Depression and Severe Anxiety

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Hi everyone. My depression and anxiety has been off the chain lately, in spite of being on Effexor and Klonopin. I'm so scared of everything. Is anyone else going through this? Please I need some advice.

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39 Replies

  • Posted

    Bach's rescue remedy.  Seriously, you have to try it to believe it


    • Posted

      I was doing a little research into this and from what I have read it def seems to work for the aniexty...  I was hoping that it would also help for sadness.    Thanks for the info
    • Posted

      Amy, for sadness, look at the wild rose essense and the mustard.  You can mix these in with the anxiety essenses.  I take both of them in the mornings and what a difference they make in my day.  This past month I find I have to start loooking for one to combat this all encompassing fatique that seems to be the norm for me lately.
    • Posted

      what is that and do u take by mouth is it a kit or something would u mind giving me details i am desprate i have panic and anxiety through the roof!
    • Posted

      They are tinctures made from flower essenses.  They can be found at any helath food store or ordered online.  There are 38 different ones actually, all by Bach.  They are so safe that you can give them to children. I have used them on my grandchildren...and years ago on my youngest who had anxiety issues growing up.  The 38 different essenses are listed on Bach's website ( I can't give a link on here, but eay to find on google)  You can look at each individual esense and see what you need.  They are emotional healers, and when taken regualrily will heal the physical as well because it is all connected.  I highly reccommend them!

      Rescue remedy is the one you most likely should start with...and look at the others.  I have 8 of them here that I take regularly and they REALLY make a huge difference.  Simple and effective.  They do change the emotional state.  When I stop for a few weeks I notice that I sink right back into that perimenopausal load of symptoms...but within a day of taking them in the mornings I am back to my happy go lucky self.  The difference is quite remarkable

    • Posted

      Oh, and you take two to three drops by mouth of up to 7 different essenses, under the tongue
    • Posted

      Thanks so much.  I looked into all of them yesterday and ordered a combo of:  Elm,Gentiam, Mustard & Wild Rose.   When would u recommend me taking them?  I am thinking in the morning after I get up.   Thanks so much for all your help.

    • Posted

      I take two or three (someties more) drops every morning when I get up.  They sure make a difference getting me through a day.  Hope they work just as well for you, and I am certain they will!  I know someone who started them for bipolar and they made a bigger difference than his meds did.
    • Posted

      Awesome  Thanks I will def let you know how it works out..  I will take them in the am before work so that like you said it will get me threw the day.  And I also figured that even if Im feeling ok in the am  I will still take it.  Does that sound ok?


    • Posted

      Yes, take it full time for the next few weeks...all of them.  You will find your brain talking to you in a whole new uplifting way.  After you feel more balanced you can pick and choose which you may need that day.  And i carry Rescue Remedy in my purse full time.  The anxiety is the worst.

      I have to admit though that today I am moody...and enjoying brooding in it...ugh!  I really need to go back to the bachs website and find one to deal with that!  lol!

    • Posted

      Ok great. Sorry for all the questions. I have one more. Are they all mixed in the same bottle or do you get one of each?
    • Posted

      You will get one of each.  If you google, there is a way to make your own mixture by combining them all into a mixing bottle and taking just a few drops out of the one bottle, but I leave them all seperate and take a couple of drops of each as needed
    • Posted

      Ok great. I like the idea of one of each vs one bottle. I will just do like you said and take like 2-3 drops of each 😁 thanks so much.

  • Posted

    Hi Kathryn, I'm scared of everything too so you are not alone.. Even medications so I'm not on anything. I cry everyday and have really bad anxiety along with it, it's horrible worst time of my life by far!! I have no idea where I'm at in my cycle as I had a hysterectomy several years ago when I was 27, but I do still have my ovaries and I can say from the 20th of every month until the 7thor 8th of following month is hormonal hell for me, I'm a crying mess and can't take stress of any kind, then after the 8th it eases up and I'm ok for a couple weeks, then back to whatever symptoms want to pop up for that month.. I guess that's why they say brace yourself your in for quite a ride blah blah blah.... Hope you feel better soon😁

    • Posted

      I am experiencing horrible anxiety especially in morning and night time I feel like I am dying . 

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