Decisions.. Decisions
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Hi al!
I told my GYN that lately when I ovulate I experience pain. So she immediately ordered an ultrasound which I had on March 17th. The results showed that I had multiple fibroids in my uterus. When I went back for my follow up I told my doctor I wanted a hysterectomy. He said that my fibroids aren't very large and for someone my age they don't really recommend a hysterectomy as a first line of treatment. He recommended a hormonal treatment i.e., birth control. His first recommendation was the Mirena implant. I don't like the idea of anything being inserted because I have heard how much complications those types of things can cause. He also mentioned getting the depo shot or Lupron shot. But the only way I would be a candidate for the Lupron shots was if I was indeed going through perimenopause. So he drew some blood to test my LH and FSH. I got the results back from that yesterday which were all within normal limits. When I go back to see him I'm going to ask him if I can just get on the mini pill. I know he may try to insist on the Mirena implant but the only thing that will do is stop the heavy bleeding it doesn't really address the issues of the fibroids themselves. I don't want to do a depo shot because all the side effects that are associated with it. So I figured the least problematic form of treatment for me would be the mini pill.
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marie90939 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 marie90939
jayneejay sharcerv52408
oh sorry to hear that..
i had issues with endometriosis in my thirties and had laser and all okay after.
they said it wouldnt be and suggested a hyster but i said no, so i was pleased ididn't, as the laser surgery worked 100%.
also had cysts before peri kicked in but they too sorted themselves out .
but... Think about Depo provera injection, i agree with bad side effects, as i had this twice before peri kicked in, ( three months apart) only had two in total, they caused me hell on earth, bled for 21 months after .. Suppose to stop periods, but some ladies never stop like me 😞 opposite effect..
i agree with you, think i would opt for mini pill too in tis situation..
good luck hun
big hugs coming your way
jay x
sharcerv52408 jayneejay
How have you been? Thanks for the reply. I will let you know how I get on.
shaznay96184 sharcerv52408
You don't mention your age: we're all oldies and obsessed by it on this forum!!
When my sister was in her mid-40s she had a procedures to help with her fibroids/excessive bleeding. I believe it was called a Uterine Ablation. This was extremely successful for her as her bleeding almost stopped from then on in. She's now 62, been on HRT for 7yrs.
I don't know if this is something that might help you? Maybe have a read about it before you discuss it with your Doctor??
I suppose the Mirena has been suggested because it releases hormones. Those I have known who have had one inserted either didn't have a bleed at all (result!) or were put off by the spotting. That person had it removed only to go back to horrible heavy periods: she really regretted having it removed.
Have a read about the UA. Of course it carries risks, as with any surgery, but for those I've known who have had it, it's been highly successful.
sharcerv52408 shaznay96184
jennifer01077 sharcerv52408
Fibroids are a really really common situation for women, I have masses of them (and masses of blood every month!). As far as I know, there is no solution to them besides Uterine Ablation or a hysterectomy (personally I think Uterine Ablation sounds wonderful).
I am really sensitive to pain too. I use anti-depressants for depression, but it helps with the sensitivity issues too. Also, I learned that low iron will REALLY aggravate the sensitivity to pain. So good luck with the mini-pill.
sharcerv52408 jennifer01077