Diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia
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Went to GYN today did vag ultrasound to measure my uterus I don't remember measurement but she said it was thick and wants to do a D& C and biopsy ... I'm 53 thought I was post menopause but had a period after a yr and half and I'm overweight so fat stores estrogen creating thick lining ... I'm a nervous wreck she wanted to do biopsy in office I was too scared she couldn't even do pap ... I'm phobic when it comes to GYN haven't been in ten yrs that's not good I know .... I have had a child and c section yet I can't be still for a simple Pap smear now I have to fear cancer I'm trying to look on bright side and not worry ... And I have to stop reading ... I know I'm at risk I have all of them but praying the biopsy is negative or the peace and willingness to do what I need to do if it isn't .... Anyone share thoughts or same issues would be welcome ...thanks
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Snowbell1975 kathleen69032
kathleen69032 Snowbell1975
debbie03785 kathleen69032
kathleen69032 debbie03785
debbie03785 kathleen69032
i was having a pre med check prior to a gallbladder operation and the nurse picked up a trace of blood in my urine. I hadnt had a period for over a year at that point, but was still having peri symptoms galore. Casually mentioned it to my gp a few weeks later when seeing her about something else. Next thing I was legs akin aaaaggghhhh! She referred me for a scan and thats when it was picked up. When I Saw the gynaecologist, she tried to do the hysteroscopy at her clinic, but it was too uncomfortable. So had tthe GA. it was all a bit of a shock, as I was just ignoring the urine result. I have since had a little spotting twice, but as Im still having peri symptoms, Im not overly concerned. the only time I was really anxious was after I came out of theatre and waiting for the gynae to tell me what she found. Im hoping over the weekend you get more posts, or have a look back at previous posts to hopefully put your mind at rest. Xx
unico31026 kathleen69032
kathleen69032 unico31026