Does the merino coil help with menopausal symptoms?

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Hi all

have any of you had the merino coil fitted specifically at the peri menopausal stage...does it help?

im 49, just hit the peri stage...usual symptoms plus joint pain. My friend had one of these fitted 5,years ago and is the same age. She was due a new one, started to get bloated, weepy and headachy...had a new one put in and all the symptoms she had are gone. Is it worth a shot?

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40 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi BxB 

    couldnt say hun, never had one, your friend is maybe use to the coil as had it 5 years previous..

    cant think why it would help peri symptoms .  unless its down to the small amount of progestin it delivers .. dont know..

    maybe you and your friend are at different stages in peri .. or maybe your friend isnt even peri yet..

    we are all so different .. i started peri at age 40-41 only now i am post menopause and I am age 50. 

    ask your doctor what he / she thinks about the merina coil for peri 

    i had a natural peri with supplements 

    will tell you Vit B6 helps no end 

    a good Mega B 100 complex ( containing 100mg B6 in it) holland and barrett.

    and Maca ( Rain Forest 5.1) capsules

    great for peri 

    jay xx 

    • Posted

      Hi J

      thx for your reply.

      i know a couple of people that have it and their symptoms are much less severe.

      im new to this menopause malarkey , it's only been happening for the last 3 months or so although the joint thing has been happening for over a year.

      i was getting over 30 hot flushes a day nightmare! Then I found this page. Today I've only had 4 :D 

      im rattling with supplements and because I started everything at the same time I can't be sure what's working but I feel way better.

      i haven't tried maca though...May as well add it to the mix smile


    • Posted

      Hi BxB

      well Solgar Chelated Magnesium are good for flushes 

      and Vit E 400iu a day.. 😃

      i take loads too..

      take care Hun 

      Jay xx


    • Posted sister age 55 has a merino coil and she has had no menopausal symptoms at all. She said the doctors don't give them out easily as they are expensive
    • Posted

      Hi hun

      Wow shes a lucky lady 😀

      Jealous now 😊

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      Just chatting to her now and she said its amazing....reckons she out the other side of the menopause now with virtually no symptoms. 

      What to do...natural is a better option I guess but the thought of no hot flushes is rather appealing I must say!


    • Posted

      Hi BxB

      maybe shes a lucky one anyway and didnt get the dreaded meno too severely.. 

      I can see why your interested though..

      its not good choice if your prone to infections or sensitivity though as can cause them infections etc irritability and like a rejection type of foreign matter rejection type of thing for some .. Like me ... ( hahaha hard to explain) 

      i never used the coil when i was fertile 150 years ago 😃

      as i am so sensitive to things 

      when i was younger i tried the Cap once .. My oh my felt like being suffocated in there and gave me thrush in a matter of hours .. My body simply wont tolerate these type of things ..


      jay xx


    • Posted

      Poor you sad I'm similar with any foreign bodies in me , I'm allergic to metal too so I when I had the coil fitted years ago they had to remove it. Apparently this merino one is plastic though.

      maybe I'll research it a bit more , can't hurt to look into it

      ill keep u posted.

      I've just seen your post on maca so I'll be off now for a little read

      take care J and thanks for your help x

    • Posted

      Hi BxB

      yeah good luck hun..

      let me know how you get on..

      take care 


    • Posted

      Quick question J....did u put on weight with this maca?


    • Posted

      Hi B&B

      total opposite.. Seemed to get leaner ..

      the B6 makes you leaner too... 😃

      i am 125lb 

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Heres some Vit E info for you too

      vit E capsules 400iu

      Vitamin E

      This is an important vitamin to consider at the menopause.

      Over many years clinical studies have shown its effect on reducing hot flushes.

      Vitamin E is also helpful for vaginal dryness and one study showed that just 400iu taken daily for between 1 and 4 months helped 50 percent of the women given supplemental vitamin E.

      Although most women fear breast cancer, our biggest killer is heart disease. There is now such a wealth of information on the beneficial effects of nutrition on heart disease and unfortunately HRT has been shown to increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

      A study published in the Lancet showed that 2000 patients with arteriosclerosis (fatty deposits in the arteries) had a 75 percent reduction in their risk of heart attack when given vitamin E.

      At the time, researchers claimed that vitamin E was even more effective than aspirin in reducing heart attacks.  

    • Posted


      i am laughing as i put B&B ( bed and breakfast ) 

      sorry hun

      BXB .. Must sort my typing out hehehe

      jay xx

    • Posted


      ooooo that's middle has grown rapidly recently, 

      im on ....

      vit d3

      vit e



      apple cider vinegar


      all washed down with a berocca


    • Posted

      J, where do u get your maca capsules from? I want to make sure I get the real deal , there's so many cons online sad

      thx again

    • Posted

      hi hun

      well i get mine rain forest food maca 5.1 from amazon uk..

      but i love in Southern Spain 😃

      jay xx

    • Posted

      live in southern spain 😃

      Jeeez my fingers tonight .


      jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi BxB

      B6 is good .. As long as its about 100mg daily ..

      For women who suffer with brain fog, and memory issues in perimenopause, low levels of B6 could be part of the problem.

      Depression, confusion, and an inability to concentrate are all associated with B6 deficiency.

      Vertigo, dizziness, and heart palpitations are also common complaints from women going through perimenopause.

      All of these symptoms have been associated with (among other things) a B12 deficiency.

      Vitamin B6 can also help with stubborn weight gain in perimenopause. It is key in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in our diet, and is necessary for a healthy metabolism - both which can help manage weight.

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Heres my list..

      Rain forest Food Maca 5.1

      150mg Vit B6

      150mg Vit B1 ( but thats mainly to keep mozzys off me they hate B1) 

      Acidophilus mega 3 billion pro biotic 

      Menapol plus x 2 daily 

      Chelated Magnesium 400mg 

      Magnesium Oil spray for a back pain .. 

      vit E 400iu

      Natecal - Calcium and Vit D3 in one chewable ..

      B12 .. For energy ..

      think thats it .. usually forget one ..

      jay xx


    • Posted

      I can't use the magnesium spray, I'm allergic. I'm concerned about taking the chelates mag incase I'm allergic to that too.

      i guess I should get the b12 then....all these tablets, I hate swallowing them...gross sad why can't you just put an order in for all your supplements tailored to you and it comes altogether in a sachet powder form that tastes like sweets that you mix with sparkling water. smile

    • Posted

      Hi hun

      I did miss some off

      Also rosehip and vit C 

      Kelp for thyroid health

      Wow allergic to magnesium. Dohhhh

      Chelate doesnt upset your tum like citrate and oxide does.they have laxative effect and boy dont i know it 😳

      Jarrows B12 5000mcg Cherry Flavour red label amazon 

      Are the best strength and they are chewable dissolve lozenger 

      I use to take them but have injection now of B12 every two weeks

      Ups my energy 😀

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      Berooca contains magnesium you know 😳

      Nite ttfn 

      Jay x

    • Posted

      Hi Jay, can you take Maca with other medications do you know? This jaw is driving me mad at the moment. I stopped taking the magnesium and am wondering if that was such a good idea. I've stopped eating wheat at the moment as it seems to upset my tummy, wondering if I could be intolerant. Could explain some of the symptoms ive been having. Hope you're ok?. Xx
    • Posted

      Hi mooma

      Lovely to hear from you .. 

      Which magnesium did you take ? 

      Seems lots of these magnesiums are citrate and oxide .. These upset your tum in the morning.. I used the effervescent from spain and every day running to the loo, now i changed to solgar chelated magnesium never had upset tum. Never..

      Chelate doesnt give you the runs. My bowels are back to normal.

      Did you ever receive that pain pads thing we sent for trial one .

      I havent yet.

      Give me two mins and i try and answer the maca question .

      Be right back 

      Jay xx


    • Posted

      Hi Mooma

      Maca .. 

      Take Maca Root 

      There are no known drug interactions with maca, that i have seen or been on info.

      Always best to google Maca and whatever Med together interaction you want to check to see if any info flags up ..

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      Thanks Jay, I do take magnesium citrate but it has never upset me in the past. Yes I got the actipatch but havnt tried it yet. I'm waiting for a week when I am home a lot. Once you turn it on it lasts for 1 week. Obviously as its my jaw I will look a bit odd wearing it in public!😃lol . The patch did take ages to arrive. Xx
    • Posted

      Hi Mooma

      we ordered the patch the same day..

      but mine never came 😢

      jay xx

    • Posted

      hi Mooma

      how spooky is this ..

      the Actipatch arrived today 😳

      jay xxx

    • Posted

      Oh good. Now you have to decide which bit to stick it on. Lol 😀xx
    • Posted

      Hi I'd like more information on this subject because Il thinking of having one can you help? Thanks 

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