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Hello my lovelies

I hope we are all ok !

Just started to get the feeling of bloating and kind of wind,rumbling and digestion Pangs. Hope this makes Sence.

Anyone else ?

Thank you

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes it's happened to me - very noisy tummy, reflux and terrible bloating and constipation.  Really really uncomfortable - I was panicked and thought I had all sorts of diseases - omeprazole worked for me (indigestion pills) and for the bloating - eating less and being relaxed by not worrying and then it goes but it will rear it's ugly head again - goes in swings and roundabouts I'm afraid but all part of the sodding process. Hope this reassures


    • Posted

      Yes Sophie all sounds familiar. Different toilet from day to day. Thank you very much for sharing X
  • Posted

    Hi Jerry yes me too, nasty stabby pains in random areas of lower tummy, wind, constipation, bloating etc. I find things slightly better if I eat small amounts and avoid processed foods - not easy x
    • Posted

      Hi Lou. Thank you for sharing. Not so much of the stabbing pains as yet ! But all the rest. Do you feel at tummy button and above as well ?

      Thank you x

    • Posted

      Yes at times feels like it's inside tummy button it's horrible and a little above too. Seems to come in waves and is really bad for a few days and then goes away , starts with a stitch like pain and erupts from that. Since I've been very very careful with food it is a bit better, whole foods like oats, veg but no cauliflower as that is a trigger for me, fruit but no tomatoes, and lots of water, bread is bad for me ( bloating ) .have basically cut out all the rubbish and can feel improvements slowly, hope that helps x
  • Posted

    Yes all day every day @sobs@

    finally admitting to myself the daily coffees and wine have to go redface

    also so going to start up with daily slippery elm. Apparently if you have it before you eat it coats soothes the gastro tract. Hope so anywY....

  • Posted

    Oh yes! My tummy issues are bloating, heartburn, feeling like a bottomless pit, gurgling etc. I'm going for an endoscope on the 19th just to make sure all is ok but I know hormone changes are causing it!
  • Posted

    Along with the stomach issues, I feel like I get low blood sugar. I'm eating every 2 to 3 hours to avoid feeling shakey. I get anxious then too cause it scares me. I'm concerned that it could be something worse than menapause stuff. Does anyone else feel this way?
    • Posted

      Hi carmen I get this I have to eat every 3 hours, I get hunger pains, rumbling stomach shaky, dr said might be hypoglycaemic, also I crave sugar or sweet foods, which are no good, 

      lets hope we all don't have this long! 

  • Posted

    Hi Jerry,

    I have wind, terrible gas and gas pangs, indegestion and constipation. I drink lots of water, take Pepcid some times for the indegestion and eat several small meals that helps with the full bloating feeling.

  • Posted

    Excellent thank you all for sharing. 💐😃
  • Posted

    Hi jerry

     ive had gastro probes had camera down my throat, sickness, gerd, gastritis, and ibs is a lot worse! And bloating , and certain foods cause nausea, white bread gives me stomach pain, cannot drink coffee at all, makes me feel sick so does fried food!

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