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Hi ladies

Well like all the lovely ladies on here I am fed up with the doctors.

The last 6 months my menopause symptoms have been unbearable at times and that's no exaggeration. All the times I went to the doctors they never mentioned perimenopause. They prescribed me antidepressants.

I started with terrible head pressure which radiated to my face. Doctors said sinus problems. Kept fobbing me off. I finally saw an ENT specialist which put the camera up my nose. Surprisingly my sinuses were clear.

In January panic swept in,couldn't go anywhere. Doom and gloom set in. No interest in anything. I felt frightened all the time and honestly didn't know where to turn. I actually thought I was loosing it! All my doctors said was'poor you' . They gave me sleeping tablets as I was desperate to just get some sleep. The panic has been a struggle but is slightly easier after finally asking my doctor for Hrt. I've been on it 12 weeks now. I just can't believe how many frightening mental things there are.

Well I went today as I feel so Lightheaded when I get up from bending down and no energy. She said to me did I feel like I needed to adjust my Hrt? That's what I went to her for! As I was just about to go with no advice she took my blood pressure which was 89/67. She looked at me and I'm sure she was surprised it was low,I had the feeling again that she thought I was making it up. She told me it was very low and I have hypotension. Eat salt and do everything carefully. I have to go back next week to see my own doctor(who is never there). I will be talking about adjusting the HRT. I am waiting for her to refer me for a scan for my head. Also a neurologist. The ENT specialist suggested this but I'm still waiting for her to refer me. I've even said I will go private. It's taking such a long time to get anywhere. I'm so fed up. I actually feel like I shouldn't go to see the doctor that they will be thinking oh no not her again!

I'm 47 next birthday. I'm doing all the research not my doctor. I'm beginning to think I should see a private menopause specialist! Moaning over ladies x

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle o know exactly what your talking about I'm on Antidepressants I also had a head scan few years ago was ok,recently went on HRT been on it a month now I find the menopause hard to go thrpugj I know how you feel not interested in anything the Doctors know we are menopsal and they know it will pass that's why I think they don't bother to much first they offer is HRT this year I got worst with symptoms your not on your own I'm hoping we all feel better soon god bless
  • Posted

    Hi Michelle, like you, I've been a nervous wreck since January. I was already on 20mg of seroxat and now I'm on 40mg. I have had anxiety problems for years but it got worse very suddenly after some stress. I'm worrying about stuff I never thought of before - the list is endless.

    Other than anxiety meds, I have had no menopause help. I'm seeing a woman doctor next week, but she's a bit scary so I'm not looking forward to it.

    I have a chemical coil so they won't be able check for perimenopausal signs any way. I hate this - I'm 48.

    My mum was sympathetic for a while but now she is saying get on with it!

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle. I hate doctors that ask you what you should do!!! I am lucky, I have a fab female gp who is also a meno specialist, but many ladies are less fortunate. The positive thing about your blood pressure is at least the hrt is not affecting it, as some ladies have to come off hrt as it can heighten blood pressure. Of course low blood pressure is not good for you though as it can make you faint if it goes to low. Just wondered - have you had thyroid blood tests done as that can make blood pressure go haywire - may be worth asking your own doctor next week when you see her. perhaps also a diabetes fasting blood test too might be worth checking, even if just for elimination purposes. xxx
    • Posted

      Thankyou. I had thyroid tested last October and was ok. I asked if I need it checked and she said no. Did you say you are on progesterone tablets?
    • Posted

      Yes Michelle. they are called utrogestan 100mg capsules - I take 2 nightly on days 15-26 of my cycle (on my calendar so I get it right!) They are micronised progesterone - a less synthetic progesterone which are supposed to be more effective in helping with peri/menopausal symptoms. If you had your thyroid checked in october - it is now June - 9mths later - I would insist on getting it checked due to your low bp reading. Hopefully when you see your own doc next week, she might be more receptive than the one you saw last time. xxx
  • Posted

    Do you ladies have your iron levels checked? Mine is continually low due to the monthly heavy bleeding. Makes me weak, tired, fatigued, breathless, palpitations, muscle aches.. I get confused what is peri or anaemia 
    • Posted

      I've had mine checked twice in the last year. Mine were ok. I do eat lots of green vegetables like kale very often.
    • Posted

      Hi Michelle I was anemic 2 years shot doctor gives iron injections to get my levels up quickly they lessen with Time periods are now are not much thank god hated the heavy bleeding I use to think I will bleed to death I still getting palpations pounding at night .
  • Posted

    It sure is a long journey with the doctors. I'm going for my final heart test today, it's been 6 months of test after test. I told my doctor it's perimenopause but she still has to put me through these tests to rule out anything else.

    I'm glad it's perimenopause because the alternatives aren't too nice. I started to feel better when I accepted what it was and stopped worrying about all the horrible alternatives.

    • Posted

      Hi Fonia your lucky to have further test I'm the same palpations but I know other people have them so trying not worry to much although iyd a bit scary
  • Posted

    Does anyone else get these video pop ups before you are finished posting?!?!

    I wrote a long reply and now have to re type it.

    Anyway I used to take high blood pressure meds for years. Then I started getting faint while standing up about 6 months ago and my reading was 80's/60s. Even now after stopping the meds it's on the low side. I thought it was because I lost about 10 lbs not having appetite but now I'm wondering if hormones play a part in it.

    • Posted

      I get the video pop ups when I'm using my iPhone to reply. I have to type quick before it starts!!
    • Posted

      Yes that's what I'm on my iPhone. There's no way to close the ad. Have to close out whole page. Never seen that before. Loose all I've written before posting.

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