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hi ladies
so the past week everytime i eat i feel sick like my food is not digesting. and i have been getting horrible trapped gas in my chest. happened last nitr so bad i went to ER. afraid i was having a heart attack becauase it hurt in chest and into my back
and i felt i had to burp but i couldnt get a burp out. they released me saying anxiety. but the episode gave me anxiety anyone get this in peri?
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natacha66 kim74983
Anxiety and stress are a major trigger for this.
I always look like I am 5 months preggars.
Diet is important. Avoid things that make u gassy.
Ahhh being a woman is horrible.
carmen_22574 kim74983
Yes I've had it. I thought the same thing. I even had an endoscopy done and they said everything was fine. it's the hormones. Sorry your going through this.
natacha66 carmen_22574
Hate everything and everyone.
Have a hysteroscopy booked for the 30th. My 2 yr partner left without giving me a proper reason.
Not a happy puppy at the moment.
Just drowning in my work and kids.
carmen_22574 natacha66
Hang in there! Don't give up think of your children. It will get better. God bless!
natacha66 carmen_22574
I changed my diet cut out all fizzy drinks, reduced caffeine intake, avoid alcohol.
When I arrived at the Austrian ER they gave me a tranquilliser. Helped loads.
Anxiety is a massive trigger and I suffer from it.
What a life.
sharcerv52408 kim74983
Wannaflbttr1 kim74983
Oh ive been there...went to the ER twice this summer making sure i was not having a heart attack and all labs and everything cardiac was normal. Had indigestion, burning in my chest, achy cheeks and arms.... Luckily the ER doc told me that i was right to come in and i was where i needed to be. He also said he did not think it was anxiety!! He then told me that anxiety was a diagnosis of exclusion....you need to rule out other things too as they all share common symptoms. Now at least you can rest assured that your heart is good and concentrate on finding relief for other things. My endoscopy said reflux and gastritis...i have the gas/burps dizziness, eye issues, full head, muscles achy sore and TWITCHING like crazy!! I just want to be myself again....hard to make it through the work day sometimes...i just take it hour by hour. this all began in May...haven't had a period since June. I think it is related.