Does anxiety get better as u go through this phase?

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Have been going through he'll for the last 3 months , I has every single symptoms in the book but anxiety is the worst, I take med for night to be able to sleep but during the day I try to fight it there is time that so intense that take the med to calm me down. Am wondering if anyone went through this and if it gets better. Thank u for your support

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11 Replies

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    I certainly hope so! I agree with you that the anxiety is the worst symptom. Panic attacks started for me about 8 months ago. Some are tied to stress, but others are completely random. That’s why I suspect it’s hormonal. I haven’t asked for medication yet. I started seeing a therapist and am working on relaxation techniques. I’m praying this is a short lived phase! Good luck! 
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    From my own experience since starting this journey the anxiety comes and goes, it hasn't gotten better as the intensity of it when it hits but it has gotten better as not to hit me as frequently as it use to in the beginning. I have seen a pattern with mine when the symptoms ramp up and intensify that's when the anxiety hits out of nowhere. But when my symptoms isn't so extreme the anxiety is either not there or very mild to where I can ignore it.

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    Hi my anxiety is less frequent now.  I have learned to breathe through them sometimes so i don’t have to take the medicine.

    Are there certain situations that cause yours?  Traveling away from home gets me every time 

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      Mine is always there there is time where is more intense than other. I have been obsessed with what am going through I can't get it of my head and it is not helping I wish I could switch these thoughts I have and be myself again

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      Hi sweetie I got a lady care magnet to help with perimenopause it helps with anxiety you wear it all the time it takes about 2 -4 weeks but has saved me from living he'll I also take starflower oil and magnesium 1000 high strength I hope this helps x

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    Hi mine was worse up to aged 49 - Im now 52 and it has worn off substantially but not yet in menopause so hoping it will not come back. My advice - lots of sleep 9 hrs/10, mediterranean type diet, b complex, vitamin d, magnesium, and in the UK you can get in Boots the Kalms tablets. I also had some propranalol from the doctor. I rarely took them but it really helped knowing I had them in my bag if needed. Do things you like doing and if people are worsening the anxiety spend more time on your own- nice uplifting films etc. At the time you dont think its just hormones but Im sure mine was 
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      And I forgot to add that yes the bit I havent improved on is the travel away from home and that really affects holidays. I am supposed to go from London to Paris by train in July and really want to go to Bergerac but I dont think I will be able to tske the train there...
  • Posted

    I hope it gets better!!  Mine comes and goes which I think people and celebrations trigger it-- weird, I know!!  After X-mas I was doing good taking supplements, eating right just going about my business as life is good.  Then I started craving fast food for a good month and honestly could not stop. Well, now I'm a wreck and the anxiety is back!!  Grrrr My appetite is now gone which is good because I needed to get rid of unhealthy habits.  I'm also tired all the time so I make sure to get to bed on time.  It's just awful how I'm like this and hope it passes!!

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      Wow yes! Big parties or events really spike my anxiety. My daughter just graduated and the week before I was a wreck. Mostly worried that something would happen and I’d miss graduation.  Now we have a big party at our home in a week and I really have no idea how I’m going to get through it. I know when it’s over, I’ll feel much better overall. It’s just family and friends, not sure why I’m such a mess. I can’t seem to get my head around what has to be bought/cooked/cleaned and decorated. Brain fog and anxiety are harsh! . 
  • Posted

    Dear khadiji

    Yes it does, Im three years post meno, I had some bad panic attacks and a bout of anxiety which was pretty bad, it took time but things seem to have calmed down, avoid any stimulants caffeine /alcohol and get plenty of sleep. Also take a good vitamin supplement which helped me. X

  • Posted

    Dear khadiji

    Yes it does, Im three years post meno, I had some bad panic attacks and a bout of anxiety which was pretty bad, it took time but things seem to have calmed down, avoid any stimulants caffeine /alcohol and get plenty of sleep. Also take a good vitamin supplement which helped me. X

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