Does it ever get better

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 I am 55 and have come off hormone treament that I have been on for 15 years. Since coming off I have been suffering mood swings, feelings of self worthlessness, oily skin, bad breath, BO, hot flushes, spotty spots, headaches, joint pains, memory loss, the list goes on! I have been prescribded HRT using a gel. Is there anyone out there who has been on HRT and after some years come off it and not suffered any of the horrible symptoms above. When I asked my gyno about this, she said it was possible if you come off it gradually.

I can't believe my mother went through this and we didn't know! A new life a change of life! 

I am not a moaner in general but all this is making me feel so awful

thank you for any advice



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11 Replies

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    I'm the other end, as in just started HRT, I can relate to all your symptoms.  I agree a graded reduction in the HRT could quite possibly about vagifem?  Or Menopace by Vitabiotics?  Ask your Dr or gynaecologist to help you through this, you will balance with the correct treatment, they might want to try you on some other meds to lessen the symptoms, don't be scared they are safe especially as they are often low dose.  In the meantime keep well hydrated and re address your diet on the B complex.  Massage is often helpful if you are well otherwise.  Xx
    • Posted

      Many thanks. I still have not started the new gel. I keep thinking that if I exercise and change my diet maybe I can do without. My husband asks me why Am I thinking about what will happen when I come off HRT, deal with the present. Keep u posted and thank you :-)
  • Posted

    Sorry you're having such a miserable time. Is there a particular reason why you came off HRT? or did the doctors take you off? I have recently been told I have to come off despite being fine with the HRT. I don't want to come off and when I hear how miserable coming off makes you, I am going to fight my corner over this, I hope things get better for you. There are hormone creams I've heard can help

    try looking all these things up and see what you think would be best for you. I really hope you start to feel well soon! x

    • Posted

      I was given a hormone called Oromone2 and adrocur for 15years for a condittion called endometriosis. My gyno said that I no longer had this condition after blood checks had been done. So she suggested I stop and see what happened. Within two months I have severe hot flashes, my muscles were so sore I could hardly walk. My neck just froze. She put me back on to it and I was relieved of all pain! However after 3 months I started bleeding and as the months went by it got heavier. So I had to stop that was 3 months ago and now it has started all over again.  This time she has prescribed A gel and A progesterone tablet. I am wondering if I start again and then have to face the same ordeal when I am older will I be able to cope. Should I just try to stick it out now while I am younger? 
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    Try Menopace Night multivitamin supplement. It worked for me. Boots also do a version with exactly the same vitamins. It includes the B vitamins, magnesium, and many other things.
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      Thank you for your advice. Were you on HRT? 
  • Posted

    No, not on HRT, but I had hot flushes, anxiety, severe grumpiness, insomnia, brain fog, all kicked in when periods became erratic last couple of years age 50, I now feel better than before it all started - no ups and downs in hormone levels. I had been taking viatabiotics well-woman before that for several years, after having been recommended by GP to take vitamin B for anxiety/stress. You have to take vit B for a month at least for it to start to work, then carry on taking it for it to work. I also cut right down on caffeine, but that was not a big change as I did not drink much before.

    Also try reading the book, 'Grumpy Old Menopause', it's hilarious. This helped me as well! 

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    i am truly sorry you are suffering!  I can relate since I was on bio identical estrogen since 51 and decided to go off this past December at 57.  I tapered down to the lowest possible dose and then went off.  After 2 months I had horrible hot flashes, night sweats, dry mouth, digestive issue , horrible moods, and Arithtis to name a few!  I am sure there are women who will be fine coming off, but not me.  My diet is great, I take supplements and went to an acupuncturist which helped somewhat, however he even told me to go back on estrogen.  I have started back on estrogen for about 3 weeks and feel much better!!  Unfortunately, since I was off for six months I know have vaginal atrophy and I have to rebuild my vaginal tissues,

    why did you come off?  FYI----most doctors have no clue on when to come off.  They pick an arbitrary timeframe and unfortunately women suffer.  I know women who are on hormones in their 70's and 80's and they are doing just fine as it is highly individual .

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      Thank you for sharing, I agree that it depends on each idividual and  I could be lucky. after several discussions and major research I have decided to go on to HRT iin gel form and also progesterone in tablet form.

      II will be monitored at the end of a year and if all goes well continue for 5 years till I am 60. I'll make sure that I don't start the gradual weaning till way after my birthday, can't have the birthday girl in grumpy mode! 

      Your message helped me. I mean if someone told you that you could live in luxury for the next five years and after that well it would not be certain, why look a gift horse in the mouth and refuse?

      I came off because the hormone I was taking was for enddrometrois, since I no longer have it, the treatment was considered to be too strong and no longer needed. I suffered severe menopause  not long after. My Gyno represcribed it for one year. that year is now up I have been off since last April and all the horrible aches, pains ....... have come back so HRT is the next course of action. 

      excuse me if I am being a bit long winded. 

      Many Thanks and smiles.

  • Posted

    You go girl!  Quality of life is so important and suffering is not fun.  Some women are fine or close to fine, but many are not and CVD and osteoporosis are really big issues along with QOL.  I too, had a bad case of endo, but hopefully my SAH at 49 took care of it.  I truly believe we all have to take personal responsibility as the Many doctors in the US (I am American) have not really researched this topic---they just listen to the pharma companies and I  should know since I worked for one of the biggest in the world.  Again, good luck on your hormone journey!)
  • Posted

    Hi I went the natural way as hrt makes my body weird and believe me after so many years io hot flushes mood swings no sleep I wanted the miracle if HRT . I tried patches but got huge pains in the chest so gave up. Even if you take it once you are off it you still go through the change so I went for get it over with. Vitamin B helps plus anything that helps boost your hormone levels flaxseed spirulena sea buckthorn. I've done the vaginal hrt as you end up with your bits drying out (gosh the joy if womanhood is endless) but prefer vitamin e inserts more natural. Like knowing what's going in my body is natural not made if horses urine which some hrt stuff is I gather !!! But it's all horses for courses natural way or medication depends on how you feel. Good luck at least we can ask for advice on here 

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