Do I have ibs chrons or is it something else?

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Hi there I need help, I am 43 just been put on HRT in December last year. Hospital also found cysts fybroids and tilted womb so was told Hysterctomy would be done but got postponed last christmas due to going on HRT. got stool samples tested 1 month ago and bloods plus urine due to explosive diahorrea and vomiting for 3 weeks, bloods and urine fine, stool sample had a crp of 3 but a feacal calprotection of 560!! Should be 50. Doc ruled out ibs ibd infection and ceoliac, would not rule out chrons but I am overweight and do not look like a chrons patient(have a friend has has chrons for over 30 years). Doc asked me to do a second stool sample so as to compare results. On Friday after seeing the doc I started with terrible pain to my left side of the stomach and back, hurts to pass a motion underneath and to the back, stomach feels very heavy to the left, hurts to walk and bend over. Could not stand the pain anymore so went back the docs today,,my gp is away so seen the locum who straight away said its IBS, prescribed amptriptaline and told me join this site and look up IBS. Did that and read the section on IBS, which basiclayy does not agree with his diagnosis...please help so confused,,I think it is more to do with my womb, 

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Paula, sorry you are having such a hard time right now. I've had lots of digestive probs through peri. Is the pain upper or lower left? I'm just wondering as I've had a lot of pain under left rib and through to back. They thought it might be gallbladder to start but all my scans are clear. Have you had your faecal elastase tested - another kind of stop test? Mine is low and they now think I have a sore pancreas though nothing is showing up on scans. Pancreas and/or gallbladder can cause diarrhoea and pain. Just a thought.
  • Posted

    Hey Ruthie is lower left, yes they have tested me for everything, so I am going to give this medication a go and if I am no better by Thursday will take myself to A & E, Life a a woman hey ho x


    • Posted

      Hi Paula, it sounds like it could be s combination of IBS and maybe the womb issues are making it worse. I also have a tilted womb and it leaves me prone to aching. I really hope your new meds work, let us know.
  • Posted

    Hi Paula

    I was diagnosed with IBS in May after three and a half months of pain and panic.  I saw 8 doctors before I found out what was wrong.  Most of them didn't have a clue.  In the early months of my IBS, it made my period pain worse and harder to control so initially I thought it was a menstrual problem.  As I am 42, I began to wonder if I was going through an early menopause.

    Although I still have pain it is not as bad as it was and I rarely need medication.  I only notice increased pain if I get stressed.  Controlling anxiety is quite a challenge as I am prone to worry because I have Aspergers Syndrome.

  • Posted

    Hi paula

    i have had a lot of digestive problems and yes it does get tiring i only had the diarrhea no vomitng 

    It could be due to the surgery you had you should talk to your doctor about it 

    I will keep you in my prayers take care and just get some rest

  • Posted

    Hi Paula, last year I was told my hormones were way out of whack, and thyroid. I was put on progesterone, t3. Anyway I found out this year that I had 2 parasites, blastocystis hominis and dientamoeba fragilis. Parasites cause hormonal imbalance, abdo pain, acid reflux, muscle pain and the list goes on. I was fine 2 years ago and then my hormones went crazy. Anyway is can be the cause of IBS. It can only be detected through a feacal specimen, better to do 3 days in a row. I am on a course of antibiotics to get rid of them. These bugs infect a big population. GP usually don't treat it because they think they don't cause any problems but they do. Anyway if you have no other diagnosis then it wouldn't hurt getting tested for parasites. I hope you start feeling better soon. 
    • Posted

      I feel like my hormones were out of wack. Yesterday i take 100mcg of levothyroxine on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, all day after i had the 100mcg of Levothyroxine I felt really racy heart racy feelings like i was going to pass out anxiety feelings so i told the nurse who works with my doctor that i am going back to the 88mcg on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and the rest of the week then i am on estradiol and provera at night 

      What kind of parasites did you get and how did you get them 

    • Posted

      Hi Susan, I don't know when or where, they can be in your body for decades, I have travelled from the age of 5, last trip was to Thailand in 2012 and my body started to go out of whack a year later so I think it was from there. I have Blastocystis Hominis and Dientamoeba Fragilis. My hormones, thyroid and life was spiralling downwards. Today is my second last day on the antibiotics. I only put this out there because sometimes our bodies are dealing with not just hormones but other things. I get hot flushes but I think it's because my body is trying to eliminate the toxins from the bugs. I will know in about a month if it was the bugs giving me all or the peri symptoms... I hope so, that way I can start moving forward. I just want my old life back, just like the rest of the girls on thus forum. Good luck with your recovery....
    • Posted

      You could have contacted the parasites in Thailand either by eating their food or hiking or swimming 

      I have never gone out of the country but i have heard overseas is the worst where people can get parasites 

      Hope its out of your system now and i hope you are feeling better

  • Posted

    HI Paula,

    I was diagnosed with Crohns when I was 21 and I am now 62. Although I spent many years very thin, not more than 6 1/2 - 7 1/2 stone, I am now nearly 13 stone with on and off activity of the Crohns, so weight loss or inability to gain weight isn't always a Crohns or other IBD indicator.

    Crohns can be very difficult to diagnose, even with modern technology, and not all tests show it, especially if it is in remission at the time of any tests.

    Don't give up on trying to get a proper diagnosis whatever it turns out to be.

    Sometimes you will be made to feel like you are being a pest and will be sent away with some useless advice like have a rest and take a paracetamol, but be strong and don't take no for an answer when seeking help and advice. Demand tests and remember that you can choose where you have the tests done now.

    Go back on the internet and seek out the specialists. Travel if needs be but make sure you get the help that you need, whether it be to do with IBD or other.

    Goos luck with it all and I hope that you have a good outcome.


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