Depressed and feeling like my body is out of control, please help me out

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Hi ladies, I am 48 years and glad to have found this forum. I have been through hell and back with so many symptoms  that left me completely worried, I have been to all check ups without  any concrete answer. This started 3 years ago,  is there anyone who's been through this for such a period? My symptoms range from anxiety, depressed, tensed joints, bloated stomach, foggy sensation in the head and very painful neck pains.

I also had problem with fibroids and had them operated on last year with the hope that the feeling would be better but the change is so minimal that I feel so depressed and not more energetic like before.  Is any  one going through this and what are the best remedies to handle this . Please help me out.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi flo shall we scream together??

    I know how you feel with the menopause it can send you potty! All those symptoms you have I get aswell.

    But not fibroids my sister has them though.

    But I had an ovarian cyst removed with my right ovary when I was 19!!

    That was really scary!

    But I have three children all big now.

    But the menopause leaves a lot to be desired!

    Some days I dont feel I'm here!

    Some days I feel like dying some days I feel like wishing I was never born!!!

    I get a foggy head, feel sick bad neck and back ache anyway I've got lower back scoliosis.. Which doesn't help me Atall but hey I'm still living!

    It is just one of those things we have to all go through.

    I think a trip to the health food shop helps to a certain point. Eating super foods and supplement foods. It does help😀

    But doesn't get rid of the symptoms..

    Us women get a real bad deal than the men don't you think?

    Anyway keep yourself happy, treat yourself to something, just something to make you feel better about yourself..

    • Posted

      Hi Elizabeth, thanks darl for your response. I  have been through a very rough time which seems to be hanging around for awhile.... But I am glad to hear from you that I ain't alone in this tough phase in life. I will try and be positive just like you. ((Hugs))  


  • Posted

    Hi Flo, I'm sorry that you've had a rough time.  I've had many of the same symptoms and am coming up on about two years in peri.  I had surgery last month to have an ovary removed that looked like it contained a mass, but the doctor found that it was actually a "floating" fibroid behind the ovary.  My mother also has trouble with a large uterine fibroid during her peri years ago, so this is familiar territory.  My doctor did go ahead and remove my ovary because it was discolored, but it wasn't cancerous.  Like you, I hoped somehow to feel better, but that hasn't happened, I too feel depressed and lack energy.  The bloated stomach drives me crazy!  Hoping we will both get through this with our sanity intact!  Take care.
    • Posted

      Hi Elizabeth, Thanks dear for your encouragement. I am just praying that peri thing leaves me in one piece but not in pieces but I am consoled to hear that I ain't alone in this journey. I thought child bearing pains were the only pains that were worse to bear but this peri one seems to have surpassed all this..... My only prayer is not go through another surgery coz of fibroids.

      My wish is to stay positive like you and not to let this many symptoms weigh me down.  I have started with supplements and sports and  my joints are feeling  better. Together we will make it. Wishing you sunny and better days ahead despite the health obstacles. Take care too!

    • Posted

      Thanks, Flo.  I would also add that, while I try to be positive, it just doesn't happen sometimes.  It's okay to slow down and rest when needed.  I've had a lot of rough days lately, but I get up and try to keep going on most of them.  I do hope that you won't need more surgery!

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