Depression and your cycle

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Does anyone notice that their depression is worse at certain times than others?  I have been in a funk for a couple of days.  Worrying and ruminating.  Just can’t seem to shake it.  Just want to go to sleep and wake up and it be gone so I can enjoy my life!

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11 Replies

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    Think I've been in a funk for years! I started journaling my days. Writing down what time I wake up, what I eat, symptoms, etc. Last period was mid October, 2017. And YES, I have noticed a cyclic pattern when things are better/worse. When this started I was lucky to have a "good" week out of a month. Started cbd oil 2 weeks ago, which helps me sleep. Seeing my gyn Monday, hoping HRT is all my body needs. This menopause is pure hell! Hugs to you!?

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      Thanks Nancy.  Let me know how it goes with the dr
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      You're welcome and I will! Counting down the hours...?

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    All the time.  Bad day today, in fact.  I feel for you!  Exercise does help as well as keeping busy.  Eating a good  diet too.  Journaling helps too and having a few good lady friends to confide in and being able to vent   
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    Yes definetly, if find I am depressed more at certain times of the month, then it will lift.
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    Thanks ladies.  I am right in the middle of my cycle around ovulation.  I wonder if that has anything to do with it?
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    Oh my definitely! Anxiety too! I'm 53 and in full blown menopause. Not fun. I'm already an anxiety sufferer on medication for over 13 years. Menopause has worsened it. Every hot flash triggers an anxiety attack, but then it goes away. And the intrusive thoughts!!!! I'm doing a lot better now with diet and exercise, prayer (devout Catholic), organic supplements for menopausal women. I've completely cut out caffeine and sugar.... And I'm still fat and sleepy! LOL. I had a hysterectomy a year ago, still have ovaries, but I know when I'm cycling because I feel it mentally.

    The hard part for me is just being patient to weather this. But I'm doing okay. Just have to stay on top of it and not let depression take hold.

    Do you have a good doctor that you can discuss things with? There are some blood tests that can help determine if your deficient in some things... And you can also research how to boost serotonin in your brain to watch of depression. Surprisingly, it's through diet and exercise. Medication helps too, but it's just a small part of getting better.

    I understand wanting to go to sleep and wake up when it's over, but that's a trap. Depression will just get worse if you don't fight it.... And I know it's hard to do when you're tired and sad. It's a vicious cycle. But you can, because you're worth it!!! God bless you!!

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      Thanks Tammy.  I do take medicine for depression/anxiety.  But, I guess this menopause stuff is making it worse.  I have tried to go the more natural route, but it hasn’t worked so far.  I keep saying when my last kid leaves the house I will work on getting off of the meds.  But, right now I don’t think is the right time to lose my marbles.  Lol. I’m 46

      What was the reason for your hysterectomy?

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      Hi, you're probably in perimenopause ??... This will pass and you'll go into menopause then post menopause. Uggg. It can be so stressful. But definitely manageable!!!! So don't become disheartened. Some friends of mine didn't have one single hot flash it any kind of physical disruption! There is so much we can do to relieve these symptoms. So much!!! I don't think we take advantage of all the resources available. I'm not all about the organic, holistic side to everything, but I'm finding a lot of it does help. So I'm sticking with it. Plus my medication. I do take 25 mg of trazadone at bedtime. It helps me stay asleep and wake up without anxiety. It's not addictive and no withdrawals if I don't take it. It's been a big help. I don't think that stopping the medication after the kids finally move out is always a good thing. Another change to get used to, maybe menopause will be starting then.... And who knows what else, God forbid! I don't switch gears very well, so I know that I need the Venlafaxine. I've tried to wean off in the past because I was feeling better, but I've come to realize that I feel better because of it, and every time I got down to the bare minimum dose, my anxiety would creep back in.

      So just be patient with all of this, get some fresh air everyday, practice breathing and mindfulness. Try cutting down on your electronics....I find that causes me grief! You're going to get thru all of this!!!

      But as far as my hysterectomy, I was having very abnormal bleeding several years ago. We tried to regulate it, but it didn't work, so I had an ablation. My doctor found a stage 1 hyperplasia during the surgery. There ablation worked for over 4 years (no period), but I started my cycle again and because hyperplasias grow during cycles, we didn't want to take any chance of cancer, so I had the hysterectomy.... Then exactly one month later, I had a total knee replacement. Talk about fun!

      Anyway, I hope you start feeling better soon. Please hang in there and be patient!!!

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