Damn menapause!!!
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Hi guess i have been in menapause for a yr or so will be 50 in Dec,1 hting after another ,Have a Hietus Hernia,Anxiety,Periods come whenever,2weeks early ,2in a half weeks whenever they want,lol,Lately had bad sinus infections thats another problem,lol,Know have been having problems with chest feels full ,heart palpatations,Shortness of breath which comes and goes,.Recently lost my Dad,my Daughters mom passed away few other problem,Helping mom get back on her feet,and also have had chest xrays blood work and stress tests,all seems good,Dr and n/p says its stress ,Does any one else have any symptoms ?I do take xanax every once in a while and symptoms seem to go away for at least 12hr or more?Justkeep thinking it could be something else maybe iam just worring ,Guess menapause has numerous symptoms .Just wandering what everyone else is ging through!!!FRUSTRATED!!!
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emmy18124 lorie1966
Hi Lori. Sounds like your in "perimenopause" since you still get periods. Menopause is when you haven't had a period for a year. Perimenopause has so many symptoms! ugh. I'm going through many of the same ones you are- the sinus pain is debilitating for me. Can't work when I have one. Makes me cry. It takes all day to get rid of with hot showers and pain killers. There's a post in this forum that lists over 60 symptoms of perimenopause you might like to read. You sure aren't alone!
susan6635 emmy18124
I am not sure what you call mine. I had a hysterectomy 10 years ago but still have my ovaries. I turned 50 in July and it was like I immediately started to change in so many ways. I can't regulate my body temp, it's hot flashes then I'll get cold, headaches all the time, mood changes, anxiety, memory issues, less patience in crowds, even my hair went from having body & curl to flat and straight. My FSH is 159 & lutenisizing
is 76. I'm confused & worried I may have pituitary tumor. Drs tried me on hormone replacement but side effects were bad. Any advice or sound familiar ?
dee53012 emmy18124
natallia04776 dee53012
Really need to see ENT Doctor. I'm going to see my the 5 th of December. Cannot wait because I get that annnoing drip all the time down to my throught.GrrrrThen my ears ringing
sue58256 lorie1966
oh lorie this could so be me up until 12 months ago apart from my anxiety and chest problems in the winter i have always been healthy blocked sinuses, colds , pains in joints and just extreme fatigue just to name a couple and yesterday i broke down and cried. i know that's selfish because there are some really poorly people out there but i live with pain every day (i have broken vertebrae in my back) and when you get these stupid little symptoms the heart palps and shortness of breath it is so fustrating as i have always up until i broke my bones two years ago been fit and on the go. maybe its showing me how i used to take my health for granted. I am so sorry i am having a bad day today and i dont mean to moan i should give my self a kick up the bum but yes i am going through what you are flower they say it gets better so i cling on to that hope x
natallia04776 lorie1966
I'.m the same. 43 about March my periods have started playing up. Stopted feeding my girl at the end of July. Still periods playing up, went to the GP, blood test fine, hormons are fine. He said stress! Well, I don't know what to think. Then end of August bad infection has started my sinus, bad sore throat, neck, shoulders, ears....2 cources of antibiotics and oral thrush-lovely and it's already Novemver...constantly something wrong. Don't know what to do and what? Go back to GP and againg start talking about my irreguler periods.
Very Frustrated!
2chr2015 lorie1966