it will help -as this will be the hardest step . My employer encouraged me a lot and I was on significantly reduced hours - only a few hours to start with . Then build up, it will get you distracted being at work & not thinking of the nausea & anxiety for a while provides much relief . I hope you can push yourself & start work . At the end I feel I am battling myself half the time . Good luck .