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i get so wrapped up in my head. i worry about WHAT IFS all night. i obsess about past mistakes ive made. I can remember every stupid thing I've said and done. ( but i cant remember stuff from last week). I have always been a worrier but this is becoming depression.
I only eat one meal a day just to maintain my weight. now any physical activity or chore has me sore for days. I so lonely in my head. my husband and adult children have no idea what i am going through. MY friends are to young to understand. Anything i tell my mom, she passes on to her church group and other family members. MY doctor says its normal perimenopause.
thanks for listening
christine 49
1 like, 7 replies
Mrsmull christine-Perim
ive suffered with depression for many years off and on ( lost my mam when she was only 46 and my ex husband walked out just over a year later leaving me with two young kids) but i have found it has eased since starting HRT im really lucky in that although my friends are all much younger than me (im 46 most friends still in their 20's) i have still been able to talk to them sometimes the act of getting off your chest is all you need
wen_54374 christine-Perim
Hi i know how that feels i am tortured with what it's all the time i have health anxiety and worry about so much and think i have something wrong with me .I hate the person i have become i just want to feel well i my head again .
nicky98482 christine-Perim
Hi Christine
I have also suffered with depression on and off for many years and I know depression is one of the many symptoms of being menopausal. If you already have depression it can make it worse and if you've never suffered from it then you can get it just like that! I take menopace to help keep my body level and I have acupuncture once every weeks. Exercise is also a great booster and regular massages to keep the body stimulated and circulated. Mentally, have a look a some phone apps but personally the one of use is 7 cups. hope this helps a little...
susan39015 christine-Perim
Hi Christine im sorry to hear that you are feeling this way. I know exactly how you feel I do the same thing. It feels uncontrollable, especially obsessing over the past mistakes you mentioned. Do you talk to anyone? Maybe going to a therapist and being able to get these thoughts off your chest to someone who doesnt know you and doesnt judge would help? I have an app called simply being-sometimes when i feel that way ill put that on. It truly is an awful feeling not being able to shut your mind off. As much as I dont want to I may start the prescription of lexapro my dr gave me, but cut the pill in half. My family and friends try to get me to realize, because they know i dont want to take it, that if i had diabetes id take med if i had a heart condition id take med and so on and that this is no different and there is no shame in it. Maybe a low dose of something would be helpful for you and talking with someone. Hang in there:)
kelly55079 christine-Perim
Yes, I believe I have some of that. I'm married with teen boys so noone really cares about what I'm going thru. It is very lonely. My aniexty can get bad with worries and when it does keeping busy helps. I do the best I can by keeping focused on myself and what I need to do to feel better-- That one meal a day is difficult but I heard that and fasting help mentally and physically. I think I'd like to try.. Last night I was reading how it balances hormones unless I was reading it wrong.
tt1969 christine-Perim
I obsess over everything too but you need to get a mood stabilizer from your doctor. Even a low dose if prozac will make you feel so much better. only problem is you can't drink when your on it. also, you have to eat better. Very small meals but more often. one meal a day messes with your digestion, your sugar, and your energy levels. Try to have more sex - even when you don't feel like it but it really helps. I'm starting to feel better but it is a daily effort...
Nettie261962 christine-Perim
I am going through all the same things you mentioned. The anxiety is the worse. I take lots of walks, started yoga a couple months back and stay connected with good friends that understand and are there for me. Every day is tough especially when I wake up. Have super bad anxiety in the morning and tremor like feeling in hands, arms, legs and more. Legs are super weak too. Menopause is awful. I'm 57 and have been in menopause since 48. These worst symptoms I mentioned above started a couple years back though. Before that it was mostly hot flashes and insomnia.