Did anyone's symptoms seem to just hit overnight?

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I'm 48 years old, and I have had symptoms creep up on me that I suspect were perimenopausal for the last few years. Nothing too terrible...just a general feeling of blah. I was feeling a bit relieved thinking "if this is the worst of it, I can do this."  Needless to say, that must have just been the opening act to The Big Show. I woke up one morning about 6 weeks ago to the most horrible nausea, panic attacks and crying jags that last until noon.  WTH?  Almost overnight, I have changed into a sobbing, weepy mess. I can barely function until noon most days which makes the sadness worse so it is a viscous cycle. I'm on Paxil (3 days in) which has helped my moodiness immensely, but makes the nausea 10x worse. Again, a viscous cycle.  Anywho, I hope this bit of peri leaves as quickly as it came. 

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Nolegirl - my panic attacks also kreep in over night. I was not aware of this being a symptom of peri until I came a cross this forum. It helped a lot just knowing that you are not going crazy nor alone. I do hope that we all feel better soon.
  • Posted

    Hi yes very similar story. Looking back I would've been peri menopause for at least a year with hot flashes that weren't much of a bother and my period slowly stopped but that was actually good. Had some morning nausea, fatigue and migraines the were bad. Then the moods hit me hard and I think suddenly too. I would cry uncontrollably, get extremely angry and irritable. Have dark obsessive thoughts all day and I truly thought I was losing my mind. Working was near impossible and just getting through each day a monumental struggle. I'm getting better with bio identical hormones but its taken 6 months to feel close to normal. What ever that is...

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    Yes, not peri but menopause symptoms were like BOOM! You're in menopause! Same happened to my sister. She just woke up one morning and though she was going crazy and after that her husband was taking her to doctor after doctor(it was so bad she didn't even feel she could drive).

  • Posted

    Hi Im 46 and can sympathise completely. Went through hot flash stage (about 30 a day for a year) that has passed. Then came the anxiety, depression, and weight gain over night. It was very scary and i felt like i didnt know who i was anymore. I would take hot flashes back in a heartbeat. The mental stuff can be frightening. I found that as my hormone counts shift so did my mental stability. I started using progesterone cream and it has been a life saver. You can order on amazon or other sites. Please give this a try! Took about 2 weeks but I feel like myself again. Wish o had started using this 6 months ago. Best wishes I pray you feel better. And, hang in there you are not alone! This will not last forever, you can get through this!
    • Posted

      Is there a specific brand of cream?  I just ordered some estrovan from Amazon and I'm stalking the mailbox waiting for it. 

  • Posted

    Yes mine seemed to hit overnight when I turned 48. Mood swings, anger, crying over stupid stuff ( like on TV). I have had a horrible time with it, and HRT seemed to make it 10 times worse. Hang in there it's one helluva rollercoaster ride.

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      I just started in Paxil and my moodiness is much better but the nausea is completely debilitating. Not sure what's worse. 

  • Posted

    This is me, exactly!!!!

    I have had mild symptoms for years. But ... Two and a half months ago, BAM!!!! Overnight I had terrible anxiety, panic attacks, crying jags, irritability, foggy brained, feel like my head is going to explode, ringing ears, hearing loss, hearing sensitivity, clearing throat, difficulty swallowing, loss of taste and smell then intensified sense of taste and smell during period.

    The anxiety and panic attacks are the worst symptoms.

    I am having acupuncture twice a week and I am taking a supplement that supports the adrenals and thyroid. It is helping me.

    Hang in there.

    • Posted

      Sounds just like me! Really good and bad to know i am not alone. Think my husband is over it. The new crappy crazy version of me. Thanks for chatting ladies has helped a bunch. The smell thing happened to me i had never heard anyone talk about it. Thought it was in my head.
    • Posted


      It is helping me. I left you a more detailed message but it is waiting to be moderated. I will send you a private message later.

  • Posted

    Hi All like you suffer deadly flashes anxiety crying just had my hrt increased (ellestte solo 2mg and also take paroxetine 20 mg that just allows me to function. Anxiety hits at night

  • Posted

    Yes anxiety worse symptom.mines on waking lovely start to the day! Evil Peri meno.cant believe is so bad for us.vitamins and correct diet help.

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