Dizzy and or off kilter

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For years nowprobably 6 or 7, I have struggled with a off kilter feeling....like I am listing to the left usually. occasionallyi would have a brief episode of feeling like the room was spinning. i had finally chalked it up to anxiety and hormone combo. worked on dealing with my anxiety and it kinda went away for about a year....or atleast wasnt everyday all day like it had been. then poof. one morning i woke up to the room spinning and ended up calling the ambulance. ER said vitals were good. sent me to physical therapy .pt could find nothing with their tests but suggested vestibular migraines perhaps...i have a history of occular migraines, but never a headache type migraine.....anyway....the vertigo spinning lasted about 2 weeks then faded and i am now waiting to see neurologist and have a MRI. I HAD a CAT scan that came back.good and my pt doesnt believe there is anything really sinister going on but wants it ruled out

. the dizzy is probably tied for my worst symptom. it always makes me anxious. any of you other ladies have experience like this with the vertigo type dizziness or the off kilter feeling? the off kilter feeling seems random, but the vertigo type spinning seems to start a bit before my period starts. i am 47, and have been in peri for about 6 or 7 years I think...possibly as much as 10. i know have shooting in between periods after ovulation and gas and bloating that seems not humanly possible. anxiety, fatigue, flushed face and sweating....those these seem like they are getting better. muscle aches, joint pain and stiffnes. dry, burning vag especially right after period gets over. frequent urination. also flooding.....sounds like I am peeing as the blood rushes out. have to wear overnight pads and an adult diaper and dont dare leave house for 2 days out of the month. big clots too....sometimes the size of my hand. thats been going on for about two and a half years. i ended up in emergwncy room about 4 months ago because i lost so much blood and tissue so fast i started seeing these yellow lights and almost passed out.

found out my uterus is the size of a five month preganancy due to fibroids and I am considering a hysterectomy, but am also afraid to do that because i cant go on hormones because I had breast cancer last year, and what if having a hysterectomy makes everything worse? i have learned to cope now with what I know most the time....bit if it got worse...i am not sure what i would do. ....oppps. i meant yo just ask about the dizziness, but i guess i needed to "talk". lol. i still manage to run my business....i own a pretty large used bookstore that I love and I play with my precious lil two year old grandson just about everyday. my life is full of joy and happiness. i just wish i felt better, or could really understand what is happening to me. how can we when are docs seem so uninformed and nonchalant about it. ugh.

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8 Replies

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    ha! forgot to mention that the reason for the post is I am again having bouts of the spinning type vertigo today. my .period is supposed to start in 2 days. and arr still pretty regular....did I mention the memory problems and muddled thinking and anxiety? oy

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    ive had dizziness and vertigo for 11 years the vertigo has eased off a bit i used to get it about 5 times a year. the dizziness light headedness is awful. cant go on a long walk always have to have my car close by . i too thought it was anxiety but believe its all hormones . went on the patch and it helped at first but then stopped working so ripped it off as it blew me up like a balloon ! nothing fits me gone up about 4 sizes and i was pretty skinny .

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    Well I haven't experienced the full blown spinning yet but I definitely get off balance and have felt like head is tilted sideways, I could be be standing in kitchen going from sink to stove to fridge and feel as though I keep turning when ive stopped.. I can be very still and feel like everything is going by me super fast like space.. What does the spinning feel like, I am absolutely terrified that the spinning part of this vertigo is coming for me, as its been getting worse for me too, last month I woke up and got right out of bed and even though I was upright it was as though my head was tilted completely to the right, scared me bad I had to lay in bed all day and then it subsided.. I do have the migraines bad the painful ones attack ones with the horrible nausea and chills when the attack is here..I read the vertigo usually follows the migraines after about 2 years of migraines, I think thats got me nervous.. And my migraine attacks with dizziness nausea and chills come exactly same time every month, which sucks because when the dizziness comes I know the attack is brewing .. Its all so draining, but I push on through I have no idea what I'd do if I start spinning yikes!! I read one lady when happening and out she has to sit on ground can't even lift her head to see whos around her , until someone calls for help.. Thats terrifying.. My mother had an awful 10 day episode of spinning vertigo when I was young and spent 10 days in the hospital.. When you had to call ambulance did they admit you? And how long where you spinning for, could you help yourself or were you helpless? Thank god you do not have the migraines with the painful attacks they are the worst.. I had the hysterectomy when I was young and they left my ovaries.. Maybe you can get the hysterectomy and keep your ovaries so that way your done with fibroids and periods and flooding, but then again if I had to do it all over again I would have wanted my ovaries out because of ovarian cancer scare.. But they have you sign something right before surgery that while in there if ovaries are deceased in anyway that you allow them to take everything ovaries too.. Mine were not so they stayed..which made no difference in my opinion, as soon as uterus and cervix is removed blood supply has been cut off and ovaries begin to fail soon after!! Well I hope we all get some relief here sooner or later, this is torture all of it!!!!

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      Ovaries diseased I think not deceased

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    I have dizziness/vertigo really bad right now. I am post menopause and this has been going on for about 7 days. I went to see my NP on Friday and she says she is a worrier and worries about my arteries and heart. REALLY? She worries??? Ha. My Dr diagnosed me with BPPV in October 2017 which Ironically was right after what would be my last period. I couldn't function back then. It lasted more than three weeks and I was nauseated and a mess.

    This week is has been a low level dizziness and the vertigo bothered me when I sat down for any length of time. No nausea but the dizziness (which makes me feel at times like I am on a boat)is giving me not really a headache but constantly like the beginnings of one.

    The NP said I had fluid in my ears and prescribed me steroids and meclazine. Meclazine helps somewhat but the steroids have been pointless so far. I didn't sleep but 4 hours last night (insomnia) and was really bad and had a large iced tea when we went out for lunch yesterday.

    So the caffeine is very bad for me and my insomnia. I am thinking this is what made this so worse today. (I hope). I need a really good nights sleep. I cannot even drive like this and my husband is going away for business tomorrow morning.

    Also I have had sweltering hot flashes. I think it is the meds that is causing it, or maybe not. But I actually broke out in a sweat while in a local craft store today. I haven't had them for a long time.

    The NP said she is going to talk to my doctor about a stress test and having my heart checked.

    Well, I can tell her that I am not getting on any dang treadmill for a stress test feeling like this.

    I am about 50 lbs overweight. I put on 20 lbs in the last 2 years. I hate it but I am struggling to take any bit off. My thyroid is fine. Ugh.

    I had my hormones tested about 2 weeks ago and my estrogen is 124.

    I am going on a vegan diet to see if I can make a difference in my life at all.

    Yes I feel the off kilter, dizzy, vertigo. It has to be one of the worse things because it is disabling. I sympathize.

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    the off balance dizziness your describing is me to the T for the past three years every day never leaves gets worse around cycles and ovulation week.i have heavy periods too no clots like your describing but heavy bleeding first two days of cycles. ive been going through this going on 9 years and it seems no end in all this. i also have many of your others symptoms as well hot flushed face heart palps these i cant take scares me to death i pray everyday all day for relief. ive had no luck with drs they look at me like im crazy and everything is anxiety they say when i know better hang in there we have to be closer to the end then the beginning i keep telling myself that

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    dizziness and off balance most scary symtom for me...many other symtoms toko.......having this from last year 😭..near my period its intensity more .

    donot find any remedy to overcome it.

    its because of harmones soo have to face it

    Good Luck for ur journey dear

    Hang is there.


  • Posted

    i too have these same symptoms. It makes me very, very anxious all the time. You are not alone! It's awful. My new symptom just these past couple months is I feel jittery in my upper chest, arms and legs. It's awful.

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