Digestive problems

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Hello ladies, do any of you suffer with IBS type problems with all this meno rubbish ? I never had problems since my hysterectomy but now it's horrid, seems like I can't eat certain foods - nuts, dairy etc. Sometimes I feel kind of blocked up and sluggish, tummy grumbles, knocks and grinds, miserable. Anybody else ? X

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi yes I suffer with this type of issue. I have a delicate system anyway but my doctor says that perimenopausal women will get increased gastrointestinal issues. I had bad problems until I had an enema before a camera procedure amd after issues went but I get constant problems still. I asked my doctor if I could see a dietitian he said that there was a lot of mumbo jumbo about! I tried a food combining diet whilst I had functional dyspepsia two years ago amd it seemed to help. Try and keep a diary.
    • Posted

      Thank you joanne29680, im sorry for your problems but at the same time I don't feel so alone now. This is all such a nightmare and before all this I had no idea how many problems I would have.

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      Oh tell me about it ! Health anxiety plus every other type is in my head 24/7.
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    Yes I'm that that and also my stomach reflux is ten times worse to x

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      oh gosh karen77710, me too. I never had stomach reflux before but I have that aswell now, it's horrible.x

  • Posted

    Hi, Louise,

    Sorry you're dealing with this.  I suggest you consider trying a good probiotic, one that is formulated for women's health issues.  Sometimes, the fluctuation in hormones causes your bacterial mix to be off balance.  Besides problems with your gut, this can also contribute to vaginitis and UTI's.  

    I wish my MD had told me about this before I had my surgery.  I might have saved myself some problems by starting probiotics right away!

    Best of luck to you!

    • Posted

      hi Lynda, do you mind me asking what type of surgery you had ? seems to me any type of gyne surgery leaves all sorts of tummy problems and were never the same again. I have tried probiotics before but I developed thrush in my mouth which was awful, unless I was taking the wrong one - any suggestions ? Im willing to try again. Im so sorry you've been having problems aswell, nightmare isn't it x

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      Hi, Louise!  I'll PM you, so I can give you some brand names, okay?

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    Hi sweetie. I've always suffered from ibs but has calmed down since having children 15 years ago. However since hitting peri, HELLO...... it starts for no reason and once a month I get griping pains and vile wind which lasts 4 days. I am constantly bunged up. I've joined slimming world to help with healthier eating. Which is great, but still get so bunged up. All I want is someone to give me an in depth investigation and tell me what vitamins to take for all my symptoms. Aswell as fatigue, mode swings, aches etc etc. Let me know if you get any good feedback . But would recommend slimming world just to help with what you are eating from scratch ( I was only 7 lb s overweight) xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Twizle3, thank you for that I'll look into it. Yes the griping nasty pains are awful, so uncomfortable and unsettling. Like you I wish I could get in depth advice and help , my doctor has a Couldnt care less attitude as if to say ' what du expect', makes me angry and upset. I also have the fatigue, crushing fatigue actually along with everything else. Yes if I get anywhere I'll let you know xx

  • Posted

    Hi louise sorry to here you are also on this awful journey i also am having issues when i eat no matter what i eat i feel bloated I've been to the dr for this and many other symptoms they have run test and thank god everything comes back normal but i don't no what to do anymore with this issue i started drinking organic ginger tea and chamomile tea and it's helped me if you haven't tried this hope it works for you also i drink green tea just wanted you no you are not alone hopefully with gods help we will get through this soon take care hugs!!!!

    • Posted

      Thank you marisol06794, yes the bloating is awful. Some mornings I wake up and feel ok and then after breakfast within an hour or so im bloated , uncomfortable and feel bunged up and depressed. It gives me anxiety and makes me feel so stressed. Ive tried drinking so much water I feel like I'm drowning, the only thing that works is if I don't eat , im so glad all your tests are clear - relief for you but it doesn't solve the problem that your living with day in day out does it ! Hugs back to you too xx

  • Posted

    Oh yes!  Came on quite suddenly for me.  Nuts is my big one.  Potatoes is my other, and lately there is something else that I have not nailed down yet, but ireally need to pay more attention because something is being irritatd again.

    Gelatin really helps with better stools and with calming the frequency of having to run like heck.  

    For a while I couldn't even get in a vehicle, as soon as my body hit a bump I had to find a bathroom.  It was horrible.  

    Would visit the mall washroom every ten minutes just because of the stress of not being near a washroom...

    I have it down to just mornings now...thank goodness!

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