deep ache high upper right side
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I am really worried. First I haven't had a period in 16 months.
I have had this deep ache/ almost feels like knuckles pressed in my upper right side up under my breast. I don't know what it is. The only thing there is my liver. So now I am worried about liver damage/fatty liver/tumors/cysts/cancer. You see were this is leading? I really hate Google.
I though it was my right breast before. I don't drink alcohol. I don't drink caffeine. I am really overweight. I try and watch my fat intake and I am struggling to lose weight. I went to the ER because of right breast pain, now I wonder if it was under the breast instead. They did a chest xray and a CBC blood test and an EKG all was ok they said. That ache actually making my shoulder ache. My right upper back aches a little now because of that ache.
It isn't gallbladder because I am familiar with that issue. This is much higher. I had it before, but couldn't tell if it was my breast the rib area as the ache/pressure then was in the crease of the underside of my breast. This is definitely by upper right chest/rib area high.
I think my eyes look a bit jaundice, but my color blind husband doesn't think so. UGH.
Of course it is Friday night. I would go to the ER, but I am sure it is busy. I cannot sleep from this.
Anyone else have this issue? I took a 800 mg ibuprofen tablet (Motrin) earlier but it has had no effect. Another sleepless night worrying about my liver or what this could be. My only options are to wait for a Dr appt or go to ER or maybe Urgent Care tomorrow. I hate going in and be "The Girl who cried Pain" After awhile they stop taking me seriously. "Sure you have a pain".
I really don't think I am going to live through my 50's. It is so depressing. I know if I drop 50 lbs I would feel generally better. It is very difficult in menopause for me to lose even a pound. So very depressed and then add worry to that...
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Guest Keljo48
It sounds like gallbladder especially if you are getting shoulder pain with it.
Did they do liver enzymes with your bloodwork?
I know all too well that worrying, you really need to stop googling. Drink some warm lemon water. If the pain is unbearable than go to the ER, but if its tolerable than just call your doctor. They can schedule you for an abdomimal u/s or pet scan to see whats up. If it was something dreadful they wouldve seen it on the xray when you were there. Also, go outside to look at your eyes. Inside lights will sometimes give a yellow hue.
erin67931 Keljo48
I had this same exact pain a couple of weeks ago. It was the reason I joined this forum. The pain lasted about three weeks and went away. I was worried like you and googled everthing I could find. You are not alone. I hope the pain goes away.
DearDoe Keljo48
see your doctor. They can be more comprehensive the the ER. I am sure they will put your mind at ease.
Nancy2121 Keljo48
This was one of my 1st symptoms. I told my doc my liver hurt. Was sent for a scan which showed sludge in my gallbladder. That was years ago. Been menopausal for 16 months. The pain is still there, but I know it's hormone related. My latest bloodwork showed elevated liver enzymes and glucose. I drink beer almost daily. This has neen ongoing since peri. I'm currently searching for a Naturopathic doc, as my gyn and gp have no experience with bhrt. Lately sadness and depression have been consuming. Hope you feel better. This is the worst thing ever! I often feel like life is over. You're not alone.
Keljo48 Nancy2121
My other detailed reply is being moderated for some reason. But I have had a HIDA scan about 2+ years ago. I have a very slow (almost not working) gallbladder. I also had a ultrasound and blood tests. Appt with surgeon who seemed bent on scaring me off surgery. I am well versed on gallbladder pain. After the surgeon fiasco and reading about gallbladder removal issues. I decided to try and control it naturally. It has worked as long as I don't go off on a bad food binge. Which admittedly I do. I have also gained about 25 lbs after moving to our new area of the last four years on top of being overweight. Ugh.
I don't drink alcohol, I dont smoke, I don't drink caffeine. I cut my sugar almost out entirely. (I am far from perfect). I am trying to eat clean again. Veggies, lean meet, fish. fresh fruits. I take a multivitamin every day.
I do a shot of beet juice which is good for the gallbladder. It is gross but works. It does lower BP. I take BP meds and monitor my BP so I noticed a drop in my BP.
The high under the breast pressure/ache is way above the gallbladder. It hasn't bothered me last night and this morning so far. But that pain that almost feels in my breast muscle is the reason I am getting a diagnostic 3D mammogram with ultrasound Monday.
I went to my Dr's. RN practitioner last Saturday. She did a breast exam and ordered the mammogram. I called and asked to have my hormones checked this year, but have had no response back. I am going to make an appt with my Dr. to get an updated blood work done.
Plus I am trying to lose weight. I know that will help everything. It will at the very least stop me from being judged by doctors.
Oh and I am 50 years old. Haven't had a period for 16 months. Menopausal symptoms don't stop when your period does. I have had blood work, an ultrasound scan of my uterus and ovaries a few times with uterus pain last year with my Gyn. I have a small cyst in my uterus and my ovaries are shriveling up (my word) consistent with menopause my Gyn said. I was a bit depressed at the time with that info maybe feeling of lost youth and all that I think. FSH was 84.6 at that time. I admittedly worry sometimes a little bit sometimes more on the detailed goings on of my body. You know, weird aches and pains. When they last even a couple days it puts me on alert. That is from years of peri and a few years of not even knowing what peri was. If it is strong discomfort/ pain that last two weeks or more I make an appt with my Dr or Gyn. If it is especially worrisome I go to the ER or acute center and then follow up with my Drs.
I have had MRI's, breathing tests, a heart cath. So I know my Dr and specialist well.
I worry and post, not in place of medical advice, but I feel so alone in my issues sometimes as I think many of us do.
I tell my husband "Sometimes it feels like I am not only a woman on a ledge, but I am hanging off scraping and clawing with my fingernails to try and hang on" A bit of a colorful analogy. lol. Thank you all for your help and replies. I appreciate every one of you.
katyD211 Keljo48
Hugs, Keljo!! Your words speak for many and so many of the wonderful ladies on this forum. We are not alone in our feelings, anxiety and symptoms; and as crazy as this sounds-that's a good thing! If it weren't for the validation and sisterhood here, I don't that I would have anyone to talk to about this journey. My hubby tries to understand and so do my adult kids, but....
So...we will just continue to "meet" here and support one another. ♥️
katyD211 Keljo48
Go get your gallbladder checked. Sludge in younger years turns to stones...I've been through it.
Keljo48 katyD211
I should have stated that I am well versed in gallbladder issues I have had a HIDA scan of my gallbladder and ultrasounds. My gallbladder is very slow. No stones. I know what gallbladder pain is. I saw a surgeon that my Dr. recommended about having it removed, but the first things out of his mouth were he poo pooed the HiDA scan and also that it is possible that the wrong thing could be removed during surgery! WHAT? That was his leading statement??? Needless to say I didn't have the surgery, So I decided on homeopathic approach to it. That was almost 3 years ago. I am 50 years old. (51 in about 6 weeks) So I my younger years are well in the past, lol. This pain sits well about the gallbladder it sits up high at the base of my breast muscle. Sometimes feels like breast pain, but I am suspecting it isn't At least I will get my 3D mammogram and ultrasound on Monday to make sure.
Anyway. I am eating low fat, high fiber small meals and drinking organic beet juice. Increasing my vegetables and fresh fruits with fish for protein for awhile. Increasing my exercise. No caffeine, no sugar, no alcohol. I only drink alkaline water anyway. Trying to live cleaner.
I have the stitch/pain in the right side that is gallbladder. It sometimes feel like fingers pushing up under the ribs. I know gallbladder issues.
It is that pressure, ache much higher up in one area that is disconcerting. It hasn't bothered me yet tonight. I will make an app
As a side note. Beet juice is great for cleansing the gallbladder, but be aware that it can and will drop ones BP. I take BP meds and 6 oz of beet juice has dropped my BP about 13 points. I can only do 6 oz because I hate the taste of beets. I do it like a shot with a water chaser, lol. I also suffer from LPR. Laryngopharyngeal reflux. So I watch what I eat or I end up with a cough, mucous build up and hoarseness when it gets really bad. I have a prescription for Omeprazole that I use if I need it.
I am also trying to drop weight because I know it can acerbate many issues. Easier said than done. I am struggling pound for pound. After my mammogram on Monday I will make an appt with my Dr to reevaluate my gallbladder options.
I do appreciate all of you and everyone's help and experiences.
rebecca_68782 Keljo48
I understand completely. Have had the gallbladder thing for months. Finally did acupuncture and herbs, instead of surgery. Beet juice was a big plus. Add a little carrot or apple juice, makes it much better. Right now it is dizziness that is afflicting me. I agree with you. ugg.