Does it change over night for many of us?
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This topic may be a little off base. But here's the question I'd love to have answered by WOMEN. And who knows, I may be mixing the menopause and aging issue into one big ball, when they actually need to be seperated.
I felt like I got to menopause pretty well intact. I did. None of those hot flashes, night sweats, or any of the many symptoms we usually hear of.
But then, several years later, I really took a dive. Not feeling right, not sleeping well, vaginal atrophy and dryness. My skin and hair started changing in very negative ways. I didn't feel good at all. One endrocrinologist suggested that I was one of those women who went into menopause with a relatively high estrogen level, which held steady for quite a while.
So my question is, while I know we are all very different, did YOU see tremendous changes in your physical being immediately at menopause, or did it take several years before you really saw some change.
I know there is a portion of this that is simply the aging process. But it makes me wonder, and am hoping other women will share their personal experience. Cause I'll be honest, I don't like what I see right now.
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annieschaefer gailannie
From my last period which was 2 yrs ago today, my body did some really odd things, so I think my estrogen did a rapid drop. I felt like someone flipped the switch and I started aging overnight, even though people tell me I look good for my age, my body aches and pains, occasional mood swings, night sweats and hot flashes say otherwise.
I have tried various regimins, i.e. vitamins & etc., try to eat healthy, do yoga and what not, but it's been an up and down ride for last 2 years. Overall, I think I am doing better than many, but I guess I can't get over that from now on there are things that are permanently changed and I am not a spring chicken anymore, even though in my mind, I am or shall I say, I want to be!
I did try taking bioidenticals for a bit, but overall can't say they really made much of a difference in the end. There's a lot of tweaking with that and I am not patient or sure I want to subject my body through all that.
Hope it all works out well for you Gailannie and Happy New Year. May it be a better one for all of us!Xx
Indifferent gailannie
I found I have had some huge changes at different times that went away with the tweeking. For the hair loss drinking geletin in my coffee or tea brought that back around. A couple of years ago I went through some huge physical changes and went to a correactologist and got my hormones and thyroid "adjusted" so the droopy eyelids and other physical changes changed back to my normal self. I find that in the alternative edicine world there are many huge helpers that have made huge differences, but it was to stumble on them through prayer and God's grace. Christmas has been wonderful this year with no issues at all, and my ever so changing period came right after everyone left after boxing!
Sochima822 Indifferent
What is a correactologist please, I've never heard of such a thing. In what country do they have them?
Indifferent Sochima822
It's a Canadian thing I think.
Correactology® Health Care is a method of treating people who are sick or in pain by changing the density of the body’s cellular network, in a specific order.
It is a system of therapy which theorizes that disease and pain result from a site specific density shift in the body’s cellular network and which employs a series of calculated manual stimuli to the body’s surface. This causes a change in the density/structure of the cellular network up until the time these cells attain their proper tension environment, resulting in better form and function in the human body.
Sochima822 Indifferent
So it's better than having plastic surgery. Do they have private clinics for this or is it through your health care system?
Tunsc1963 Indifferent
Indifferent Tunsc1963
I buy the Unflavoured gelatin in powdered form and use two level tsp in a cup of tea or coffee. You will taste is only very slightly. In Canada it is in the grocery store as "Knox"brand and comes in a box of individual envelopes, or you can find it at any bulk food store. Be careful to drink anough fluids in a day though or you will have cloudy urine.
You are best to google how and when to take it...and for how long.
Indifferent Sochima822
This is a private clinic like a chiropractor. It isn't anything like plastic surgery lol...but when the body is doing it's job and we are well, we look well and vibrant. When something is off in the body, we most often show it. Once it is resolved, we are vibrant once again.
Tunsc1963 Indifferent
Hi great thanks I'll explore this more
supermim Indifferent
pinkcatfairy gailannie
Dear gailannie
I was entering menopause when I had my ovaries out due to family history. I didn't notice much change for the first six months but then I noticed fat gathering on my hips and then on my stomach without changing my diet etc, anxiety and panic also kicked in a bad way and I noticed my hair didnt grow as fast as it did. X
gailannie pinkcatfairy
Thank you so much for this. This is exactly what I was looking for.
Apparently your body had enough estrogen that it took awhile for things to head to the dump!
When I started using vaginal Estrace, one of the first things I noticed is that my hair started growing again.
And isn't that meno belly fat just lovely? LOL
pinkcatfairy gailannie
Lol yes the belly fat came over night, I mean I had a little tummy fat but this just appeared and sat there! Yes, you're right my body was emptying out the hormones and wham bam after so many months I noticed the changes. Anxiety and panic set in too, im not too bad with that now as the vitamins help! X