Deep depression
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I have been having the so called "hot flashes" and feeling 80 for more than a year now. But one thing I have noticed is for the couple of days before my period I feel sooooo down, almost like life isn't worth living. I never had PMS or any such symptoms in my life now this...all at once.... what is next? 😮
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kelly55079 jamie37119
Yes it is depressing-- I don't have the hot flashes 'yet' but there are many days I feel 80... In fact, my parents are around 80 and do way more than me.. They are slow but still mow the lawn, chop wood and other projects too.. My PMS symtoms have been awful this last year-- those 2 weeks I'm really useless and understand the 'feeling low' part. Just try to be good to yourself... drink water, eat clean, any exercise is good and rest when you need too-- I used to feel guilty about naps or early to bed BUT our bodies need it!!! I take many supplements and really not sure they help but take them anyways per research, etc...
jamie37119 kelly55079
I do need to sort myself out. I craved sweet things in a bad way for ages and I got the flu and can't eat sweet things as much but I struggle to do most things now I am overweight and I am slow like a snail.... people older than me passing me on the street. I have two little ones to try and keep up with as well. So much fun haha.... I just want it all over now. This is a cruel joke I feel.
kelly55079 jamie37119
Yes it's very important to take care of ourselves. Start looking into healthy foods-- this is also great for you kids to adapt too. You can make a spinich smoothie with fruit and it tastes really good-- you kids will like it. Have you had any bloodwork done? Could be low in a vitimin which is why I take vitimins as a 'just in case' type of thing. I too crave the sweets and junk about a week before my period and I'm trying to change my mindset--- it's a process.
pamela2016 jamie37119
I never had pms either I never had changes many have during puberty but boy if this perimenopause hasn't really made up for all that. and yes it's very depressing and has really flip my world upside down.