Does it ever get better
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I am 55 and have come off hormone treament that I have been on for 15 years. Since coming off I have been suffering mood swings, feelings of self worthlessness, oily skin, bad breath, BO, hot flushes, spotty spots, headaches, joint pains, memory loss, the list goes on! I have been prescribded HRT using a gel. Is there anyone out there who has been on HRT and after some years come off it and not suffered any of the horrible symptoms above. When I asked my gyno about this, she said it was possible if you come off it gradually.
I can't believe my mother went through this and we didn't know! A new life a change of life!
I am not a moaner in general but all this is making me feel so awful
thank you for any advice
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Fussypeg Crosspatch
Crosspatch Fussypeg
dollydip Crosspatch
try looking all these things up and see what you think would be best for you. I really hope you start to feel well soon! x
Crosspatch dollydip
gillmm Crosspatch
Crosspatch gillmm
gillmm Crosspatch
Also try reading the book, 'Grumpy Old Menopause', it's hilarious. This helped me as well!
Retired2011 Crosspatch
i am truly sorry you are suffering! I can relate since I was on bio identical estrogen since 51 and decided to go off this past December at 57. I tapered down to the lowest possible dose and then went off. After 2 months I had horrible hot flashes, night sweats, dry mouth, digestive issue , horrible moods, and Arithtis to name a few! I am sure there are women who will be fine coming off, but not me. My diet is great, I take supplements and went to an acupuncturist which helped somewhat, however he even told me to go back on estrogen. I have started back on estrogen for about 3 weeks and feel much better!! Unfortunately, since I was off for six months I know have vaginal atrophy and I have to rebuild my vaginal tissues,
why did you come off? FYI----most doctors have no clue on when to come off. They pick an arbitrary timeframe and unfortunately women suffer. I know women who are on hormones in their 70's and 80's and they are doing just fine as it is highly individual .
Crosspatch Retired2011
Thank you for sharing, I agree that it depends on each idividual and I could be lucky. after several discussions and major research I have decided to go on to HRT iin gel form and also progesterone in tablet form.
II will be monitored at the end of a year and if all goes well continue for 5 years till I am 60. I'll make sure that I don't start the gradual weaning till way after my birthday, can't have the birthday girl in grumpy mode!
Your message helped me. I mean if someone told you that you could live in luxury for the next five years and after that well it would not be certain, why look a gift horse in the mouth and refuse?
I came off because the hormone I was taking was for enddrometrois, since I no longer have it, the treatment was considered to be too strong and no longer needed. I suffered severe menopause not long after. My Gyno represcribed it for one year. that year is now up I have been off since last April and all the horrible aches, pains ....... have come back so HRT is the next course of action.
excuse me if I am being a bit long winded.
Many Thanks and smiles.
Retired2011 Crosspatch
liz53953 Crosspatch