Doc made me angry today
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Today I saw my gynecologist. I wanted to have a discussion about my symptoms and if I should try birth control or HRT. Well it all made sense untill she said: HRT have way more hormone in them and I gave u low dose hormone birth control pils.
OMG! Is she clueless or she thinks I am?
I will try it anyway because I still feel all kinds of symptoms and my anxiety is through the roof with every numb toe I get. Why do I feel so uncomfortable and ill in my body?!
Did anyone feel better on birth control?
How are all of u co- sufferers?
Thank u for listening!
2 likes, 30 replies
MoonLeaf notsure47790
I just had the same experience -- or a similar one at the Gynecologist yesterday! He's giving me a low-does pill that you take straight for 4 months, one active pill everyday. He completely discounted the list of symptoms I brought in (yes, I had taken the time to type them all out). He doesn't believe this and that based on my age, BASED ON MY AGE, NOT ON MY BODY!!! And, what my body has been through in this lifetime. What "I've" put it through by not always taking the best of care. I want a BHRT specialist, but waiting for my benefits to kick in at work because it's so expensive. I want answers, and I just don't know if I felt as if anything he said yesterday made sense considering all the latest research that's out there. He's an older doctor, I think I want a young WOMAN! A female doctor who fully understands. This doctor was more interested in making jokes. I NEED HELP! NOT JOKES. I don't even know if I should start this birth control pill. I mean, why stop my periods? I always thought it was healthy, and even cleansing, to allow your body to have its periods. I don't know. Feeling so disheartened and hopeless. Day 2 of my period is heavy this month, as well. These mood swings are horrifying!
MoonLeaf ~
;-) ...
dalene63026 MoonLeaf
MoonLeaf dalene63026
Hi, I'm "44" recently turned.
MoonLeaf ~
;-) ...
dee53012 MoonLeaf
MoonLeaf dee53012
Quite possibly. I'm afraid to go off the mood stabilizer, but how will I ever know where one medication or supplement or vitamin ends and one begins. It's impossible. I don't know how to even begin to figure out my own body chemistry. The more I research, the more I realize, I'm still just as confused as the day I began researching these topics. I still can't believe, that one of the doctor's jokes, was that I "must be crazy." He laughed. I got serious and said, "No, you don't understand--as a woman--that's exactly how you start to feel, as if you must just be crazy, or losin' it!" Well, ladies, I'm here to tell you that if you have to wonder as to whether or not you're crazy, you're not. LOL. Hormones are what's crazy. Are we ever REALLY balanced? Can we ever achieve--and better yet, sustain that balance for consistent periods of time?
It boggles my mind. All of it.
MoonLeaf ~
;-) ...
dee53012 MoonLeaf
i am sorry you are going throu all that. It is terrible. I have three autoimmune diseases and I am starting meno. i hope it is not worse then the other crap I am dealing with
It's 10 PM here, I need to get a bite to eat and go to bed.
Hope your night or day, whereever you are, is nicer then it has been. ANy releif is good.
dalene63026 MoonLeaf
I am only 39 and I swear I am pre menopausal! Seen my doctor today Shen said your to young and I said let's check my hormones. She knows I hate taking meds even though I am on citalopram she said what's the point your not gonna take the hrt anyways! I laughed cause she was right and said so if I am I can have a hysterectomy and not suffer for 10 years! It just floors me what women have to go through!!!
dee53012 dalene63026
Speaking of how woman are treated. My friends sent me a standing ovation sermon today. I'm not a church goer, I was sceptical, but I took the bate and read it. Best sermon I have ever read. If you are interested I will see if I kept it. If you like I could send it to you. Only if you say ok. I do not wish to push something on you.
bobbysgirl MoonLeaf
When I had endometriosis my (lady) GP put me on continuous birth control pills for a year. No periods (and associated misery) for a whole year. It was great! It 'starved' the endo and sort of 'reset' my stystem.
Continuous periods, with no breaks can be detrimental to our health - odd as it may seem. We are meant to have breaks (pregnancy).
As for the post 'Doc made me angry today' - can't think of a day when my doc doesn't make me angry. Don't know how, or when it all went so wrong.
metamorphed MoonLeaf
If there could go back, I would NOT have spent so much time asking these 'professionals' for advice. Time and money, I might add. If there was one piece I would give women starting out on this journey, I would tell them to go have a full health check with full bloods done at the start of it all. If all ok, then it is the horrible hormone causing the symptoms, so see no-one else but a recommended menopause specialist, or if the results show something whether it be lack of a vitamin or another medical problem, let the regular doctor deal with that. In most cases, from reading this forum, women have all tests and are all normal. As you said, if you are taking meds or vitamins, you have no idea which is helping, especially if you're taking a cocktail of them. I discovered through my bloods that I was lacking in NOTHING, except vitamin D (probably because I stopped going outside with the horrible symptoms!), so I stopped all vitamins except the vitamin D3. Still went through the symptoms and changes but I believe no better or worse than anyone else who is taking herbs or vitamin cocktails or whatever. I came to the conclusion that you can try and balance hormones by adding stuff but it wasn't working for me. I am much better now (still have lingering symptoms) but it took TIME and that is all that this actually needs is time...
notsure47790 metamorphed
I agree with you. In time it all becomes pne big mess- doctors, their opinions, our anxieties, meds, vitamins, herbs. All of this is like a tornado for our bodies and minds, yet I find myself unable to stop wandering sometimes.
Your post is a good reminder to step back for a moment. Thanks
dalene63026 dee53012
I am absolutely interested I don't go to church either but I pray everyday and teach my kids about God!!
bobbysgirl metamorphed
Vitamin D3 is VITAL to good health. I am outside a lot and my levels were low. You need to get sun on your skin to make Vit D3, and we have all been programmed to avoid the sun unless we are slathered in some (very nasty) chemical or other.
I'd say the only other important mineral to have is Magnesium. We should be getting it from our diets, but the soil is so depleted that it is best to take a supplement.
As for any others - whatever makes your boat float.
metamorphed bobbysgirl
i just eat walnuts and almonds for magnesium these days. so if you can eat nuts that's that sorted
dee53012 bobbysgirl
dee53012 dalene63026