Dietary changes yields big relief!
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I'm prettt encouraged by this very quick relief I seem to have gotten just from a couple basic changes in diet and lifestyle without even yet getting my prescription filled ( I will but now it's not so urgent )
Recently I read about using more natural or raw foods, instead of refined breads and fast food. So out of pure desperation from the agonizing symptoms I was having as much as I love food, I went out and bought veggies, almonds, pistachios, avocados and olive oil, cous cous, etc. Riggt away changed my diet from mostly refined processed foods to mostly natural foods with just a little processed foods. Started drinking more water, less diet sodas, also taking time to do basic stuff like stretch and breathe. I'm really sensitive to everything good or bad, so I guess something as simple as cutting back on refined foods and eating salads and nuts and lentils instead has already cut my hot flashes from about ten severe episodes a day to only maybe 3 mild ones. Also the symptom I was having a lot of discharge has also reduced dramatically now it's only a little, not constant and don't need to wear a maxi pad for it. The anxiety symptoms are less however I have severe ptsd separate from this so that is not going to be cured by diet alone at all however the more menopausal symptoms of getting hot flash then heart palpitations and meltdown mode has reduced. Just wanted to share not to discount the power of natural things like eating more natural foods and breathing
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kelly55079 danielle35642
Yes.. I believe it!!! Have you lost any weight with the changes? The natural whole foods are best for you for longevity, etc... I have done the same thing--- eat fruits, veggies, lots of salads, make lentil soups, chicken veggie soup then freeze some too. Great results BUT then I start craving sweets then it leads to fast food.. It's a horrible cycle but I'm determined to stick with it one of these days. I absolutely feel so much better when I eat and drink the right foods.
danielle35642 kelly55079
Hi Kelly,
Yes I have which I also desperately need to do anyways-- I believe in large part my low estrogen levels and whatever else has changed in my body has really been a big force behind why my body has been holding on to excess weight so easily because I don't eat a lot of calories , I think the combination of excessive stress and low hormones made me put on weight above what calorie intake could account for. So when I started the raw foods thing it was to help quickly get my weight to start going down and at same time put a counterattack on my hormone levels-- my number one trick is to carry a little baggy of raw almonds pistachios peanuts raisins and cashews in my purse- then when I get hungry or my blood sugar gets a little low instead of grabbing whatever processed snack is around I just munch like a chipmunk haha on my nuts and fruit, not a lot because of calories but just a small handful, with some water or plain iced tea w lemon, and it really helps give me protein so I'm not having the desire to munch on a donut cookie or candy,..... I went to eat yesterday where they're big top seller is chicken- broiled so that's fine. But I'm trying to steer more towards beans lentils that kind of stuff so instead of chicken I ordered a side of black beans, small side of rice, side of avocado and a dollop of sour cream- they put it all in a bowl for me and it really had so much more flavor than the chicken. It left me satisfied but not stuffed or full, just satisfied. Other things I've been doing is try to wait a couple hours before eating breakfast, then I have a fruit and either a plain yogurt or egg. A few times a week I do some light exercising on the elliptical and some stretching or a little walking. I lost about 5 lbs by the second week. I am going to try and shore up a little more to where maybe 15% more of what I eat is raw-- salad, lentils, cous cous, nuts and fruits, avocado, some olive oil are mainly what I want to focus my diet on, but still allow myself occasional normal food like scoop of ice cream etc so I don't crave it
2chr2015 danielle35642
Such a great post. Thanks for sharing. I really need to hear this right now. I was almost completely a vegetarian, which does have its benefits with weight loss. I was juicing too. But eventually, I lost too much weight and I believe was beginning to lack some nutrients. Not that being a vegetarian caused that, I just wasn't being balanced in what I ate. Anyways, I think it threw my hormones out of balance. Over the past several months, I have gained 17 lbs. which I needed and since then a lot of my symptoms have improved. I think balance is so important! I have definitely not been eating very healthy lately and like someone else said it is a vicious cycle. This post encourages me to get healthier.
danielle35642 2chr2015
Glad it was helpful-- I am not by any stretch the type to enjoy extreme diets, hey I love food and enjoy to be honest comforting my anxiety (I have ptsd and depression) with some chips, ice cream or pasta etc... but my symptoms were so out of control I tried this out of pure desperation... and now that I see how quickly my body is responding positively to it I want to try and keep it up. I still do get some hot flashes but the difference is almost night and day-- less than two weeks ago I was multiple times a day getting those sudden heat flashes followed with ton of anxiety and like I was gonna meltdown emotionally and hold ice on my face or head. Now I'm getting maybe two or three real mild flashes, had one a few hours ago, it was mild only last a bit and didn't need to run to get ice etc.
2chr2015 danielle35642
That is awesome. I haven't had issues with hot flashes in a while. I was having more trouble like that when I was under weight. I also have anxiety and depression for a while now. That's probably why I became so OCD about my diet etc. I love comfort foods too. I've always been a stress whole life.
kelly55079 danielle35642
Anyone interested in starting supporting emails about healthy recipes? Just send me a message with your e-mails. Like I have a bag of chickpeas (not cooked) so what do I do with them? I'm sure I bought them for protein maybe? Would they be good in a soup? I also have been reading this book by a nutritionist and she claims that eating the right foods can heal just about any disease.