dealing with the palpitations
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With having peri menopause how long does it take to come over the symptoms of the Heart palpitations. They do scare me at times can some one please let me know. I know my heart is okay but why do i have to have these palpitations then I get so tired like I have the flu and I'm so worn out please help
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sprohop susan47122
amanda x
jayneejay susan47122
i answered this question yesterday i think - maybe another lady asked the same thing.
palpitations ... Every one is different, no set time to have them or length of time.
i had ten year peri and the odd palp in that time, and still have them now sometimes..
i am age 50
no two women are the same, so it will be a personal symptom to you on how long it goes on for..
I am now 16 months post meno and still get the odd one ..
jay x
debbie03785 susan47122
jayneejay debbie03785
always good to get a full blood count check done, check everything.
in my peri my chlorestrol rose, and my blood sugar rose, border line type 2, it has gone done now, but its amazing how things change in peri.
i eat healthy too, never eat fatty food, or fry, i am 125lb and still went abit crazy during peri
jay x
susan47122 debbie03785
sharcerv52408 susan47122
The feeling of being tired and drained afterwards is worrying too. My husband gets seizures and it's almost like how describes how he feels afterwards, really drained.
susan47122 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 susan47122
susan47122 sharcerv52408
Back in time the ladies did not have anything to take as they went through peri menopause and menopause they just let their bodies change with time. Symptoms will get better we just have to find ways to keep our stress level down and do relaxation and yoga it will get better just trust in God
sharcerv52408 susan47122
susan47122 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 susan47122
BellaRubia susan47122
Besides, after the heart symptoms, other symptoms follow. It is not to scary you, and I hope it is not your case, but it was mine and if I new, it would be easier.
This website was a life saver for me, there are several interesting postings, ladies that went though a lot and have much to inform to the newcomers.
keep on touch!
susan47122 BellaRubia
BellaRubia susan47122