Desperate For Help!
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I'm been dealing with frequent urination, burning, irritation and discomfort for two weeks now and it is driving me up the walls. The irritation seem to be coming from the external not internal except for the uretha. I have the urge to urinate all the time and when i release it burns like crazy! At first I started only with frequent urination until I ate some cake and other sweets seem to trigger the burning, and worsen it. I've looked and looked to see where is this severe discomfort coming from. It seem to be in the tissue or skin of the outer labia, the whole outer area including the urethra. There seem to be thinning and no elastic of the labia. Sorry if this is TMI but i really dont know what to do anymore and i hope its nothing serious. I've had the irritation before on and off but never to this degree. Last time I used the estrogen cream and it helped but this time nothing seem to work. I read about atrophy, could this be it?I have tried everything from otc uti kit, it was negative, drinking cranberry juice, yeast cream and suppositories, probiotics (the cream and probiotics seem to help a bit) , biest and bhrt progesterone, soaking in baking soda, drinking baking soda, vmagic cream, etc. The yeast suppositories burned like crazy! I dont know what else to do. I have an appt to my gyn on Monday, it was scheduled on this past Monday so in the meantime, I had to endure another week of misery along with my other symptoms. I wished this on no one, because this is misery. If only I had something to knock me out to escape the misery!😭 Does anyone know anything that I can do besides whats been done already? Do you think this is serious? With the estrogen last time it helped but it was premarin and this time its BHRT. I stopped the biodentical estrogen and progesterone because I noticed the symptoms seem to worsen with the progesterone and with estrogen didnt really notice any difference with it ( bhrt) like i did last time.
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Guest mary27278
Are you forcing as much water as you can?
mary27278 Guest
Suzanne water is all i drink . I drink nothing else, only lots of water. I'm hoping not a uti , though the otc uti kit said negative. Because, i cant take antibiotic due to gastritis, i made a big mistake last year and OMG did i regret it! Ive been taking oil of oregano instead. Thanks for your suggestion.
Guest mary27278
It really sounds like a UTI how you decscribe it. It’s miserable and I don’t think anything will work but antibiotic. Sorry
may69987 mary27278
Sassyr12a mary27278
Hi Mary
I know what you're going through, I had the same symptoms but mine usually showed as a uti although it never came back as anything when they did the cultures. It became a weekly problem as you described and I'm waiting to see a urologist, but in the meantime started bhrt. If seems much better and I read that menopause can cause all of the issues described, as it narrows the urethra resulting in inflammation. See what your gyn says, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about (easy to say I know) but it can cause atrophy and so the gyn will have some answers I'm sure. I'll keep everything crossed, keep your chin up and good luck xx
littleme1969 mary27278