dealing with the palpitations

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With having peri menopause how long does it take to come over the symptoms of the Heart palpitations. They do scare me at times can some one please let me know. I know my heart is okay but why do i have to have these palpitations then I get so tired like I have the flu and I'm so worn out please help

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi susan ihave them to though they are not as bsd as they were I used to think I was going to have s heart attack I have just started t o take vitamin b as this b is supposed to help with anxiety etc . everyone's peri seems to vary in length of time mine was vety short but am suffering more now then when in peri.

    amanda x

  • Posted

    Hi Susan

    i answered this question yesterday i think  - maybe another lady asked the same thing.

    palpitations ... Every one is different, no set time to have them or length of time.

    i had ten year peri and the odd palp in that time, and still have them now sometimes..

    i am age 50 

    no two women are the same, so it will be a personal symptom to you on how long it goes on for.. 

    I am now 16 months post meno and still get the odd one ..

    jay x

  • Posted

    Hi Susan, maybe ask your gp to check your thyroid levels as an abnormality could be causing the tiredness. Just a simple blood test... X
    • Posted

      Hi i agree

      always good to get a full blood count check done, check everything.

      in my peri my chlorestrol rose, and my blood sugar rose, border line type 2, it has gone done now, but its amazing how things change in peri.

      i eat healthy too, never eat fatty food, or fry, i am 125lb and still went abit crazy during peri 

      jay x 

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      My doctor says my thyroid is doing fine I had it checked last month. I keep up with my thyroid every 3 months or so. I'm also on levothyroxine too. Thanks for the information
  • Posted

    I know they are pretty scary. I get them too. I have heard different reasons for why we get them. One is that when we are low in certain minerals such as iron, that can cause them and the other is sometimes at night when your body is relaxing it triggers this reaction. I guess your hormone levels don't think the body is supposed to be that calm and so the hormones overstimulate the heart which causes these palpitations.

    The feeling of being tired and drained afterwards is worrying too. My husband gets seizures and it's almost like how describes how he feels afterwards, really drained.

    • Posted

      Tell me about it my boyfriend has seizures too and he is always tired after he has a little one. Thats how tired I am too the body goes through so much hormone changes its scary because you don't know what will come next with the hormone changes
    • Posted

      Yes. If we at least had a heads up to what we We're going to feel then we could prepare. The doctor keeps prescribing antidepressants. I don't like the side effects. They give me diarrhea! 
    • Posted

      Me too at times. Why be on HTR for peri menopause why can't we ladies understand that our bodies are changing. Yes its scary but HTR therapy could be worse because your just adding hormones to your body when the body doesn't really need more hormones and think about the effects like strokes or heart attacks with these hormone drugs. 

      Back in time the ladies did not have anything to take as they went through peri menopause and menopause they just let their bodies change with time. Symptoms will get better we just have to find ways to keep our stress level down and do relaxation and yoga it will get better just trust in God 

    • Posted

      Yes. I do not want HRT,  antidepressants, or any pharmaceutical intervention.  I just take my vitamins and some herbs and I leave the rest up to God.
    • Posted

      Thats all anyone can do I am on an antidepressent called trazodone and I take ativan for anxieties but why be on HRT just because our hormones are acting up. We need to let God work with our bodies. I am going in for a blood test to see if I am in peri menopause
    • Posted

      Yeah I have an appointment for my annual pap with a new gyn.  I hope she will run tests to see what's going on with me too.
  • Posted

    Hi, Susan.  Everyone is different, but I read an article that the worse part of it may take from 4 to 6 months and I agree, because for me it took about that.  I had that feeling of heart attack twice and then the symptoms got  milder, but still scary, I used to track my blood pressure and heart beat.  My blood pressure was always on the low side but that time was borderline high.  My heartbeat was anything from 38 to 110 and until my doctor say the word peri, I did not have a clue why and I was really scared, specially because he put me a holter.  If you did not go to a doctor, better you go.., 

    Besides, after the heart symptoms, other symptoms follow.  It is not to scary you, and I hope it is not your case, but it was mine and if I new, it would be easier.

    This website was a life saver for me, there are several interesting postings, ladies that went though a lot and have much to inform to the newcomers.

    keep on touch!

    • Posted

      Thank you for the information. It is scary and it does feel like a heart attack at first, but with Peri menopause its just anxieties that bring it up. 
    • Posted

      Well, I could never blame anxiety and nervousness for my heart crazyness, lol.  All the time I had it, I was calm and tranquil...

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