Different symptoms every day

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Every day I seem to wake up hoping that it's going to be better then the previous one . Unfortunately this doesn't happen very often. I seem to always have something wrong with me and never really feel well . A lot seems to centre around an unsettled stomach feeling and lack of appetite . I'm just getting over a bad migraine that knocked me for six and due on sometime this week . Then yesterday I went back to the tight , breathless feeling in my chest . I ended up at A&E previously and it was all down to anxiety . I had a vivid , horrible dream last night , really gruesome , so even when asleep I must have fear running through me . I am so fed up of this constant feeling of being unwell , especially the nausea and the constant anxiety and unease . How long will this all go on ? I am 49 in 2 months, so I may be in this for the long haul , but I don't know how much longer I can cope

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17 Replies

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    Dear Jane, poor you. I wrote something almost identical to this a couple of months ago so I understand - I was the same and ended up in A and E with chest pains convinced I was having a heart attack, totally convinced I promise you it was that bad. Stayed overnight had all the usual checks plus chest X-ray - nothing wrong and put down to anxiety. It's real and it's there and very convincing - all the other rotten symptoms so many of us are going through on a daily basis, feeling so ill all the time sadly for some of us is very common and feeling we can't go on is also there. There is lots of help and support here for you , somehow we do find the strength to go on - have you spoken to your doctor about how you're feeling ? I cant go as anxiety won't let me but maybe a chat with him / her would help. Look after yourself and talk to lots of other lovely helpful ladies here, Lou x
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      Hi lou! loo loo here. I remember talking to you...Is it possible you could get a doctor to visit you at home because of your severe anxiety?...to talk about hrt....and/or going on a low dose of fluoxetine?(anti depressant) If I remember right, is it because you have had migraines before that they didnt want to put you on hrt? many of the ladies on here who have suffered lots of headaches/migraines (including myself) have gone on to low dose safest regimen of hrt have seen big improvement with their headaches (mine are virtually absent now). with close monitoring of headaches of course. You actually sound a little better in your current posts then when I spoke to you a few weeks ago.....in that you sound more accepting of what's going on with peri, reasoned & a wee bit stronger. What do you think/feel? xxx
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      Hi looloo ! Yes it's taken me a long long time to get my head round what's happening to me - maybe reality kicked in when I went to hospital and they had to tell me over and over again it was just anxiety, when I say JUST anxiety im not trivialising it at all what I mean is nothing life threatening even though it feels like it at the time, meno and anxiety do go together and it's learning to accept it that's so very hard. Our brains keep tricking us into believing there is something sinister going on as we have such nasty symptoms and it keeps fuelling the anxiety with every new symptom - trouble is every new symptom brings more problems and so it goes on. Our surgery would not do a home visit unless it was absolutley totally necessary im afraid and as its just down the road and I can walk and drive they expect me to get there and I still don't feel ready for that - weird really as I felt ok going to the hospital , maybe more of a non judgemental safe place to be ? Ive felt patronised and belittled by my own ( male ) GP. and it's put me right off going to see him, the lady doctor is only there once a week and she gets too booked up and rushed so it is difficult, or am I making excuses ? I don't know - this is another hurdle I'll cross when I have no choice and can't cope....... Hope you're doing ok xx
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      Hi lou. You are definately a bit stronger than few weeks ago you know! Hats off to you girl!! I would make an appointment with the female doc, even if its not for a few weeks, that time soon passes, & I think you should discuss possibility of low dose safest regimen of hrt with careful monitoring of headaches/migraines. mine are virtually non existent now, & many other ladies on here report the same. The biggest improvement I have found so far with the hrt was with the mental symptoms & headaches, ie anxiety, panic, erratic low mood, tears, even temper (i never used to have a bad temper before peri). keep at it Lou, I know it's tiring fighting it all the time, but you sound like you're definately on the right track with your understanding of what's going on, & accepting it's not the real Lou!! I am doing fine on the hrt 2.5mths in. Still very tired all the time, but I am unwell with a colitis flare at present which is contributing. xxx
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    Up until last year I very rarely went to the doctors , but since then I reckon they think ' oh no , not her again ! ' . I have spoken on numerous occasions about this all put down to age , hormones and the loss of my mum at the end of June last year . It's all been a downward spiral since then . The doctor has put me citalopram , an anti depressant following me crying in his office , most embaressing . The thing is should I carry on with the tablets as if a lot is to do with hormones are they really helping the situation ? I still have the anxiety and everything else . Xxx
    • Posted

      Hi Jane. I totally feel for you hun. I am on anti depressant escitalopram for clinical anxiety/depression for last 6yrs or so at a maintenance dose to keep me "as me" & not suffer further bouts as I have done since my 20's (I am 45). When I started my peri approx 4mths ago I upped my escitalopram to try & stop me losing it at work as a stop gap until I was able to see my gp. It just sedated me more & made my already mental foginess worse (I believe because the ad's didnt really deal with erratic hormonal mood/anxiety/temper as opposed to clinical anxiety/depression). When I saw my doc, she concluded I was in peri for many many reasons. after long chats we decided on a low dose safest regimen of hrt: estrogen gel nightly, & micronised progesterone tablets on days 15-26 of a 28day cycle. (micronised progesterone is a less synthetic form of progesterone apparently more effective with peri symptoms than synthetic progesterone). this was on 1/4/16. 2-3wks in i reduced my ad's to normal maintenace level, the biggest improvement with the hrt so far has been with the mental symptoms of erratic mood, tears, anxiety, panic, brain fog,intense headaches, which were causing me the most problems. my only side effect has been fuller/firmer feeling boobs (happy days!), slightly tender sometimes. Jane if you haven't already, I would strongly recommend you talk to your doc about a poss 3mth trial of hrt. One other thing, there is an ad called fluoxetine that many ladies on here have found helpful in "softening" peri symptoms. a friend i used to work with in her 50's/meno takes this, & finds it really helps even her out mentally, so may be worth enquiring with doc about a low dose (perhaps try hrt first not at same time or you won't know what's working/not working). Although Iogic tells me ad's don't really help with peri/meno mental symptoms as it's not the same as clinical ongoing depression/anxiety (peri/meno more erratic), this particular ad, seems to help ladies. if it helps - it helps!! hope this post helps you hun. any more questions, chat or just a vent - go girl! xxx
  • Posted

    I was having many of those symptoms until my ObGyn started me on progesterone & estrogen.  The forgetfulness, depression, odd weight gain and headaches subsided a bit.  You have to find someone who can prescribe the correct dosage for you.  It didn't cure the symptoms but it did help, especially with the night sweats, but I believe it also kickstarted me back into having periods, the first one last week in 4 years.  Now I'm dealing with unusually heavy bleeding and will go to see my regular practitioner this week.  I'll let you all know how it goes.  Good luck to you all.
  • Posted

    Hi Jane I know the feeling me too and I will continue to think that tomorrow it will be better, it so frustrated for us with these symptoms being hit all the time drive me mad,we are strong and will keep going trust me prayer to god to get through it like I did watch my sister went through this she is now better so it does eventually lift.
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      Thank you for your words of encouragement , as they really keep you going , especially when you realise that you are not alone . Sometimes I think I'm either losing it completely and going mad and other times just generally unwell . Oh to be a man ! Best wishes Jane Xxx
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    42 yrs old and just past few months been having several different types of symptoms! The emotional roller coaster ride! One min I'm happy next so depressed that just want to pull my hair out! U too have been having chest pain!but I also have a lung disease that carries same color chest pain! I'm just so frustrating,so glad to know in not crazy!

  • Posted

    Hi Jane, you are not alone.  I'm having trouble with my Crohn's disease and going thru peri with it is hell.  I rarely feel truly well anymore. Anxiety makes it all worse.
    • Posted

      Dear Elizabeth. That must be terrible for you trying to cope with such a dreadful disease as crohns as well as peri. I do know what you mean when you say you rarely feel well. I suffer with colitis, but is bad enough trying to keep in remission (I am unwell with a flare at the moment), but thank god, the hrt I started at beginning of april is keeping my mental symptoms of peri under control. Do you/can you take hrt to help symptoms of peri? hrt made the biggest difference to my mental symptoms. xxx
    • Posted

      Hi Looloo, I don't think HRT will be an option for me.  I've had Crohn's for 20 years now and it was initially diagnosed as mild Crohn's colitis, but in recent years, my colonoscopies have shown patches of disease in places that had not been previously affected, and I also had a polyp removed.  In April, I had my right ovary removed as scans made it appear to contain a mass, but it was actually being shadowed by a floating fibroid; however, the ovary had to come out anyway due to discoloration and other surface characteristics that were suspicious, but pathology results were benign.  I also had benign uterine and cervical polyps removed.  I think that enough weird things have happened to me in terms of those experiences that HRT would make me worry more about getting cancer.  I'm sorry that you are suffering with a flare-up, I know too well how awful that is, and I hope you feel better soon and take good care of yourself.
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      Hi Elizabeth. Thankyou for your kind words. If hrt is not an option for you to help with meno symptoms, I wonder if you have considered trying low dose of an anti depressant called fluoxetine? A friend in her 50's I used to work with takes it for coping with peri symptoms & get on very well with it - it "softens" her symptoms, particularly the mental ones. I have read on here a few ladies have tried it for peri/meno & it helps them unlike other anti depressants which really only deal with clinical depression/anxiety (ie not related to peri or meno). Just a thought for you....xxx
    • Posted

      It would be nice to find something that would help.  I may check on that.  Thanks!

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