Dizzy friends - please read

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I havent been on the forum for a while but wanted to share with you all how much things have improved for me and give you strength that they will for you.

I have had dizzy spell for over 2 years but things got really bad last February. I was constantly off balanced, showering was so difficult, couldnt drive and ended up not leaving the house. I had every test you can think off but nothing showed up.

It was my mother that mentioned the menopause and at first i didnt give it much thought. I still had my periods although not as regular. i had blood test and my hormones came back as normal. Everyone was telling me it was anxiety and pushing anti depressants at me. I tried them twice but was so ill that i stopped.

Finally in october i saw a different doctor and that was my turning point . She felt i needed the anti depressants as i was a mess and i decided to give it another go. She also thought that it did sound like peri and gave me HRT tablets. I went home and started both sets of tablets. That first week was horrendous, i stayed in bed determined to get through the side affects. Slowly i started to feel better and at week 3 I managed to

leave the house.

That was about 11 weeks ago. I can now drive, im back at work, i go out with friends and can go shopping which was

my worst thing. I still dont go alone but hoping that will change in time.

I have my life back! I have no idea if it was the anti depressants or the hrt but i wont be giving them up in a hurry.

PLEASE, keep going to the doctors and try everything. SOMETHING WILL HELP.


8 likes, 17 replies

17 Replies

  • Posted

    Thank you Louise always good to know there is light at the end of the tunnel , i think on here people who get better forget how ill they were and are so focused on getting their life back they forget to check in and say , yes i know a few have/do / did ...... its not easy for us all

    • Posted

      Clare - I so agree with your post. I don't blame women who would want to forget this nightmare. It was the women who DID check in on this forum and took the time to share that they came out of it OR found something that they were able to take and found benefits; that had such an impact on my situation and gave me hope! It's those women who inspired me to keep pressing on - I don't know where I would be right now without those resources and ideas of things to try. It's been so tough for a lot of us - glad we have this forum to share and encourage one another.

  • Posted

    Hi Louise. So thrilled for you and how brilliant you are and determined you were to see it through. And that we must be persistent with our doctors.

    All the very best as you move on with life and thank you for sharing. Onwards and upwards☺☺☺ CK

  • Posted

    Hi Louise! I have been thinking of you! I am so happy to hear you are having better days!! Very encouraging! ❤

    • Posted

      Hi Lou

      How are you keeping. I always think of you as we were similar.

      I still take the amitripyline for migraines but since being settled on hrt i hardly get them. I dont think my headaches caused my dizzy spells. I am convinced the hrt stopped it and the anti depressants are giving me my confidence back. I know you tried the pill, has that helped? If not do push for the hrt. You have nothing to

      lose by trying. Looking back i am so glad i continued to push for help, this was so difficult when everyone keeps saying there is nothing wrong and all test are fine .


    • Posted

      Hi Louise! I sent you a message a couple days ago...not sure if you got it! Anyways, long story short...I had vestibular testing done. I have vestibular migraine. Got switched to nortriptyline. I just titrated up to 30mg...3 nights ago. I feel soooo dizzy, and awful the last couple days. Plus, I am due for a period...but so far only spotted...which always makes me worse. But, I will stick it out, as I have had some good days on the 20mg. The old me would have thrown them out...but I will never get better if I quit!

      The pill was a no go. 3 weeks in I got 5 migraines in a week...which made it 10 for november.Since starting nortripyline...I had 2 migraines in Dec. Have to go back in April to my oto neuro. Seeing my obgyn in March. She told me last time no hrt for me because I am not officially meno...but I will still talk with her in March. So glad you are doing better!

  • Posted

    Hey Louise,

    I have to ask, they put you on hrt even though you were still having periods? I'm asking because I've often wondered about that. I always thought that your periods had to stop in order for it to be prescribed. My periods haven't stopped completely yet. I had a period in September and didn't get another one until the end of November. Now I'm waiting for the next one and haven't seen it yet. So my guess is that I'm definitely in peri now to the point where I'm skipping periods. Before, I was having all the symptoms with the periods. Now I'm not having periods along with the symptoms. I had my bloods done last month hopefully they will show that I am either done or very close to being done. I'm glad to know that you are doing better. Here's to hoping for the rest of us

    • Posted

      Yes, I still have a monthly bleed. I really think it depends on the doctor you see. I saw so many doctors before this one who didnt recommend it. I did try the mini pill which wasnt for me and a coil was suggested but i didnt try this. I see no harm in trying the hrt and seeing if it helps. Yes there are risks but the same as have a glass of wine and we all do that.

      You sound further along the journey than me so I would push to try it, after all its your body. GOOD LUCK X

  • Posted

    What was the name of the anti depressants? Did side affects of that go away...Sounds like HRT balanced you out.

    • Posted

      I am on sertraline. i started at 50mg and have stayed there. I dint think of it as an anti depressant as i was not depressed, far from it. Sure it is hormones that make the nervous system go a bit mad. The first week was horrific, I was so ill. I am

      so glad that i stuck with it now.

      The hrt is ELLESTE duet 1mg.


  • Posted

    Thank you so much for posting your success story. It is the women on this forum that helped me to keep pressing on until I found something that worked - for that I am forever grateful! I am so happy for you, Louise. This is great news and I imagine you are cherishing these times that you are feeling like yourself again! For me I started with the over the counter wild yam cream (progesterone) and most (not all) of my symptoms went away - and I pray they never return. I will never know if they would've naturally went away on their own? Like you, I won't be giving up this cream anytime soon as my life feels so much better now after all that I went through this past July - October. I just know I cannot and hope to never go back to the way that it was and am sticking with the cream for now. My current status is unpredictable periods, cramps, night sweats and hot flashes, mood changes with the flashes here and there (of course other symptoms but nothing as debilitating as it was). If that's the most for now that I have to deal with, I'll take it. Thanks for the good news, Louise! wishing you continued health and thankful you persevered until you found something that worked.

    • Posted

      That is so good to hear. I too have some symptons but things that I can put up with. They seem so minor now. My worst one

      is a sore tongue which can be annoying. However i am

      no longer dizzy, dont wake up with morning sickness, terrible migraines have gone, hair doesnt come out in clumps. Feels good when you find what works for you doesnt it x

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