digestive problems while in peri

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Has anyone experienced digestive problems since they have been in peri which interferes with your appetite. I notice around the time that I either ovulate or am about to come on my period I have a very sparse appetite. Has anyone else experienced this. It's frustrating because it makes my weight go up and down.

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    hi sharcer. yes i get digestive problems even more since being in peri, i also feel nauseas and find it difficult to eat so i eat little and often to keep my sugar levels even.  i have started to take probiotics which i feel has helped.  Do you get the bloating and noisy stomach.  take care hun x
    • Posted

      Yes I get indigestion and the noisy gas sounds. I sometimes get pressure and bloating right under my left breast which makes it kinda difficult to want to eat.
    • Posted

      Yes it's so embarrassing isn't it, sometimes I feel like I could sail to the moon if somebody popped my stomach lol
  • Posted

    Yes anxiousface and sharcerv52408

    I started this a year before peri and it was extremely bad. Everything dairy I ate cramped and upset my stomach. I stopped dairy foods as much as possible.It never seemed to get me nauseous from it but the diarrhea was horrible and it caused me heart palpitations, so that was enough for me to stop all dairy. Eggs tear my stomach up so I have to watch anything from the store that has them baked in it.

    During my 3 and 4 th year of peri I started to crave dairy so bad and started to ad it back to my diet little by little. I've entered my 5 th year this August and the dairy is starting to tear my stomach up again. I have also started to get really nauseous before my periods and now during. I usest to get it only around my ovulation time but it seems lately my peri symptoms have started all over again. Maybe after so many years we drop more in hormones and we tend to feel worse but with the same symptoms as the beginning. 

    This 5th year for me has hit me hard just like the start of Peri.  I am now loosing teeth with it. 😩 i just come back from the dentist and argued with her for an hour. She didnt want to pull my tooth but Im the one loosing sleep over the pain in it.The xray showed I shouldnt be having pain but it was there. Ive also experienced throbbing in my jaw where ive had teeth pulled for years but felt like it was still there.


    Sorry had a bad week but I'm still going to power through!

    big hugs to you ladies 😉 be blessed

    • Posted

      Have you been tested for coeliac disease - many people have this and are not diagnosed, and one of the symptoms is lactose intolerance. There is a blood test. Once diagnosed, you start a gluten free diet and this may, after a couple of months, 'cure' the dairy intolerance, because the gut lining heals and can then tolerate dairy. My son is coeliac and could not tolerate anything before he went 'gluten-free', so I did not realise that gluten was the problem. If you decide to investigate this, make sure you get the test before going gluten free as the tests will not work if you are not eating gluten. 

      Anecdotally, coeliacs in my family (i.e. my son and a cousins son) have had big problems with their baby teeth - although the dentist did not believe me, so your dental problems could also be linked. More importantly, if you are coeliac and not diagnosed, you are at much greater risk of osteoporosis due to poor absorption of calcium. 1% of the population are coeliac and most of them are undiagnosed, so it's worth getting the test, your life could be transformed.

    • Posted

      Hi Mimi,

                    so sorry for you, I get the anxious jaw and teeth thing, I am going to see my dentist abouut making me a gum shield because I keep clenching together, especially at night. This is a truly awful time in a woman's life. Up until now I have been very lucky and not had any real health problems at all. It's nice to share though, I find that it really helps,

                               wink xxx 

  • Posted

    Totally....although I did have a bug...I have been lactose and wheat intollerant for 2 years now.....not sure if it was the bug or whether its the hormonal changes....missed a period for 1st time this month too although still getting tummy ache but as I get bowel pain anyway if I eat the wrong thing (stick to dairy but occasional have wheat in small amounts in gravy only) onions and garlic are a massive issue toosad Still getting period pains but 2 weeks late. Have you experienced this..also groin pain where your glands are. xx
    • Posted

      Yes I do experience the groin pain too sometimes. It just seems like out of all of the peri symptoms the one that seems to be the most dominant for me is the digestive issues. I still get some of the others but not as intense like I was in the beginning back in July when I noticed all of these symptoms intensifying. Since I've been sticking to my multivitamins and increased my B12 intake, I have noticed a drammatic difference in the symptoms but I just need to find something that will work for my stomach. I take a probiotic but I may need a different brand. I am trying to get in to see a GI doctor to make some sense out of all of this.
    • Posted

      Have you tried giving up food groups....all my spasms and tummy aches and nausea disappeared when I gave up lactose and wheat. I'd suggest one at a time though for at least a week as it appears to be a tollerance level thing. Raw onions and fructans also a no no for me....try looking up low fodmap diet...its worked for me but it is hard as you do have to give up all the nice things but there are some great alternatives in bread, cakes and ice-cream that are lactose and wheat free. I changed to thai curries (coconut milk) and have soya yogherts and soya ice-cream and lots of berries. As I said I think a rare intestinal bug triggered mine and even treating it with anti biotics did not stop the intollerances.. I'm thinking of taking L glutamine; I already take a 10 billion probiotic (acidiphilus) xx
    • Posted

      I don't eat very much diary or wheat products. My appetite issues began after a stomach virus I caught from my daughter back in April. At the time I was also on a round of antibiotics for a sinus infection so I'm not really sure what has my stomach out of balance. Hopefully I will see a GI soon to get this resolved.
    • Posted

      Yes mine too after a rare virus.....apparently common to leave you with food intollerances..... but I have to abstain from dairy completlely to keep symptoms free and the smallest amount of wheat....no onions either. I find my symptoms can be a couple of days later too which makes it hard to determine exactly what it is. xx
  • Posted

    Yes my appetite fluctuates too, it's hard to keep on track with it, I have started to eat when I am hungry, unsure if this is what I really should be doing rolleyes

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