Does Anyone Keep a Journal?

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I was curious, does anyone keep a daily journal of symptoms? I've thought about starting one to see the ratio of good versus bad days. I do believe I have more bad days then good!

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    No Nancy I don't it would only depress me as I like you have more bad days than good. Really tired right now ready for my bed. How do you sleep😊xx
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      Not too well. My husband  works 4 pm to 12 am and doesn't come to bed until 3-4 am and I wake up every night to see if he is home safe and sound. Every night is interrupted sleep and even when I do sleep good I still feel so tired. I stress over my ill feelings every day. A journal will probably depress me too come to think of it.

    • Posted

      Nancy my husband also gets up early 3:30 to be precise he milks cows. He's in bed now so me and me dog will join him in a minute. You have a good night and we'll catch up tomorrow. Night night.😊
  • Posted

    hi nancy

    yes i keep diarys and have done since all my peri kicked off so i have 12 years of peri notes and kept info over the years of whats what, how many periods i got etc and watched them slowly decline over the years.. ' sounds obsessive' but i suppose i am abit 😃

    i always have kept what i call a period diary bedore peri menopause began and always made a note around due on date and so i knew peri was happening when i was having prolonged periods then missing periods and feeling odd etc.

    i still keep notes even though i am post meno now ( age 50) as i have a pattern every six weeks of feeling really rough for a few days.. 

    helps me explain to my Gyno and Doc whats what etc, dont and cant take HRT,

    its really good i think to keep notes on it, last year i had hot flushes return after years of none which was a shocker .. 

    its a tough journey for us ladies .. hang in there 

    jay x

  • Posted

    Yes, started 3 yrs ago when the PMS and cycles started getting crazy. Find it real helpful to track what's going on and helps me to remember I'm not really losing my mind-hopefully I'm getting closer to things settling down!biggrin

    And while it seems like you'll have more bad days then good for awhile, you'll love when you see it start swinging back the other way, which is where I am at (emotionally-lol! aches and for improvement!) and it helps, for a while, I really thought I was becoming Bipolar and that scared the heck out of me.

    Do journal-it does help.biggrin

  • Posted

    I guess I could say I kind of do. I have a period app where I track my symptoms. It would be a good idea to look back and see if I am more proned to certain symptoms around the same time each month. Thank you for that idea, Nancy!
  • Posted

    write down what you eat as well.  a lot of us are connecting hot flashes with high carb foods intake.  i've cut most of the bad stuff out and feeling much cooler... bedtime is another story.  i think keeping track is good for you and for doctor visits. 
  • Posted

    Yes honey, something I've done since starting ( now through ) Menopause...Food diary, feelings and symptoms etc, I've often advised people to do this on these forums..

    Great to show a doctor, or a partner and REALLY good for assessing how you feel on different medications, or preparations and foods.

    Amazon can sell you a current, this year, A4 size desk diary for just over £1 !! Just bought one for a buddy....

    Good luck Hun. 😄 xx

  • Posted

    Hi nancy, I keep a diary. I have found that I have better days right in the middle of my cycle. Bloody hormones. They are a nightmare when they are unbalanced. I too have more bad says.. Tendinitis is what's ruining my life. My feet are a killer. I am trying HRT progesterone, not sure if it is helping. I would chop off my arm to get rid of all my symptoms. I think writing a list of foods you eat might help as I have found my stomach is more sensitive to food. I can't eat certain foods anymore as it can cause nausea. All the best. 
  • Posted

    Thats a good idea. I don't but I should do it to know my worst days and my good days. 

    Today was not a good day had palpitations today felt anxious with it 

    Came home and just crawled into bed 


    • Posted

      Sorry you are feeling bad Susan. Start marking down the days, with abbreviations of what made you feel bad. You'll be amazed at the pattern. It actually helps.

      I look back several months and boy half the month was marked up-now it's just a couple odd days here and there. It helps when you see where you've been and the slow but sure improvement.

      Feel better biggrin

      Annie xx

    • Posted

      Right now I do not know what is causing the palpitations latley. I had my thyroid checked I get the results from the doctor this coming Friday, I don't know if it is the zoloft, or ativan or trazodone, the GI doctor wants me off my metformin because of my stomach issues, I know I am not going on insulin or another diabetes pill because of how sensitive my stomach is I may just do more walking and lose more of this weight I am 195 right now so I am on the roll of losing. I was over 200 when I went on the metformin for my diabetes now I am under 200 maybe I don't need the metformin anymore 
  • Posted

    I'm a bit lazy but have used an app to keep track of periods, so I just started adding notes on there.
  • Posted

    I've pasted here some charts to record manopause symptoms and Emis Moderator was kind enough to include them in the "Pinned resources". 

    Maybe they're useful ..

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