Depression with Perimenopause /anyone else? help!
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Hi, this is Jenn I have written on here before and have always been helped. I am 51 and in the midst of Peri. Still getting my prd, lighter and shorter. But, the emotional feelings with Peri are terrible. One minute I am on top of the world, and the next minute I am crying with terrible anxiety. Before my prd last week I was happy, but felt very emotional and had anxiety. Now it is ending and I feel very down and depressed and hypersensative. Is this normal? is it the drop in estrogen? need some help..
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Woo3353 jennifer85396
hi Jenn
I would say its very likely to be peri symptoms, both estrogen and progesterone reductions will cause anxiety. Having experienced this myself for around 18 months and only just now feeling ready to come of Prozac (I took them as I couldn't cope with it) Its not nice but it does settle but if you can't cope speak too your GP
debbie12340 Woo3353
I’m the same as you ! Struggled rally hard with bad anxiety ! I’ve got Dizeapam to use, but only have a very small prescription so it’s has to be rally bad for me to take one !! Wish I could get more to be honest xxx
ImagineOneDay debbie12340
Hi Debbie, I am the same I am holding onto diazapem for my dear life in case I get really out of control. I haven't used it so far. I have 5-6 I think but keeping them almost fir big emergency! And in the meantime I am trying hard to cope with ups and downs. All the best
debbie12340 ImagineOneDay
I have to say they work brilliantly for me ! On the the very few occasions I have taken them they have made the world of difference. I’ve just got to hope and pray that I can get a repeat prescription. Are you in the U.K. ? I think it’s easier to get them if you are in the US. This meno crap is a nightmare isn’t it ? Deb xx
ImagineOneDay debbie12340
I am pleased to hear it. Do you get any side effects. Does it just relax ypu and makes you positive &happier?
Yes, I am in the UK. It was not easy to get them. I used to have a therapist and she wrote to my gp suggested I have vellum. But the gp refused it. This was about a year ago. They said due the addictive nature they don't give it out. A few months ago I met one and only sensible dr in my gp and he gave me a few diazapem and told ne not to take too often. I am trying not to use it unless desperate so that they can see I am sensible and hopefully -like ypu say it can be in repeat. We have to beg and price ourselves to have a better life. How sad it is. Keep well.
ImagineOneDay debbie12340
Sorry meant to say prove ourselves (not price) Also not sure what happened to my 'you' it appears ypu!
debbie12340 ImagineOneDay
I don’t get any bad side effects at all, they just make me feel very relaxed and nothing seems like a big deal anymore. I was lucky that a female Doctor at my surgery let me have some. I do wonder what I will do if she won’t give me another prescription ? I hope that she can see I’ve been very sensible with them and haven’t kept taking them. I’m assuming you haven’t taken any yet ? Are they 2mg tablets x
tina00239 debbie12340
Hi Debbie, just to let you know, to get the real benefit of diazepam (vallium) you need to build up a level of it in your body. I take 1 x 2mg tabs three times a day and I am much calmer than I was. My dr knows I am trustworthy and would not abuse the drug and he also knows that I have had to come off some really heavy addictive drugs that were prescribed for me in the past. The last thing anyone needs is to worry about dependence. The anxiety and panics and depression are more debilitating and cause far more problems. Once the menopause is coming to an end any benzodiazepine drug can be gradually reduced. At least with these meds you dont get the awful problems you can get with ssri's. They are not just addictive, but have some horrid side effects that last even when you come off them. You have to take what you need to get through this awful process. Are you on hrt or do you take a good strong menopausal vitamin supplement? You may need to look at these options too if you are not coping. Hugs to you XXX
debbie12340 tina00239
I would love to be able to take them on a regular basis, but I think I was lucky to get any at all at my surgery ? First GP I asked said no ! Then I saw a different one when I was really bad after my partners Mother died. You’re so right the worry of being allowed anymore is actually stressing me out. No, I’m not on HRT I can’t take it as I had a blood clot whilst on the pill many years ago and have a family history of beast cancer ! I’ve actaully sent you a PM to see what supplements you take ! Big hugs Deb xxx
ImagineOneDay tina00239
We are not allowed to take that much. Plus we don't have that many available.
tina00239 ImagineOneDay
Hi hun, it is so wrong to dangle diazepam at people who really need it like some sort of carrot to a starving rabbit! SSRI's that are far more addictive and have far more nasty side effects are handed out like smarties. I had a terrible experience on ssri's and even though I got off them some 6 or 7 years ago I am still suffering long term use damages from them. I've never had bad side effects from diazepam. Valerian pills are also quite good they could be described as natures diazepam! I make a hot drink at nightime with crushed valerian tablets in and it definitely helps to relax you and help you to sleep. If you want the recipie just let me know. I really feel for you ladies who dont have a dr as supportive as mine is to me. XXX
tina00239 jennifer85396
ImagineOneDay jennifer85396
I don't know what goes down or up but I certainly feel the same and it is not easy. Good luck with coping.
julie74885 jennifer85396
Hi Jenn
I am new to this forum and am suffering very similar.
I am due to see my GP on Thursday so unsure about estrogen levels ect, but what you have described is exactly how I am feeling, extreme levels of anxiety and hypersensitivity. My previous GP would not prescribe HRT until my periods had stopped (which they now have). I have a new GP who has been very helpful on other issues, so I'm hoping for a good outcome.
I'm just going to go there and tell her absolutely everything.
Maybe you should seek help from your GP as well. I hope things get better for you Jenn, keep your chin up! xx