digestive issues
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I know this has been discussed a lot but I need some advise, I am 46 and in post menopause I don't know how long I have been in post menopause I had the blood test a few months ago showing it.
I am on a lot of medications, levothyroxine for my thyroid, metformin for diabetes, losartan for blood pressure, atinan 2 1/2 mg three times a day, zoloft, trazodone for sleep, vitd3 amd a multi vit.
I have been losing my stool like crazy this week, don't know what to eat any more because of this, been eating rice, crakers, and toast,
can not eat cheese, vegatables, fruit milk, alot of stuff I can not eat because of this issue. I am seeing a GI doctor on the 20th of April to see what he can do.
This is really upsetting to me because I can not eat my favorite foods how can I deal with this the E.R said I have no infection just plain sick and tired of the fact that things I eat just does not stay with me any adivice would help and if anyone is going through this please let me know.
I would feel better to know that I am not alone.
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annieschaefer susan21149
I am in peri and I do have IBS so I know there are lots of foods I steer clear of to avoid issues. Also I take a strong probiotic every day that seems to help. And in my case, crazy as it sounds I take a daily dose of fiber to help calm things down.
Do bring this up with your regular doctor and see what they think.
Feel better soon
susan21149 annieschaefer
Worrychick susan21149
susan21149 Worrychick
Ruthie49 susan21149
Have you lost weight with it? I think the hormones really sensitise and disrupt our gut lining. I've had to eat very bland/white diet, just trying to keep up the calories but just can't seem to gain back the weight I've lost. Like you, I can't seem to digest fat or fibre which rules out a lot of healthy stuff. Even fruit juice makes the acid worse so I stick to water.
I take colofac/mebeverine sometimes if zi'm getting cramps. I eat a lot of white (gluten free) bread and at least one egg a day just to try to firm up the stools a bit (sorry!).
I'm on thyroxine too - have you had it checked recently? Too much thyroxine can increase diarrhoea. I'm not sure about the ADs you're on but sometimes they can cause digestive upset too.
Really hope you see an improvement soon. We have to keep believing for better days ahead.
susan21149 Ruthie49
I do want to lost weight but not this way my normal weight should be around 130 pounds
jayneejay susan21149
oh you are struggling with this arent you, see what the Doc says ..
as for being post meno, when was your last period ?
I always kept a diary on mine and monitored my peri and post meno.
my last one was 2 Sept 2013. ' the wonder of diaries..'
may help to keep a diary and make a note of bad days and what you are actually eating, what may be triggering it, or whether it could be some meds are affecting you or your conditions, hormones, allergies ..
jay x
susan21149 jayneejay
Never had one since.