Doctor gave very wrong advise.
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I have been on HRT for almost two years as i had terrible menopause symtoms, went into my GP two weeks ago about something entirely different and he said i had been on HRT long enough and should come off it, i asked why and also was very concerned that my symptoms would return ,e assured me that it was fine to just stop taking them and everything would be fine as i am very fit 9 i am now 53.
so i stopped straight away, no symptoms for first week all ok i thought , then this week i have had no sleep , sweating ,itching panics returned!!
good job i have kept a supply so straight back on them yesterday.
I looked on your forum and was shocked to see so many other ladies who have had there symptoms return, thought i was going potty!!!
1 like, 12 replies
Jan999 jane08467
elle127 jane08467
Are you on the higher or lower dose of HRT? I was on the lower dose for just over 3 years and have had to come off them due to having fibroids. I have gradually weaned myself off over 3 months and I've now stopped completely. Up to now I've had very little peri symptoms. Just weight gain which I guess I was expecting as I lost weight without trying when I first went on HRT!
I'd try gradually reducing a tablet a week then the second month try reducing two tablets a week and so on until you finally come off them.
Take extra vitamins to help with anxiety etc. I take Starflower, multi vits, cod liver oil and extra B vitamins to name but a few (I'm rattling but I do think they help!).
Good luck,
Elaine x
shaznay96184 jane08467
I'm hardly the best to give you advice on HRT, not being on it myself just yet, but I have to say I was fuming reading your post.
I'd say your GP is talking a load of ****ocks!!!
Now one of our 'sisters' will definitely put me straight on this, but I'm of the impression that HRT amongst other things, gives something along the lines of 'deferred' Perimenopause. Such that when you stop taking it, you revert back to the same old symptoms until you finally reach true Menopause.
Am I right girls?
Well my sister has been taking her HRT for 7yrs and it was 'suggested' she stop it. She had tried once before, but could not stand the mood swings, sweats etc. Well she TOLD her GP that she DESERVED a better quality of life, and was not prepared to stop just yet. She's very persuasive so came out with her repeat prescription!!
Maybe refer your GP to this site and THEN tell you that your symptoms won't return!!
I also note that you refer to your GP as 'he'..........need I say more?!
I'd go see another GP in your Practice, preferrably female, and tell them what you've experienced.
We don't have to put up with this poor Peri/menopausal support. I for one will be getting what I'm due HRT-wise, as and when I feel I want to start it.
At 53 Jane, you are far too young to have experienced relief and then have your sweeties taken away from you!! Go get what's yours Girl!!!!!
(bloody doctors, what do they know?.............)
Let us know how things pan out for you.
Jan999 shaznay96184
elle127 Jan999
I ask because when i was on HRT i still had peri symptoms i.e. Hot flushes, anxiety etc. Ive now stopped the HRTand havent had any sweats, anxiety is much improved etc! So im really not convinced it does defer the menopause? All ive noticed is weight gain and shorter periods. But my periods were getting shorter and lighter while on HRT!
Anyway this is just me thinking outloud. Everyone is different and should try whats best for them
Jan999 elle127
shaznay96184 Jan999
I'm just about to reply to elaine127 as she's posted her own personal experience of this, as you have.
One really positive thing I take from you Matron, is the fact that you have taken HRT 20+yrs, obviously with your GP's blessing, and have reaped its benefits, with none of the more 'scare-mongering' side effects (cancers, heart attacks, stroke).
jane says she's fit: so why would her GP want to snatch away her lifeline? Maybe he should Google 'Perimenopause and HRT' !!
PS - My husband says to warn you lot: 'She's in one of her 'debating' moods!'
shaznay96184 elle127
Do you think that during your time using HRT, you've passed through the worse part of Peri, and will soon go into proper Meno when you finally stop bleeding???
To be honest, I had said that I'd give myself until the end of Feb, see if I have a P (which I have at this very mo
, unfortunately (wanted them to start getting irregular at the very least) and then I'd take myself back to the GP to discuss HRT.
But to be honest, I don't feel too bad at all at the mo. I took advice from you all on here, got myself some Vit D/B and min supplements and have found my sleeping and general aching joints are much improved. I'll probably put it off until I really can't stand it any longer........then I can stay on it until I'm 85
Jan999 shaznay96184
elle127 shaznay96184
The HRT may still be in my system as Loretta says it can take a while so in a few months I may be pulling my hair out and complaining on here of all my peri symptoms??!! I have taken Jays advice and bought a load of vitamins and I'm also on Starflower which is supposed to regulate your hormones. Maybe that's why I'm feeling pretty ok at the moment?
For all I know I may not even have hit full blown peri yet. My mother was 54/55 yrs old when she went through it so I've a few years to go yet. I'm still have very regular periods but they are really weird....gushing one minute then dried up the next and only last 2/3 days. Could be my fibroids I suppose (that's the reason I've stopped the HRT).
Either way I'm glad I've finished the HRT as I just want to get on with things naturally now and let my body do it's own thing.
Good luck all you ladies on here. My advice is just do what you think is best for you :-)
shaznay96184 elle127
I love this forum
loretta63638 jane08467