Do symptoms go
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Can anyone tell me how quickly symptoms go after menopause is reached. Lots of my symptoms have eased, but the night sweats are still fierce. I know everyone is different but just trying to reason in my head how much longer I might have to put up with the poop that is meno. Thanks
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maria76995 kya85
kya85 maria76995
gailannie kya85
This is hard to tell. Some women have sweats into their 70s, my aunt sure did. What you might notice is how other things change. Skin, hair, nails, sleep, anxiety, medical seems to go on and on once we lose our sex steriod base.
Sorry, but that's the way it is.
kya85 gailannie
paisleygirl kya85
Hi Kya I am post meno 9 years and still get some symptoms flare up but the intensity and duration of them is minimal now so there definately is light at the end of the tunnel so just hang in there 😊
kya85 paisleygirl
Thanks paisley girl, Somedays it does get to you a bit! Just want to be normal again. When I think back even just 6 weeks ago my symptoms are getting less and less it just seems to go on forever though. Mind you I think my symptoms were made worse as I was suffering PTSD and didn't know due to sudden loss of my dearest husband. The infernal heat is a completly new thing to me as I am used to being freezing all the time due to hypo-T. Oh to be cold again Ha Ha x
cindy1957 paisleygirl
Hi paisleygirl. I had a partial hysterectomy a few years ago, I'm 60 now and I too believe I've been in menopause for going to be 9 years in April but oh my, right now my fatigue had kicked in for the past 2 weeks big time, anxiety too,just wondering if you know how much longer we'll be in menopause, hot flashes too but I can handle those by this fatigue and anxiety isn't fun.
paisleygirl cindy1957
Hi Cindy you're not alone sadly..😞 its anyone's guess how long this goes on I still have anxiety on and off and joint and muscle pain as well I don't have the fatigue thankfully palpitations are almost non existent now but I think going on the treadmill everyday helps me tons..its been a bumpy ride for sure and things still pop up from time to time but it does seem to be getting better ...what a journey its definitely not for the faint hearted ...I've been told by around 65 the worst of it is over here's keeping our fingers crossed ?
cindy1957 paisleygirl
pinkcatfairy kya85
Im almost two years post meno, I dont get night sweats now but on the odd occasion will feel hot this comes and goes, so does the watery eyes, some weeks OK, others terrible. Only recently I notice that apples seem to play me up when I eat them! My anxiety is better and the sleep (waking up through the night) comes and goes too! So for me there are little traces of it still xx
kya85 pinkcatfairy
Yes I too have noticed most symptoms gone, at least I'm lucky now its only night sweats and headaches. I certainly woudn't want to go back a year I don't think I could cope with the mountain of symptoms again especially the hideous anxiety and panic. Its certainly good to have it confirmed that it gets better but slowly, lets hope our symtpms stay away, thankyou for your reply x
pinkcatfairy kya85
kya85 pinkcatfairy
Hope you are still ok. Could I just ask did your night sweats suddenly go or gradually become less and less. I too get the feeling of warmth or just flush with no sweat, but the night sweats seem to be a couple of nights of 1 or 2 mild then 3 or 4 still not like before with the pounding heart and the fierce anxiety. Regarding apples maybe its the citric content, I noticed a few things with strong flavours gave me indigestion but thankfully that has all settled down now. Take care x
pinkcatfairy kya85
The night sweats happened for a few weeks on and off and then just stopped, the flushing now has lessened too but as with these symptoms they have a way of re-appearing! Yes there must be something in apples that dont agree with me, I think it is more the green ones as I had a red one today and it hasnt affected me! I hope your symptoms settle down xx
kya85 pinkcatfairy
Thankyou pinkcatfairy. Well I live in hope, its not too bad now, nothing I can't handle. My last remaining symptom, so not to bothered will keep all crossed back to normal by xmas LOL x
pinkcatfairy kya85