Dizziness from hell :(

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Hello lovely ladies,

Writing after a long time...not that I was fine or symptom free, but managing to hang in there. But today (actually just in the last ½ hr) I seem to have a new symptom - DIZZINESS. Never happened and it is scaring the daylights out of me.

I have been prescribed Provera 10mg for the last few months (16-25 days cycle) to get rid of the last of the bleeding before I enter full menopause (hopefully), but the journey has been anything but smooth, but I have tried to come here several times to get solace.

Now with this new symptom, that too so close to the holidays, everything will be more or less closed starting Friday till new year, so I am now worrying if it is something serious, what do I do. Of course I can go to the emergency, but what if it is just nothing? I am being so contrary 😦

What I am hoping any of you can answer is...is it normal, how do you cope with it? I have not been sleeping well the last few weeks (another present from perimenopause) and have been having carpal tunnel in both hands with pain/tingling several times a day. I just am gritting my teeth and bearing it.

Any info, any coping suggestions are most welcome.

Thank you all....love and hang in there!

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    no wonder your feeling dizzy not sleeping well will do that in its own and add in all the other symptoms im not shocked you feel that way ibwould take an ice pack and put it on back of neck and lie down make sure yiur drinking fluids did you try drinking anything like juice yo see if its yiur sugar level trybthe ice pack or put some ice on back of nevk at bade of skull

    • Posted

      😦 apart from not sleeping well, I don't drink enough water. I have never liked or drink pop or even fruit juices, but do drink water "when I am thirsty" which probably is not enough.

      I think I should make a point of drinking MUCH MORE than what I do now. I did find that dehydration could be one reason for feeling dizzy...

      Thank you for your answer!

  • Posted

    I woke up one morning, and the room was spinning, as if it were the 1st time I'd been drunk. I've stumbled walking a few times. It's very scary. But it did pass. I'm post menopausal by just over 2 years now, but there was about 7 years of peri menopause which were a total nightmare. Can't tell you how many times I thought to go to the ER. I thought I was dying. But I didn't. It WILL get better. Hopefully the Provera works for you. My gyn gave me that and it did nothing for me. I'm in the process of finding a new doctor who will hopefully come up with something better. Thought I had carple tunnel also. But I typed for a living back then, so it made sense. Everything I suffered with has pretty much subsided. Finding the lovely ladies here has helped SO much. Now it's thyroid issues that don't make this transition any easier. Please try not to worry too much. I know how hard that is. The panic is awful. You will be okay. There is a great menopause support group on fb. Actually, there are a few. I've found that very helpful. Please message me if you'd like to talk. x

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your words Nancy!

      As I am sure most of us do, with every new / old symptom we think the worst is upon us. I have started taking a lot of my symptoms in my stride (grit your teeth and tell yourself that it is meno related and it will pass), but any new ones are still scary.

      Due to Provera I have been getting some bleeding every month - though the first couple of months it was like someone had opened an internal tap and all my blood was just rushing out. I was really concerned, but it has now subsided (sorry for TMI...), and i get some heavy spotting a couple of days and am done with it.

      I have read about the thyroid thing a lot, and did a test, which of course was clear. but then, the T3 test (I think that is what it is called) was not part of the "normal" thyroid test. So I am thinking in case my symptoms continue, I will as for the advanced thyroid test. It will not be easy, but its a fight I am willing to undertake 😄. They will not know what hit them! HA!

      Could you please send me names of the support groups on FB? I am part of one, but more would definitely help.

      Once again, thank you!!

  • Edited

    Hi, if you message me I can tell you what I take for the dizziness that is slowly starting to help me after 9 months of this. It's so horrible and scary but, apparently normal symptom that many get.

    • Edited

      pls kindly tell me what you use too. The dizziness is affecting me soooooo much. scared to go out sometimes. tanx a lot. I pray God see us through this phase of our lives. Amen

  • Edited

    You r not alone dear

    Dizziness is symptom of peri..facing this from last year..Didnot find any tip to overcome it 😭

    Some days r soo difficult that its hard to do normal work too .


    Hang is there.

    • Posted

      It was really scary yesterday. It was actually after I had just had dinner and got up to go to the loo and it felt as if the room was spinning on me!

      But now that I know it is another present from peri, I will try to plough thru it...though if it hits when I am out or am on my way to / back from work, it will be something else!

      If it becomes worser (hmm..is that even a word?) I will go to my doc.

      Keeping fingers crossed for all of us!

      We WILL get thru this!

  • Posted

    Well i've been dizzy for 2 months but mine started after i fainted. I have a terrible neck and they are scaring me into

    getting surgery but no i don't believe this is the cause of my dizziness. i also get tremors thru my body and i'm super

    thirsty all the time.

    sounds like dizziness is hormonal...

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