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Hi everyone. Does anyone else feel like food just sits high up in their stomach and takes hours to go down ? I can't eat the ' normal ' meals I used to and do better with smaller amounts. Otherwise I feel and look bloated for hours, it's horrible. Anyone else ? X
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maria101 Fairy28
Hi fairy28, its call bloating in menopause my stomach looks pregnant after eating and sometimes had to eat small meals too, it does go and come I think mine now has settle down a bit not so bloated now yes it's horrible it will settle with time ok hugsxxx
Fairy28 maria101
Hi Maria 101, thanks for reply. Gosh isn't it awful, I feel like I can't breathe if I eat too much it's so uncomfortable and feel like a great big lump just sitting there and hours later it feels better, eventually. Uugghh , have to be so careful with what I eat now. Gone are the days of enjoying fish and chips or a nice piece of cake ! How boring this all is ! Xx
maria101 Fairy28
Fairy28 maria101
Yes im in the UK and the fish and chips is dorset are yum! Shame I can't move for hours and hours if I have any ! The nearest I'll get to fish n chips is a single prawn ! he he x
tmpearce Fairy28
Hi Fairy,
I get this too...As a matter of fact today is one of those days. Have been struggling with my worst peri/menopause symptoms these past three years. It seems like the symptoms are decreasing a bit now. I was diagnosed with chronic gastritis last March after an endoscopy and at this point am taking ranitidine 150mg twice a day. The past few weeks have been good but today I am having a bad hormone day. I too get that bloated and full feeling like the food is just sitting on the top of my stomach and by evening I look like I'm six months pregnant! I can only eat small amounts at a time and my whole stomach/chest area just feels full and like I need to take deep breaths to relieve it. I know it's nothing serious because I've been tested fully...thanks to my health anxiety..Lol. It's just uncomfortable and frustrating.
My mantra is "This too shall pass". Hang in there!
Fairy28 tmpearce
thank you - wonderful answer, you explained that really well as that's exactly how I am. Yes I have to do the deep breath thing, it's horrid and like you I have awful health anxiety, so bad I have counselling and also have been back and forth to hospital for checks, heart attack symptoms and so on - all down to anxiety but this is real and so is the anxiety , all since this dreaded menopause began. Sorry you've been through so much I think you're very brave having an endoscopy, that would totally freak me out, they'd have to strap me down kicking and screaming to have that done ! X
maureen12052 Fairy28
Hi Fairy28
I sure do! It's the most horrible feeling! I find myself holding
my stomach because I feel so uncomfortable 😣!
Fairy28 maureen12052
oh Maureen poor you Thats exactly what I do honestly, the top of my stomach feel like a great big horrid lump, after about five or six hours it goes down, it's sooooooo uncomfortable x
elaine01570 Fairy28