Does anybody else feel normal and pretty good in the evening ?

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Just wondering if anybody else perks up in the evening ? I feel terrible when I wake up and takes me 4 hours to get out of bed ! 

I can barely wash a dish .... but in the evening I feel somewhat normal human . Sometimes don’t want to go to bed as want to RELISH the GOOD feeling !! I know it will be gone in the morning 😩😩😩

What is that all about ?????? 

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66 Replies

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    Hi Lori - I feel exactly the same - last night I felt really good, no aches & pains, burning, brain fog & I went out to dinner (beautiful Indian summer night) had 2 glasses of wine & I woke up @ 3:00 am with anxiety, burning extremities, dry mouth/nasal passages & horrible indigestion (I ate nothing that would warrant that) I spent the better half of the morning/day just decompressing & trying to ward off going into that “bad depressive place” . The afternoon was better, but the morning was bad.  I just think everything amps up in the early am...cortisol/blood sugar/ serotonin dips maybe  - who knows - so over it - 

    • Posted

      Debra - I am feeling so over it as well. There is no predicting how I am going to feel each day or the middle of the night. I have been waking up around 3 am with horrible indigestion as well - not all of the time; but twice this week! Then comes a lovely hot flash with it and then I'm in the bathroom for a while with loose stools ...sorry for TMI but I'm grateful when others share this TMI stuff, LOL! - helps me to know once again this is NORMAL- even though I read the symptoms list over and over because when a new one shows up I still can't believe it's on the list! And what you say about decompressing? Oh my - that is describing my new life and my new days - just trying to get a handle on this. The daily hot flashes (with or without sweat) have ramped up for me -that is taking some getting used to - that feeling of no control over my body and emotions with it. 

  • Posted

    hi lori,

    I know exactly what you are talking about! I start to feel good about 7 in the evening and my energy picks up also. it works for me because my husband works nights and I can do all my housework at night. then usually around 6 in the morning I start to feel bad again and whatever symptoms I'm going to have that day will rear their ugly heads and I'm no good all day. it's kinda weird how that works though.

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    One thing that has definitely changed for me!! I used to wake up, no problem and get ready and going for the day being more productive in early hours . Now, it is soooo slow going in the mornings and all my symptoms seem to surface more in the am. By late afternoon or evening I feel more “normal” and productive without all the “off” feelings.  Definitely an adjustment I’m still trying to work through sad 

    • Posted

      Ginger - you are describing my new life! I was an early bird that loved getting up before my kids and getting things done. Mornings are so tough for me now with just feeling "off" and not normal - it is a huge adjustment for my me as well as my entire family: they are all up now before me on weekends for the first time in my life. 

  • Posted

    Yup. Late afternoon and evening anxiety is less. Perhaps cortisol hormone, which is higher in the morning.
  • Posted

    Definitely agree, I start to feel the tremor, then the nausea and anxiety around 5am, it’s awful, it does get easier during the day - not sure if it eases off or if I just become so exhausted that I don’t notice it as much, in the evening I’m pretty relaxed and find it hard to stay awake! I tell myself don’t fall asleep because you’ve been waiting to feel relaxed all day, relish this! But I just become overwhelmed with tiredness and fall asleep watching the Kardashian’s :\
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    It's because seratonin is at its lowest first thing in the morning, and the cortisol peaks. In theory it's nature's way of getting you out of bed, but when you're anxious it's made worse in the morning. I try to burn it off by walking or cycling, or just doing all my jobs about the house in the am, and generally I feel better later in the day xx

    • Posted

      Thanks for this explanation ! It’s always good to know there is some reason for this madness, I agree I need to walk and do things in the morning to burn it off then around 3pm I start feeling better, so hard though, long for the days I can enjoy having a lie in again xxx
    • Posted

      Hi Karen

      My hypnotherapist /psychotherapist told me that little gem, and it does help me not to dread the mornings quite so much (which is a vicious circle). I see a big difference when I don't do something productive, just end up with rigid fear...... The brain is a funny, tricky thing xx

  • Posted

    Oh wow, how I am the same. I even make exciting plans for ge following day. But I know from.the experience now that it is not a good idea since I am.a different person during the day.
  • Posted

    Yes! First half of the day I'm dragging, then by the end of the day I start feeling better.

  • Posted

    What about appetite? Do you find this is zero in the morning and then gets better throughout the day?
    • Posted

      Karen - this is new for me, too! I have no appetite at all in the morning - sometimes I will look at the clock and it's 1:30 and I haven't eaten - it is such a life changer to get used to all of these new symptoms. 

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      Yes I used to love my breakfast now I have to force it down ... no appetite whatsoever 
    • Posted

      Yes ! By evening I’ve got a bit more but I just don’t get hungry anymore ???? What’s that about 🙄

    • Posted

      You must really eat within 30 mins of waking up ... my naturopath told me . 

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