Does it ever really get better
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why is women cursed so bad with this crap, its been 9 years and counting and im so beyond sick and tired. every day it just gets harder and harder same symptoms new symptoms feeling like death. my Peri isnt the typical that the web talks about i have been through so many bizarre crap that scares me to the core. on top of trying to function everyday my mom has hit her head had surgery and that just made stress anxiety and all these symptoms so much worse. its like with all this hormonal symptoms i cant show emotions of any kind cause i feel like ill kill over this isn't normal it intensifies the symptoms. how do we keep going, will it ever end cause i really dont know how to live like this the rest of my life. i have so much tension in my neck shoulders upper back i feel like i been beaten getting out of bed im only 43. my eyes and mouth are so dry as if someone left me in the desert for days. numbness tingling off and on randomly all over even in my head i cant take this no more. my cycles is def changing again further apart and not as heavy but that can change again as i never know what its gonna bring. my sister is older then me and she isn't having any bad symptoms wtf why me not that i want anyone to suffer this stuff but why is mine so bad we both came from the same mother but mom had a hysterectomy so hers wasnt bad. just needed yo vent
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Guest pamela2016
I feel the same way! Im 41 this all started for me like 8-10 years ago but the past 4 years have been unbearable!!! I can barely eat, im so sick all of the time, i get dizzy, anxiety, depression, tiredness.....the list goes on and on. I keep praying when i wake things will be better but they never are if anything they are worse. I had a stint where i didnt have a period for 186 days!! But then i had a normal period again and here i am feeling as tho ive been in pms mode for a month now. It does make you feel terrified cause you do feel like you are dying and you cant function enough to live a normal life like everyone else. I have an older sister who just has a few heavy periods and achy body during her periods but she still goes about life like she is as she was in her 20s. It feels so unfair the way it is but then you also have to try to explain it to everyone else when you dont understand it is cruel for some of us!
anxiousface pamela2016
Hello Pamela, you poor love your going through the roughest time ever and so young but i know how your feeling because iv been there and thought i would die as didn't know what was happening to me. i too have felt so ill daily for the last 8yrs, iv felt so bad i dreaded waking up everyday and really dont know how i got through the days. BUT iv got to say for the first time iv had a whole good week , unfortunately im on edge thinking something will happen suddenly but its not. I managed to go to a Wedding yesterday without feeling anxious and dizzy.
So sorry to hear about your Mum hope she gets better soon, again i know what your feeling like as my dad had a fall last year and i had to go a visit him in the hospital but selfishly i really couldn't be bothered with him as i was feeling so ill and anxious at the time.
What im trying to tell you is i understand how your feeling now but it will get easier , dont know if we just get used to some of the symptoms or they ease off a bit. i dont know what ill be like tomorrow so i just take each day as it comes and relish the good days.
my sister is four years older than me and her periods just stopped and shes not had a single symptom like us so has no understanding of what we're going through and my mum died when i was quite young so i dont know what she would of been like with meno.
its just so unfair being a women, we have periods to go through, carrying a baby for nine months, giving birth then this menopause, we got such a bad deal.
im sending you a comforting understanding hug x
sara97862 anxiousface
A whole good week!!! I am so happy for you!!!
anxiousface sara97862
i know Sara, sorry i didn't mean to be a show off about the week.
it was nice to have remembered what normal felt like but im back to feeling dizzy and nauseas and not with it today so it didn't last long.
my little glimpse into normality will never be forgotten x
Rainbow976 pamela2016
Vent away, please. I will be 43 in December and have all the same questions as you. What is wrong with us? Is there a systemic issue, low lying virus, etc. ? I have no friends in my life that appear to be having such difficulties. And I understand this process can take years, but then what?
There are too many postmenopausal women on here still suffering! I have cut out or reduced so many "bad" things in my life that I enjoyed trying to ease symptoms but nothing works. This just can't be our new lives going forward...
i hope this isn't our new lives for the rest of our lives cause i just cant do it, ive cut out basically alot of things as well i gave up all dark meat eat veggies fish chicken baked or grilled drink nothing but water or Powerade take vitamins. im just so fed up and the dizziness never leaves apparently they cant find the cause i just cant understand how something can be going on inside the body and a cause not be found. ive really gave up on the medical field no help at all and all this suffering we indure is BS.
Foxy62 pamela2016
So sorry you feel so bad and really do wish i could say something positive , i cant . I hate this im 57 and apparantly post menopause but feel rubbish every day. Ive had a total hysterectomy and feel exhausted, worn out, aching crunchy joints, cant sleep, anxiety, depression , no patience and no interest in anything . Your right how do we keep going. Hope things improve for you soon .
Guest pamela2016
I am right there with you and I have just turned 44. My sister is 2 years old than me and she has had a bit of insomnia and that is IT! For the last 3 years I have been struck down with so many horrible neurological symptoms and many others too. My daily issues are dizziness, eye pain, neck pain, teeth pain, headaches and head pressure and then I also have tingling all over my body, dry eyes/mouth, I've put on weight, incontinence, oily hair, hair loss, insomnia, stiffness, achy, back pain and I could go on FOREVER! Vent away, we all know how you feel. Take care.
dawnym Guest
Hi everyone that's posted because I am wondering to ' does it ever get better" ?
I have had so many different weird neurological problems for 18 months now . Daily weird headaches which include tingling in my head & various parts of my body. I feel a vibration feeling that's so strange and hard to describe. Aches & pains Dizziness on & off , the list literally could go on & on. I've seen 2 Neurologists & thankfully I'm fine but no Dr will admit this could be menopause related.
I'm been searching for an answer for 18months but take each day as it comes (some are worst than others) & am extremely grateful that we women share how we feel because it's made me feel not so alone & scared going through this.
None of my friends although we are all around the same age (52) do not have symptoms like me.
Thanks everyone for sharing their experiences
Lkl2019 pamela2016
I understand all of it. I don't know how women survive all of this for years in end...without knowing it's going to get better. My sister lives in Hawaii and constantly posts pictures of her beautiful and active life while I struggle to get out of bed each day. It's not her fault and I.m glad she's living so well with only the typical symptoms. She's 52, and had her last period at 48. I.m at least hoping at 41, I only have so many years to go. Even still, once you got 50, you get whole other sets of problems 😦 Life seems really cruel to me right now. Before I got really sick with all this, I was mostly happy and working on lots of plans for my future after being a mom for over 20 years. Seems I am not catching any breaks in all this. 😦 Hugs.