Dam and blast these hormones 😨

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Hi ladies i hope you are all good,

Me on the other hand am feeling shakey today and weepy 😢

and my eyes are blurry ive had this before ..but does anyone else have vision problems..

My hormones are having a field day today ...i wish they would take a holiday or better still emigrate lol ☺

2 likes, 26 replies

26 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Suesun,

    Yes, a few years ago I started having issues with my vision strength flucuating, occasionally blurry and began getting dry eye. Scared the heck out of me. Then about a year (eye doctor never made the connection) I found out, this is common during this time. Good to have the eyes checked to rule out other things, but most likely it's this lovely time we are in.

    Sorry you are feeling shaky and weepy. You are not alone and thankfully it passes. I know it is no consolation right now but hopefully you'll feel better quick.

    Annie xx

    • Posted

      Hi Annie

      Thankyou for your reply...yes i went to the optician because of this and he said I had dry eyes too ...and i get really sensatve to light at times too..i permantly were bifocals now ...i did just need glasses for reading but i now need them for distance to ..but I still get blurry eyes

      I know this feeling of weepy and shakiness will calm down in a few hours ...but its such a pain when it just comes.over you

      Thanks Annie xxxx

  • Posted

    Hi Suessun

    oh hun, sorry your having a bad day of it ..

    to make you feel better, i emigrated .. But the symptoms never stopped 😊

    jay x

    • Posted

      Did you send your symptoms over here did ya 😃


    • Posted

      Hi Jayneejay ..Ha ha smile

      If we didnt laugh were.would we be ...thankyou for your reply im feeling better slighty now

      Its.such a tonic being here so glad I found this site ..xxxx

  • Posted

    Good Morning suesun

    I havn't seen any of your posts before as I have only just joined this site.  Sorry you are not good today.  Sounds like you could have an anxiety issue tied in with menopausal symptoms, which is not unusual.  The shaky/weepy/ vision problems can be linked to anxiety.  As I do not know your full situation, I can only say keep posting how you are feeling. It does help. (I post on the anxiety site as well)  Good Luck.

    • Posted

      Thankyou cruise Lady and welcome...im quite new myself and im so glad I found this site everyone is fabulous and helpful smile

      I have always suffered from anxiety and in 2013 I had a nervous breakdown ...doctors.didnt help much my husband an myself got me.thru it all and without medication... it was horrendous hubby was my rock ...dont know.weather the perimenopause was the culprit ....I think i was born a worrier just cant help it lol xxx

    • Posted

      Hello suesun

      Just to let you know I have read your reply and can identify with it entirely. Strangely enough I only posted a similar comment about being a "born worrier" a few days ago to someone who has suffered from childhood. What I was inferring to them was that I genuinely believe some of us "inherit" these anxiety genes from somehwere, or we have a constant seratonin imbalance.  Whatever it is it does make life difficult. Glad yiu have an understanding hubby.  Mine came to some group meetings with me, so he could understand some of it.  I was astounded to find people there from all walks of life, different ages and so on.  The tutor was a male nurse and a lifelong sufferer of anxiety, so we felt pretty comfortable among ourselves.  Just think on one thing.....I read recently that it is usually the more intelligent people who suffer anxiety!  Ha Ha!  Hold on to that thought! lol.  Good Luck.

    • Posted

      Ha ha love the last bit CruiseLady ...

      You know I think you are right about inheriting the genes coz its funny my mum was a bad worrier ..my dad to suffers with nerves ..more so when he was younger tho ..and my daughter is exactly like me we are like 2 peas in a pod when it comes to worrying ...I wish I could be ever so laid back and take life as it comes and not worry about anything i even worry if ive feed the birds enough in the garden ha ha ....i must admit tho its my health I worry about the most if i get the slightest ailment ..I fear the worse ...what am i like lol

      Thankyou CruiseLady for getting back to me I appreciate it smile Xx

    • Posted

      Hi suesun

      i ache like a good un today, infact always do, seems worse if i sit even only for 5 mins, i get up and walk like a penguin.

      cant wait for all my blood tests tuesday.

      i havent taken any vits or supplements for about 2.5 to 3 weeks so all are oit my body for my blood tests, and blimey i realise just how they did me good already..

      anxiety is awful is peri and meno, i still get it post meno 

      jay x

    • Posted

      Arghhh Jayneejay I feel for you ...being achy and stiff is awful ...everytime.i get up its oooooh arghhh owwwwch and i have to walk round a bit to feel better

      Let us no how your bloods went.

      You know i have never took any vits or supplements maybe I should try something ..but I hate taken tablets due to a bad reaction I had one time ive been weary ever since...xx

    • Posted

      Hi hun

      the aches and stiffness are driving me crazy..

      but it could be due to underactive thyroid 

      will know more next week

      jay x

    • Posted

      LOL! Jay! What a perfect description of how I look upon getting up and about! These latest symptoms of aches/pains has been last couple of months-thought it was due to winter being so harsh this year. Well, Spring is here and I'm still hobbling around like old woman. Actually some of my older patients look better than me at this point. From the bottoms of my feet to my lower back, I'm a mess. Takes me a bit to get going these days. Love the mental image of a penguin-as that's what I must like like as well when I first get up and moving.........like you, I do hope when the hypothyroidism issue is dealt with, these aches will be gone. I've added tumeric to my handful of supplements along with extra Vitamin C (whole food supplements this time around to see if they work any better) added to the whole other list of goodies!

      We'll see what the specialist has in store for my on Tuesday, God willing this doc will put me on a better course to regaining some of my spunk back! biggrin

      Here's hoping you feel better soon, Jay! Enjoy those beautiful sunny Spain days! 

      Annie xx

    • Posted

      Hi annie

      I too have achey feet ( arches) and heels ( achilles) and i feel like i have no bones and will fall in a soft heap on the floor.

      I am also at blood docs on tuesday, not taken any vits nothing for ( will be 3 weeks) so i can have all checked, Vit D, TSH, vit B12, Adrenals, liver function, chlorestrol, blood sugars etc, had a load done in Feb but had shingles then so being done again, double check thyroid .

      good luck with your Appt aswell

      Jay x

    • Posted

      Hi Jay-

      Hope all works out for you. I know you were taking kelp before and I was considering it. I always thought that one was helpful for the thyroid gland. It will be interesting to see what is suggested tomorrow, as I've tried everything but kelp really to help out my apparently slower metabolism. Not a fan of certain meds (my mother had to take them as well) for the thyroid. At this point, if it helps with this latest symptom to stop feeling like 100 yrs old and walking like a penguin-(shared that description with my husband, he laughed and said you are spot on!) along with losing the 20 extra pounds gained this pass year without increasing intake, I'll be thrilled. The bonus will be to have some energy. Right now I am forcing myself to keep going, but honestly, could sleep endlessly without giving it a second thought!

      Please let us know what you find out about your situation.  Hope the shingles are letting up and that your lower back is healing as best as can be. That is another area that has weakend on me. I too have issues with L5 and S1 but wow, this latest issue has caused the lower back to take backseat for now.

      Hugs to you!

      Annie xx

    • Posted

      Hi Annie

      Kelp is brill, but had to stop it for 3 weeks so it doesnt mess with thyroid tests, they were still of conerneven taking kelp ( underactive) my mum has taken thyroxine for umpteen years, shes now 84 ( no HRT ) 😃

      Kelp for me (1000mg a day x 1) stopped hair loss, it works too, a doctor here in 2011 told me to take it due to hair loss and hormone decline, also he did the old iodine test on me, on the inside of arm and wooooo my body drank it, he commented on my cold hands etc, didnt even go for that, he was alternative therapy doc, and noticed my cold hands when he gave me a leaflet.

      Bug hugs annie

      Jay x

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