Developed new fears?? Scary or worrisome thoughts?

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Since I started "peri"...I have developed new fears like driving in traffic or driving long distances especially by myself. I also have worrisome and scary thoughts that spike my anxiety. I have heard a few women have gone through this but is this related to fluctuating hormones that effect our chemical balance in the brain or what is it?

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi valarie, it is due to changing hormones. I experienced fear of traveling to far from home, also became claustrophobic for awhile also. Since going through menopause those symptoms have disappeared completely.

    I don't know how long or when it will end for you, but it does stop eventually.

  • Posted

    Hi Valarie, I too myself had those symptoms got better but still not fully recover from it 

    I have not been very far out yet since meno started...but have got back out further then I have in ages, yes I agree it's hormones causing this hope will completely subside when I'm in post.

  • Posted

    Hi Valarie

    Thank god is not just me!! I have this for the past 2 years! Everytime my husband mention vacation and travelling I try to find any excuse so we don't go, and if we do its hell for me..trying to pretend everyrhing is fine! Also, scary thoughts going through my mind as wellsmile my children are so tired of me calling them every day countless times if they don't answer I panic so bad telling them to be careful asking them if they feel ok..I use to travel with my work every week on planes, cars, trains and now grocery store is fine by mesmile

    Hopeful all of these will go away soon!!

  • Posted

    Hi Valarie

    I had fears just like you described. I never feared being

    alone then all of a sudden I was scared all the time to

    the point of sometimes rocking and shaking in a chair.

    It came out of nowhere. Well that started about 4 years

    ago now it's gone but just went away one day. This peri

    menopause stuff is crazy. I'm now 49 and I'm starting

    to feel some what normal again. I still have really bad

    medical anxiety! Hopefully that will leave the same way.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply maureen. Wow I've heard and read some pretty scary stuff. I hope and pray we all get through this stronger than ever. The health anxiety is pretty common from what I understand. I'll definitely keep you in my prayers!

  • Posted

    I had this for a few years as well.  I had a five mile radius that was my comfort zone, anything outside of that made me ill to think about going.  It was horrible and no one understood.  Everyone said I had to break out of my comfort zone.  I couldn't.  For three years I needed my husband to go everywhere with me.

    Before all that I did all kinds of things.  

    And I am slowly getting back there now again except there are other troubling symptoms that keep me close to bowel issues  UGH!  Does it ever end?       

    I am 47 and have been riding this roller coaster of different symptoms for 6 years now.  Each phase is just as hard as the one before, just different symptoms!  lol!  Hopefully I don't have much further to go

  • Posted

    I appreciate all of you sharing your stories. I swear this whole peri & Menopause thing just makes you feel Eli like you're going craz.. I have this fear of that just losing my

    mind. Depression runs in my family. My Grandmother was very severe. She ended up having to go into a psych facility. They could never regulate her meds but of course times have changed and we can treat mental illness better now. But my Mom said she got worse at Menopause well that just fuels my anxiety that I already have, She went through shock treatments etc. So that is my fear based anxiety problem. I've lost friends because they say I've changed I guess cause I'm more cranky. It's just a weird thing how it plays with your mind. I'm praying for al of us. #menopausestrong

    • Posted

      I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother but think positive, it will be fine..I know it's scary I know someone she commited herself to a facility she couldn't deal anymore with the anxiety. Im sure all of us come to a point feeling we going crazy! YOU know what helped me the most being on this site. Everytime I felt overwhelmed and scared...I would read everyone's commons over and over and it would made me feel better knowing I wasn't alone and I wasn't going crazy..

      I lost friends also because I kept my distance from everyone not wanted to talk..

      Hope you will feel better

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply. My Grandma didn't have to stay in she just went for a while. She was a sweet wonderful woman. Back then they just didn't know how to treat things like they do today. I know this is temporary but the symptoms are scary and I live alone so I have more time to think. My pain is so severe I don't feel like getting out I think it's just inflammation in my pelvic area. Drs are missing something. I just pray daily that's allowed I can do. Thanks for your input.

    • Posted

      I have a grandmother and a couple of aunts that lost it through menopause as well, so for me it is also a very scary thing.  I feel like i kind of lose it at times as well although thankfully it is easy enough to shake at this point.

      One thing i did do that made a huge difference is start cancelling every negative thought as they come and replace it with a positive thought.  DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO DWELL ON A NEGATIVE THOUGHT. ever.  Replace it right away with something light and fun...a good memory, a goal or dream...anything, just make it positive.

      It really does change things.  It is hard at first but gets easier over time.

      It is only when we allow that negativity a place that it can take route and drive us nuts

  • Posted

    I have been exactly the same. It was really bad but it has subsided

    somewhat, but I am afraid to say I am still suffering and I am 56 and

    postmenapausal. I like to stay in my comfort zone and only really travel

    10 miles on my own which I still feel a bit anxious about but I will do it

    because I want to go and I am going to try as much as possible to be

    normal again. I think I have had all this so long now I have kind of got

    conditioned, so I must break myself out of it and all you ladies must do

    the same.

    I went to a music gig with my husband last night, I was dreading it

    as I haven't been for years, and it wasn't bad at all!

    So get on with your lives and do things even if you find them scary or

    you will end up being miserable and have no social life at all.

    I wish you Valarie and all of you the very best?

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