Dizzy test

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i wasnt gonna post anymore and just come and read but i wanted to give an update on my dizzy test had it done this morning everything was fine they couldn't find the cause for my dizziness. relieved nothing bad was found but disappointed im still suffering and no answers. i pray everyday with no relief it doesn't come and go for me its with me 24/7 i guess this is my new normal. anyways just wanted to give an update pray we all get relief

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Thats great Pamela! What kind of dizzy test did they do? Did they do an MRI did they do blood draw to rule out tumor and all autoimmune diseases like ms and rheumatoid arthritis lupus ?? I had all that done MRI fine no tumors no ms no aneurysm.. Thank God but did test positive for rheumatoid arthritis which explains my frozen shoulder and horrific joint pains ( which I think is from hormones) and tested positive for hashimotos.. I use to have the dizziness for 24/7 for like 6 to 8 months straight, now it cycles itself, yours will too .. Look up MAV its so common with peri and its awful to have with or without the pain its awful lots of dizziness and numbness.. Glad they ruled things out for you hang in there it will ease up sooner or later...

    • Posted

      Hi Gypsy,

      Could you tell me what MAV stands for please ? I also have bouts of dizziness ! Went for an MRI test 10 years ago now . . . Nothing was found thank God. It really is debilitating isn't it x

    • Posted

      Hi Debbie, MAV stands for migraine associated vertigo or vestibular migraines, you can have it with or without the pain (silent) it causes so much dizziness off balance that drunk feeling numbness head arms legs weak jelly like legs blurry vision nausea vomiting and spinning vertigo.. Apparently its very common with perimenopause .. It is awful yes all of this , never in a million years would I ever imagined feeling so awful day after day!!

  • Edited

    Im so glad they didnt find anything Pamela but i totally get your frustration i feel the same way. It amazes me that a person can feel so bad and be told theres nothing wrong. Just like you i told myself i wasnt going to post anything bcuz im sure u ladies are sick of me talking about the same thing , I was just going to come and read like you but then I found myself ready to post " if im the only one who cries everyday bcuz they dont feel good" then i thought ok you idiot these women feel just as s****y as you thats why they come here theyre not doing cartwheels haha. Its the replies from you women that give hope and strength. I hope you can get some answers soon:) hugs to you ❤

  • Posted

    glad to hear everything was ok i still suffer also i went to dr wednesday and they found nothing either but menapause being the cause still waiting on blood work as last thing but other than that guess we have to ride this out, prayers.

  • Posted

    i am so happy everthing came back good, i also have the dizzy feelings a lot, it comes and goes mine stared at age 43, its terrable .

  • Posted

    Nice to know ur test come normal dear.

    I think these up and down in Harmones levels made us feel like this .

    Hoping for better days.


  • Posted

    Hi Pamela,

    I know this is quite an old feed, but do you still have the dizziness ? I've got it really bad at the moment . . . does your last all day ?

    Do you get it when lying down as well ?

    Deb xx

    • Posted

      i have it 24/7 all day long day in day out my life has been horrible dealing with this, i feel like my life is the movie groundhogs day.

    • Posted

      Hi Pamela,

      Dear God how awful ! i have had it on and off for the past 12 years 😦

      It normally goes after a few days but this last week has been constant. Do you have any medication for it at all ? i have Betahistine

      Hugs to you xx

    • Posted

      ive had it for 4 years and counting i pray it stops no im on no medication for it, im hoping im nearing the end of all this since may the symptoms has gotten worse apart from the dizzy head.i dont know how to keep going with all these things at once.

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