Posted , 6 users are following.
Hi everyone does anybody ever woken up feeling dizzy I'm feeling like this today and it hasn't gotten better.
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Posted , 6 users are following.
Hi everyone does anybody ever woken up feeling dizzy I'm feeling like this today and it hasn't gotten better.
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Str8tfans jacqueline06286
Had a bad bout with it last month- scared me SO bad.....same day started my period.
This whole thing is terrifying sometimes
jacqueline06286 Str8tfans
Str8tfans jacqueline06286
Mine is always the right back side of my head, and sometimes effects my ear as well. It’s SO maddening.
I get it down into my jaw at times there as well.
It intensifies during ovulation and right around my period.
Every single time I feel like it’s some horrible thing and I’m gonna die. Health anxiety is a part of this and makes it worse.
I know what you’re going through. Hang in there!
Let me know what the doctors say.
jacqueline06286 Str8tfans
Yes mine started about a month ago, I will definitely let you know what the ent said.
I'm sorry I have another question is this when you first start perimenapause that all these symptoms creep up on you
Willow1992 jacqueline06286
Yes i experienced that once or twice. Dont worry it will go. Mine lasted a full day but was gone the next. Just take it easy. 🤗
jacqueline06286 Willow1992
Thank you I started perimenapause about 3 months ago it's giving me a lot of problems I scheduled an ent appointment tomorrow I've had this already over a month some days are worst then others like today it's there but not as bad
Willow1992 jacqueline06286
Best of luck with the ENT app. I hope its sorted out. 😊
dawn70425 jacqueline06286
HI Jacqueline .. yes sorry all this sounds like the menopause ( peri)
I wake up most days feeling light headed, some time it last all day other it goes by dinner time , but I never had this b4 I started this crap 4+ years ago...
You may find ( well I do ) that each day/week there’s another symptom that appears, some people say there’s up to 100 symptoms over your time in the menopause, think Iv had half of them now 😧...
it’s a crap time for all us woman out there going through this rubbish, it’s not easy going for us, but try to take each day as it comes and only thing you can do is go with the flow, as you can’t stop it happening to us.. I can’t take HRT due to having PE , but Iv heard it is good and helps with the symptoms over time, but having not tried it, I can’t say much on it...
Good luck chic, and I’m sure you will be fine, let us know how you get on big hug 🤗x
jacqueline06286 dawn70425
Thank I just which this will all go away especially the pain on the right side of ear head neck that I've had for about a month today it's there but not so bad then the head ache that comes on then it goes away I'm just tired I want my life again I'm thinking of doing bioidentical hormone treatment
dawn70425 jacqueline06286
I know what you mean, I would love my life back, as when I look in the mirror it’s not me any more, the pain Iv had in my head, is worse when I lay down on my pillow in bed, it’s at the back of my head low down, I can’t keep my head on the pillow for long as so uncomfortable,,but I’m on strong pain killers any way, and have to take every day, so that helps but even them don’t take it away conpleatly... sorry but it can be crap this menopause 🤗x
jacqueline06286 dawn70425
Dawn does your hair feel different mine feels really stiff even when I put some conditioner on also I haven't dye my hair in about 5 weeks do to the pain im 51 and I feel and look lije an 80 year old woman
dawn70425 jacqueline06286
Ow yes chic, my hair seems thinner, and drying out, don’t mater what I put on it looks alfull, my hairdresser coming over soon and going to ask her, as just don’t like how my hair is now...
And skin as well soooooo dry, that again I put so much moisturiser on it, that I think I need to live in a pot of the stuff, as a hour later my skin is dry again, Iv never suffed with eczema in my life, now it’s on my arms lol, I always through menopause was just weight gain and hot flushes.. but nope its that and every thing eles to..
Have you got the hot flushes yet 🤗x
danielle74822 jacqueline06286
Often dizzy, usually means low blood sugar, especially after all night of no food. When in perimenopause, body has challenge to stabilize blood sugar. Take lots of cinnamon, like 3 dashes. Add it to your tea 2x a day, it works to stabilize blood sugar quickly. Caffeinated coffee will lower your blood sugar, so stay away from it. Eat more rice, bread, pasta and eat regularly, ever 3-4 hrs even if it is just a snack. Good luck!!
gillian04474 jacqueline06286
Hi to All,
Yes i've been experiencing dizziness sometimes when i wake up but all i do is, after pasting, i take either Soda Water or ordinary water (full glass), then when i relax for awhile, take my Lipton without milk and off it goes.