Dealing With Depression. Need help...

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I had been doing quite well in the last little bit, and thought that my moods were stabilizing, but the depression has really intensified in the past couple of weeks. It's so hard to deal with. I am turning 50 this year, and my period really seems to be sputtering to a halt, so I keep reminding myself that this can't go on forever.

I would greatly appreciate hearing other women's stories or getting a bit of encouragement.


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16 Replies

  • Posted

    I am 55, also periods have ended, and the depression/anxiety is the worst now than the entire time that I went through this part of life.

    However, I also suffered from postpartum depression, and I feel exactly as I did then, now.

    I as well would like to hear how long, after reaching menopause, does this depression go on.

    • Posted

      Hi Nancy,

      How long have you had the depression? Does it come and go, or is it constant? Also, how far are you into menopause?

    • Posted

      Depression is pretty much daily, but some days not as bad as others. There are days I’ll wake up and i can manage because I don’t feel that bad. Other days are horrible for the minute the day starts, today being one of those. 

      I have just begun menopause. So very new. 

    • Posted

      Thanks, Nancy. It's so difficult, isn't it? Do you have any strategies that you use to cope when you aren't feeling well? I just feel like being on my own because it is so draining to "fake it" around other people. 

      So have you now gone 12 months without a period?

  • Posted

    I have been going through this wonderful time since.i was 38 . I turned 50 a month ago. I feel terrible most days much anxiety and scared . I did. However have a good month but sorry to.say that hasn't lasted . Over the last few days or so I have been very low . Crying uncontrollably for no reason . I am on HRT so I still get bleeding .sometimes.only for a.few hours . I am so sorry I have no positive help ,but you are defiantly not alone . X

    • Posted

      It's possible. I am going to see my gp for a meds review . I'm also on 200mg sertraline

    • Posted

      I'm trying to do it unmedicated, and it is so hard!! It sounds like sertraline is the drug of choice for treating perimenopausal women. That was the drug that my psychiatrist says he uses, but his advice was to try to weather this period without drugs. I am trying my best, but it's tough!!

    • Posted

      Hi Bev,

      It’s very hard isn’t it ? I thought I’d try without anti despressantds, I have a very small prescription for 2mg Diazepam which I take very occasionally.  It’s the only way I can sit through a 2 hour hair App ( I know it’s nuts but that’s where I am)  Intersting that your Pyschiatrist advised to try without, did he say why ?  Deb x

    • Posted

      Hi Debbie,

      My psychiatrist told me that antidepressants are only effective with biological depression, not with hormonal depression. In fact, he indicated that any drug he gave me would likely worsen my symptoms. He also advised me against using hormones, as he indicated that our understanding of using hormones for perimenopausal depression is in its infancy. He thought it may take another 40 years before we know how to use hormones effectively. His advice was to weather the storm and know that this is a phase of my life, thus it will come to an end. 

    • Posted

      Hi Bev,

      Thank you very much for your reply.  It makes sense to be honest doesn’t it ? I know it’s really bad but at the end of the day it is supposed to be a natural stage in our lives.  I often think of it the other way round, no one tries to give teenagers drugs to surpress their hormones ???  Sounds like you’ve seen some one who has your best interest at heart and not hitting targets with drug manufacturers . . . . Obviously it’s an individual choice, never say never I guess x

    • Posted

      Yes, Debbie, it does make sense. The other thing that he said was that we were not biologically meant to live this long and have only started doing so in the last 100 years or so.

      It is a natural process, and I intend to let it run its course.

      I must say though that it is 100 times worse than what I went through as a teenager!

      Nothing lasts forever, so one day I know that I will be back to my old self. In the meantime, I focus on doing life-affirming things: working in the garden, getting out in nature, spending time with friends.

      Life is tough and people go through many difficulties; perimenopause is certainly one of them!

  • Posted

    Hi bev you are not alone i am going through the samething my dr has giving me tablets hope they will help I find the women on here are so helpful just post on here when you need to good luck.
    • Posted

      What prescription did you receive from your doctor?
  • Posted

    Propranolol for my panic attacks and Sertraline I am on a small dose for 7 days I go back to Dr on Wednesday.

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