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Can anyone please, tell me this dizziness ends! Are you taking any supplements that are helping for this? I'm good sitting home but, as soon as I'm in a car or walking around whoa! It's hell. I'm not a drinker at all and I had a glass of wine tonight. I can't take it anymore it's the worst. 9 months of this! Has it eventually stopped for anyone? How long did it take? I added some iron supplements but, don't see much of a difference yet. They say sleep helps. I feel like I just have to wait each day to sleep until I sleep this off and it stops!!!!

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29 Replies

  • Posted

    I've been sleeping good here lately for about 2 months now and I'm still lighthead every single day in addition brain fog, and twilight feeling since May daily although some days are better than others. This is the most ridiculous! I can handle the other symptoms but the head feeling has been my worse. We will get through this mess. Praying for every lady on this forum! X

    • Posted

      Me too same symptoms going on 9 months. The dizziness for me too is the worst. I get good sleep too. I just don't understand it. I know we will get through it. It's just so hard. Praying also for all ladies on this forum. I appreciate all the caring responses. I'm just exhausted from this. xo

  • Posted

    everyday for 12 months 6yrs post meno now never had any problems till 12 months ago then bam headaches, off alance dry skin acheing joints hope it ends

  • Posted

    i hope it ends 4 years is enough of this its gotten to where i fear this is the new normal and i dont know how to except that i want my life back.

    • Posted

      Have you had the dizziness for 4 years? I'm 9 months. I want my life back too!!!xo

    • Posted

      I really feel for you Pamela. I know your having it hard. I've read many of your posts. Some have helped me through this with the responses you have received. with some questions I've had. One lady suggested cordysceps and another gravol for dizziness. I just ordered the cordysceps from Walmart and another just suggested Gravol from Walmart too. Although, haven't looked that one up yet. If the cordysceps helps me with the dizziness I'll will for sure let you know. It's the worst!!! Hang in there!!

    • Posted

      Pamela I feel this every single day 24/7 too. Some days are better than others but it's usually present. I also feel lightheadness. Do you feel that as well? I'm gonna try this Gravol. Just ordered some from Amazon. I'll keep you posted.

    • Posted

      yes off balance dizziness lightheadedness pressure like a band around my head tightness no headache it never leaves me like you the intensity is up and down but never gone, and past few months things has gotten so much worse and new stuff added thats more terrifying.

    • Posted

      Yes. I stopped menses in July and this head pressure and dizziness is there since. Before I would have dizziness only for 3 years. Now awful headaches. It is insane. I don't know what to do.

    • Posted

      the dizziness ive had for 4 years but this pressure and numbness feeling has been since Oct cycle ended, your pressure started when your cycle ended i hope im getting near the end this cycle im ending now seems weird from start to finish. ive been having bad hot flushes daily now and the head pressure alot daily.

  • Posted

    I was driving back from church today all of a sudden I felt terribly weak like I wanted to pass out. Pain in one side of my head down to my hand. I am tired I want my life back

    • Posted

      I will pray for you chinye. I'm in the same boat here. I am tired trying to break through this each day too. I don't get how I'm 48 and up until now never heard of these symptoms leading up to meno. It just blows my mind. I want my life back also. I read last night some people are just more sensitive to the change than others. I am just home waiting till this passes. I can't function until I'm thinking clearly. It scares me to think how long this will last. I will pray for you too. xo

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