Dizzy nearly all the time

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Hello Ladies,

I have recently reached a year period free, which is great however i am now feeling dizzy most days ? I have had it before on and off over the peri meno years . . . but now it seems worse ? I also feel like i have been run over by a steam roller with no energy and general aches and pains . . .

I am beginning to think it must be something more serious . . . maybe MS ? The symptoms are similar. I had an MRI scan years ago because i felt like this, thankfully it was clear !

Anyone else have this or similar, i feel like my head isn't on straight . . . thats the only way i can describe it.

Deb x

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    I am still in peri. A few months ago, I woke up with vertigo. I have not been the same since. I also suffer from random dizziness. It is truly an awful feeling. It is oft putting to say the least and leaves you feeling vulnerable in nearly all situations. It has effected numerous areas of my life. You are not alone. xo

    • Posted

      Thank you Staci,

      Really appreciate your reply. It's awful isn't it ? I completely agree with it leaving you feeling very vulnerable . . . i don't drive or shop on my own anymore 😦

      Hopefully in time it will get better xo

    • Posted

      i know how you feel i truly do its been like that for me for 4 years i dont drive or go anywhere alone anymore. its really stole my life from me i cry daily in bed alot its a struggle just to cook and clean. im basically homebound only go when i have too im in the house all day i dont even go outside cause i cant take the heat and it makea the head stuff so much worse. im scared this is my new life and it will never get better and go away. prayers to you and sending a hug

  • Posted

    hello debbie

    i too hard dizziness through peri which came and went and i thought about MS too and had MRi, heart scans ,balance tests and many more i can't remember, they all came back clear. Since going into meno in 2015 i too feel the dizziness is daily.

    YES my heads not on straight either. Does going in large shops make it worse and standing for a while does me. I feel a lot of pressure in my head and eyes but don't know if its related. I recently had an appointment with a ENT specialist which took a scan of my sinuses but that came back clear also which obviously i was pleased about but also disappointed he didn't find anything that would make me feel better.

    so sorry debbie i have no cure for you but just wanted to reply to your post to say don't worry your not along i too feel the same as do a lot of the other ladies on this forum and it appears to be another meno symptom .

    Sending you a comforting slightly dizzy hug x


    • Posted


      So grateful for your reply. It's such a horrible symptom, really quite frightening. It's kind of a relief to hear you say you also thought about MS . . .

      I do have tablets for Vertigo but they don't seem to be working so well anymore. Absolutely definitely is made worse in large shops and i cant stand in large queues. I'm glad its not just me, I thought i was going mad.

      Sending a comforting dizzy hug back xx

  • Posted

    this is my worst symptom everyday all day for 4 years now i still get a cycle though pray everyday for it to stop just wanted you to know your not alone i share that misery haven't found a solution to this horrible symptom.

    • Posted

      Hi Pamela,

      So sorry you are suffering as well . . . thank you for letting me know i'm not alone with this awful symptom. I really hope it get's better sooner rather than later x

  • Posted

    Hi Debbie, i was diagnosed with ms at 47. They discovered it with a mri. I have only delt with vertigo a handfull of times. Noticed i started to have changes with my period at 45. Plus they discoved a growth on my thyroid. With all these changes it was hard for the doctors to tell me what was causing some of my issues. I think dizziness is such a general condition that lots of people have had to deal with this. Im sorry this is a daily thing for you. Mine will usually last for a week. I am now 52 without a period for five months,so i am hoping this peri is ending soon.

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle,

      Thank you so much for replying. I'm so sorry to hear you were diagnosed with MS, i hope i haven't offended you. So Vertigo and dizziness is not something you have often ? As if all the horrible Menopause symptoms aren't enough for you to deal with 😦 It sounds like you are coming to end of your periods from what you say

      Hugs to you x

  • Posted

    I also went through a few years of constant dizziness, especially in large stores. along with it came bowel upsets...it was horrible and I never drove or went alone during that time period either. it went away the past two years...and has been great, but this past couple of weeks I am finding that I am fine at home...but as soon as I hit the Walmart parking lot...I am light headed, and again have to run to the washroom. been there three times in the past three weeks...and it is becoming a regular feeling again! I am so disappointed! I do, however, remember that wearing sunglasses in the stores made it so much better, and I am going to start that again.

    • Posted

      Hi indifferent I'm same way going into walmart I read online they have unfiltered lighting which goes right through my brain and as a migraine sufferer now since entering perimenopause I've had to learn my triggers real quick and avoid them.. Wal-Mart makes me instantly sick with bad symptoms, so even yes just entering their parking lot strikes up the anxiety symptoms even knowing its a quick dash inside for something. And within minutes I'm dizzy and off balance with the auras and numbness to head and face, and within an hour a terrific migraine..so just wanted to say Wal-Mart is one of my worst stores to go into as a migraine sufferer..

    • Posted

      Oh and I bought the thera specs perscription ones and wear those into al stores, and it helps but doesn't stop it completely, and on all other perscription glasses I have the rose colored 50% tint also helps but doesn't stop it, and wear baseball hats to keep light from entering eyes as well it all helps but doesn't stop it , it just reduces the severity of the symptoms..

    • Posted

      I wear my sunglasses practically 24/7, including when I am in stores. I also wear a hat due to light sensitivity. I am surprised I don't get followed around by security. I am sure I look like every sketch artist's interpretation of a bank robber. At least it is summertime. I will really get strange looks when the weather changes. Oh well, you gotta do, what you gotta do.

    • Posted

      Lol staci yes definitely no time at all to be looking cute with hair and makeup done, I wander around everyday with baseball hat and my pink perscription sunglasses , But yes anything you can do to block the lights.

    • Posted


      Thanks for replying to me ! Large stores and shop lighting are not my friend 😦 so i totally understand what you are saying .

      How unfair and annoying that it went away and has come back . . I had it on and off some years ago, but never continually like i am right now ? I just hope it will go again for both of us x

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