Do symptoms rev up during menopause?
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My last period was about 2 years ago. My GYN told me at that time that my Estrogen was very low and I was in menopause. I thought things were supposed to settle down once you hit menopause but that has not been my experience. The exhaustion is my worst symptom and then the depression. Has anyone else found that things got worse before they got better. I have read a few articles that stated that sometimes before the hormones settle into "the rest of your life" more balanced stage, that symptoms can get worse. This doesn't make sense to me but nothing about menopause has really made any sense to me. Any comments or thoughts are greatly appreciated ladies. Thank you.
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debra16694 julia22964
HI julia - i am 6 years post menopause, stopping my period at 55 - i had typical peri symptoms, insomnia, weight gain, flooding etc, but my worst symptoms have happened in the last 3 years...go figure. i truly believe it isnt when you finally lose your period, but rather when your hormones finally tank. This is probably the first time in like 3 years that i am not suffering from daily menopause issues, but now i have other things i am dealing with like horrible knee pain & inflammed truly never ends - good luck!
julia22964 debra16694
Hi Debra,
Wow that is a long time. I am praying this is over very soon and my period ended late 2016. If you don't mind me asking what kind of symptoms do you have now. If you had the brain fog did it get worse. I truly though once my period stopped things would settle down. You may be right though because if the hormones are still up and down then symptoms would be worse. I guess when the hormones tank out things become more balanced. Thank you for your response and I hope you are feeling better soon.
debra16694 julia22964
hi Julia - i believe i suffered from all 66 symptoms listed, the ones i really suffered from was brain fog, hot flushes & flashes, excessive sweating, insomnia, anxiety, muscle aches & pains, jaw pain, digestive issues, asthma attacks, depression but more in the respect that i felt like my life was over, rosacea (i know its not a symptom, but i developed it during menopause) burning body parts, tingling hands, electric vibrations thruout my body, headaches, etc. etc. i still feel all the symptoms in some degree, but at least i am not in "panic mode" over them. Just today i experienced that feeling of my "brains being sucked out of my head feeling" ....i hate it! i am currently dealing with blepharitis (inflammation of my eyelids,) it is driving me nuts, i dont believe it is a symptom, but i do know that woman complain about "eye issues" like eyes feeling dry etc. Well, i have the opposite problem, my eyes water non-stop, and are light sensitive & bloodshot....makes for a really good look...if i wasnt cute enough already with my flushing face, spare tire around my mid section, dry skin and gimpy gait. oh dear lord!
NewfieMom debra16694
have you tried a brueders mask? My husbsnd also had blepharitis and was told to microwave the mask for about 15-20 seconds then wear it for 15 minutes Do this twice a day. It will help tremendously. He has had to have eyelid surgery to clean out the clogged pores. Not fun at all. Good luck with it. The mask has been wonderful for my husband. You can order one from Amazon
jude84900 julia22964
Hi Julia,
I think most of us women go into menopause thinking the same way. We can't wait until these darn periods end and all will be "normal" again. I am almost 4 years post menopause and went on bio identical hormone replacement within the first 6 months of my periods ending. For me the continued deterioration of my body was just not an option for my aging years. What I read just wasn't pleasant for what was coming down the road. Loss of hair, thin skin, stroke risk, heart attack risk, cancer, dementia, bone loss, muscle loss, lack of lubrication for sex, painful sex, the list goes on. When our hormones bottom out the new normal is many health issues setting in as we age. Its a personal choice but for me I want my senior years to be filled with health and happiness not endless doctors and prescription drugs. Some women might sneak by and do okay but I think the vast majority have issues that are ongoing. My mother was still dealing with hot flushes and feet feeling like they were on fire when she was 81. For some of us this does not get better. My periods didn't end until I was 55. I couldn't wait for them to end but what I know now I would take them regular periods back any day. My personal thought is replenish those hormones with the "right" hormones by the "right" doctor and you can feel normal again. Good luck.
julia22964 jude84900
Hi Jude and Debra,
Thank you for your replies and comments. I did go on HRT about 1 month ago for about two weeks. It was not bio-identical. I had terrible stomach issues and felt very irritable. Those symptoms could have gotten better over time. The biggest problem was that my health coverage would not pay for the HRT so it was going to cost me $200 per month which isn't an option right now. I also feel I would have to stay on them because I have read many comments from women who went of them after 5 years and all symptoms came back. It is a difficult decision but I appreciate all the support of this forum.
debra16694 julia22964
hi jude - i have a question for, you started BhRt at 55? do you plan on taking them the rest of your life? Do you feel good at your age? I am 61, soon to be 62 & was told i was too old to go on BhRt, but i feel my body falling apart on a daily basis. i am dealing with a really gimpy knee & it feels like everyday there is a new issue...i never ever had these things prior to menopause. i was always considered a "work horse" & that is why i think family & friends are shocked at my decline - i really need to drink from the fountain of youth soon - would be interested to hear your thoughts -
jude84900 debra16694
Hi Debra,
Yes, I plan to stay on my BHRT for the rest of my life. Labs monitored regularly. I feel great! No better words to describe my emotional and physical well being. I was a person who was determined to go the natural route but the natural route seems to be one of decline and for some much misery. Now we are all going to age, there is no fountain of youth, but I do believe we age better, healthier and happier as we go into our senior years. I feel I'm going to be staying more active. General docs are not well versed on hormone replacement and don't seem to further their education into them. I feel by replenshing ones hormones is protecting them against many future problems. This goes for men too. My husband is 65 and has been on testosterone therapy for several years too. It has made a huge difference in his well being and activity level. I can't stress it enough that finding a good doctor that knows what their doing is so important. Let me know if you have other questions. I can suggest a couple good books on the subject but would have to send them on PM because they won't allow on the open forum. Good Luck!
jude84900 debra16694
Hey Debra,
A couple more things, yes I did start BHRT at 55. I am going to be 59 soon. My doctor has never said, well once you hit this age you have to get off of them. It is typical of general docs to frown on treatment and especially treatment as we get "older". They are living old school, going by protocol and the dangers of HRT. Those dangers are real if one is taking synthetic hormones but totally different story if one is taking bio identical hormones. My own young female doc did not want to discuss me going on hormone replacement. " that's dangerous". I am now with a holistic dr that knows and studies all aspects of what goes on and why. Best decision I could have made.
debra16694 jude84900
Thank you Jude, yes, i actually have a friend who feels exactly like you & she looks & feels amazing for her 65 years - i am definitely going to look into this because this slow decline is not fun - yes, if you could pm me the names of the books that would be fab - thank you so much!