Depressed and Balding
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My hair is disappearing rapidly. I've got long hair and its always fallen out to some degree but this last six months its got really bad. Its become very fine and snaps easily, when i wash it loads comes out in noticeable clumps.
I've noticed I can see my scalp now through my hair and I'm terrified I will end up bald, theres no sign of it stopping. It's terrible around my temples almost like a mans receding hairline.
I've been taking multi vitamins with extra iron and glucausamine tabs regularly but its not improving. I've been tested for low vit D and iron and both are in the normal range now. Iron was low a while ago.
What, if any, products can I buy to make my hair grown back? Is this hair loss permanent? I'm 44 and already feeling incredibly unattractive due to sagging/thinning skin and now my lovely long brown hair is disappearing. When will this end? I'm fed up of feeling rubbish all the time and now I'm going bald. It sucks! 😦
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jackie92665 Claire4474
hi, ive had the hairloss . have you had your thyroid checked. i have a thyroid problem and having it treated helped. i then had my ovaries removed and started losing my hair again .im now on hrt and its loads better. its still thin but i aren't shedding any where near as much as i was, its thickening again too. its lack of estrogen or low estrogen that can cause it. also to do with testosterone but ive no experience of that so can't really comment. it horrible losing our hair, i cried for hours every day whilst it was bad.its something thats not really spoken about but effects most of us.i hope its helpful. the other ladies can maybe help you more☺
Claire4474 jackie92665
Hi Jackie
Thyroid was checked in september last year. It has been checked a few times before that also and each time comes back normal. My doc has just said it sounds like I'm going through menopause after checking bloods for vit deficencies etc. I've been offered anti-depressants and nothing else. No mention of any hormones, which is annoying because I think they may help me. I've not had a period since May do I'm not sure if that's why I'm not being offered hormones.
jackie92665 Claire4474
Ask your doctor about hrt.look it up on the nhs website. its really helped me. i have the patches.
kelly55079 Claire4474
Yes, I agree it does suck and very unfair. You can eat foods that are known to help your hair-- eggs, avocado, etc... I use a hair powder for the super thin areas. I have researched about this and I suggest you do the same. I use an egg mask for my hair-- it's raw eggs that it supposed to make your hair stronger. I sometimes mix mayonaise, castrol oil and leave it in for as long as I can-rubbing it in your temples. Rosemary oil is also supposed to be good as well so I made my own with olive oil. I do have new growth but no idea if anything is actually helping.. But I'm hopeful so I continue-- I gotta do something. In the past I have bought some oils from an indian store that claim to help as well as using carrot and avocado oil.
jackie92665 kelly55079
hi, what hair powder do you use and how do you use it? thanks ☺
kelly55079 jackie92665
There are a few out there that could be better but I use Joan Rivers hair powder.
jackie92665 kelly55079
thanks, il have a look.
lori93950 Claire4474
im so sorry that is happening to you ... thats the worst thing for a woman . one side of my hair kept breaking off and it looked so strange . one side long one side short . have you had your hormones checked ? you may need to go on them to get yourself sorted out. poor us!!
may69987 Claire4474
i do have the same problemfir about 4 months , and i searched some solutions for strengthing the hair, one of them was ,fresh onion juice rub it to your scalp and leave it for 15 minites and then wash your hair with shampo, i try it twice and i notice a diffrent ,u can do it once a week ,i just hate the smell of it but it is working so i have to take the smell ،
amy341731 Claire4474
yes i have noticed my hair thinner, breaking and much shorter on one side or the other. Actually looks awful very frustrating, depressing to me. I have always struggled with a lot of hair breakage lack of growth,etc. getting to a point where is WAS OK now It’s breaking and straggly again...friends have said its due to coloring and its more frail as it gets gray but there is no way im going natural/gray...i feel old and hideous enough as is!! my skin has also turned on me in last 6 mos too! i look like a corpse!! not wrinkles, just an awful tone...welocome any answers and help! Thanks for being here!!!
MoodyNoire Claire4474
Have you tried biotin? It's good for hair and nails and maybe skin.
audra86673 Claire4474
Have you had your b12 checked? Low b12 can cause hairloss.
My hair was falling out last year. It got pretty bad and i was getting concerned! I had a full iron panel done and was shown to not only have very low in range iron but also ferritin. I was put on iron pills and after my levels rose, my hair has completely stopped falling out. I researched it and ferritin needs to be between 50-70ng/mL for it to stop falling out. Mine was at a 20 when my hair was falling out. It took about 7 mos taking iron pills and eating iron rich foods to get my levels up to a decent level and stop my hair shedding. You mentioned having low iron before and supplementing. If you're still having periods, you very well might have low iron again. Also, you can have low ferritin with normal iron levels. Good luck! I know how upsetting it can be to have your hair falling out.
Thanks ladies. Iron, B12 and other vit tests at the docs all came back as normal when I last had them checked in September.
I've noticed i now have hair growing where it wasn't before, like on my face! My friend who used to be a hairdresser recommended trying Nioxin. I'm sceptical but at this point I'll try anything since the doctor doesn't seem interested in giving me any hormones.
Has anybody got an itchy head also? I started getting a few little pimples in my scalp also, wondering if it's related. I'm due at the hairdresser nextweek for a colour and cut. Terrified even more hair will fall out but I'm that grey now theres no way I'm leaving it eu natural 😮
AJacynM Claire4474
Hi there,
Isn't it crap?!
This happened to me also. I was 42ish when it started, I'm now 46.
Have your hormones checked, i did and then went on hrt. Although I'm having issues with hrt regimes, the hair thinning defo got better with using oestrogen (in patch form for me) ... lack of oestrogen can cause hair shedding and i defo think that's caused me probs.
Sorry if there's any typo's up there, I'm rushing today..!
AJ. xx