Decreased Appetite,Losing Weight

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Hi everybody, I am still having issues with my lack of appetite. I have been having this issue for 4 months now. I am losing weight also. I don't want to lose anymore. I force myself to eat small meals throughout the day.

I had all kinds of test done. They show nothing abnormal. When I try to eat larger meals I get uncomfortable. Also it triggers my sympyoms, of anxiety and restlessness.

I really need advice on this one. Help!

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24 Replies

  • Posted

    You could try to use what is known as 'swedih bitters' to increase your appetite.

    Essentially it is a liquid herbal tincture made up of selected blended herbs that are slightly to quite bitter to taste.

    When a teaspoon is taken with a little water before meals, it can stimulate stomach enzymes and likely you will start to feel hungry a little while later. If you persist with it you will find it works well.

    What do you think is your lack of appetite related to? Are stressed, anxious or on medication that causes it. The answer could lead to how you can manage your health, digestive system and appetite.

    Feel free to ask any questions. I practise as a medical herbalist.

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      Well, this issue started a couple of years prior. When I was in Peri. I suffered from burning and indigestion. Had endoscopy and colonoscopy done. Both were normal. Eventually the burning and indigestion went away on its own. Now I have little appetite.

      Had my gallbladder checked, it is normal

      I don't know if it is because my hormones are still unbalanced. There have been days when I can actually eat good. Those days are not many. When I do eat large meals, the hot flashes, anxiety and insomnia come back.

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      I really don't know. I do know when I eat bread and carbs, I get stomach bloat. Maybe that is a sign.

  • Posted

    I had that issue last year. Barely had an apptite, was in a horrible funk, but slowly I regained my weight back. You have to get over worrying about everything, stop reading the Internet. You have to force yourself to eat. Ease your mind by doing more things outside of the house or where your mind gets trapped worrying about stuff. Once you do that. Your brain and stomach will work together cohesively so yoy are hungry when you are supposed to be, and you slowly will get your weight back.

    It takes awhile though, and its hard to get back into the swing, but you will get there. Keep eating.

    I lost 22 lbs. Last year like it was nothing. Literally, felt like I was dying. Had all these tests done too, everything was normal. Now I'm too heavy, and need to lose some. Can't stop eating bad food and always feel hungry. Just looking at food now, I gain it. Now I got all 22 lbs. back I lost and 10 more on top of it.

    You know I think loosing weight is part of menopause too, but my stupid drs. and gyno. disagreed eith me. Shows you how much they know.

    Hang in there Maria, just keep eating and keep your mind off worrying about it.

    • Posted

      Thanks for sharing that with me. All I would here about is menopause and weight gain. My doctors say the same thing. Women usually gain weight during meno. I wish they would tell my body that. I will have nothing left to lose eventually.
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      Not all women gain weight during meno several actually lose , even in pregnancey some women actually lose weight then too. 
    • Posted

      Yes, the pregnancy part is true. When I was pregnant with my son, I gained over 30 pounds. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I lost 25 pounds. A year later after having my daughter I gained 30 pounds.

      Maybe losing all this weight is preparing me for all the weight I might gain back.

      Why do women have to go through so many changes in life?

    • Posted

      Because we are females that populate the earth :-) AND you see Maria, pregnancey is also one HUGE bundle of hormones just like peri -meno and pms'ing etc... Was your gyn in a male?

  • Posted

    Maria, you will and can get sudden pouts of bloat throughout this entire long journey! I went through that and lost tons of weight and then after a year or so I went the opposite and GAINED tons of weight. Don't ley your anxiety play tricks on your mind, trust me it will just when you eat try high calorie GOOD FATS and eat throughout the day small meals if you prefer. You can also go to walmart and buy you ensure plus and drink in between meals to maintaine weight. I buy boost like it better because of chocolate lol. Get the ensure with high protien and high calorie thats why I said ensure plus (plus its very healthy) Relax meno and hormones has a crazy way of messing with appitite and digestion. DON'T dewell on it all is well and that appetite WILL return trust me! :-)  HUGS! ((((Maria))))))

  • Posted

    I had the same tests done along with CT scsn. Nothing. I do have diverticuli and had mild gastritis. They just told me tske prilosec whener I wouldceat something spicey. Plus, I have some lactose issues. They said I didn't with all my tests, but I know ny body and whenever I eat too much dairy some cheese or sour cream based and even ixe cream bothers me. I take a lactaid type supplement.

    Also, might be worth trying something like align that helps with the good/bad bacteria in your colon. Helps with the digestion problems, or it helped me.

    I still have some indigestion issues from bad foods I eat, but learned not eating them didn't help me put on the weight. So I chowed up pasta, pizza, burgers you name it, and eventually the carbs came back on me. Took me about 7-8 mos. to get some weight back on me.

    Not saying you should overload like that, but sounds like you need more carbs. Start eating toast, bananas - foods that stick. I definitelty drink my beer and wine too. Sometimes it bothers my stomach sometimes not. My system has been more irregular than not pretty much my whole adult life, but I definitely feel better when I don't deprive myself of foods I love. Even though I know they are bad for me. I just now have to try and portion control them better so I can fit in my clothes better.

    Good Luck Maria.

  • Posted

    Hi Maria, I can relate to that I'm a slim person and I tend to worry about my weight...they were times when I feel Sick and throw up can't get nothing down and had to force in order to stay alive

    i went from 10 stones to 9 stones my body still look bony some places...I think if I worry about it or things in general I would throw up and can't eat

    im trying ever so hard now especially with my stomach to lessen on the stress not agreeing with me and the menopause 

    im hoping it will get better for us soon God bless hugs xxx

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      I hope so too. Yesterday I ate a slice of pie, for the extra calories. I know it is not healthy, but I really need the calories right now.
    • Posted

      One slice isnt fine. Should have made it alamode. Dont deprive yourself of foods you love.

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