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Dear Menopause Warriors - Ok, i am officially at my wits end. i am 7 years post, symptoms didnt really ramp up until about 3 years ago, have had every symptom & then some...between the crippling arthritic legs, severe brain fog, burning body parts & completely whacked out digestion, horrible bleupharitis/rosacea, i think i have paid my dues already - i had bad peri as well - i really need to hear from ladies who have had all these symptoms & are now Ok. i am not on any HRT - i also suffer from bad anxiety - is it really hormones or something else entirely - there isnt a day that i dont have something going on - help!
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betty11791 debra16694
honey it does end I too was deep in the throes of menopause for the last 5 years depression anxiety through the roof palpitations hot flashes you name it I had it now I can say some symptoms have eased my depression lifted palpitations rare anxiety on and off so I'm encouraging you there's life just be patient
debra16694 betty11791
oh thank you Betty - i really needed to hear that - i will say, i used to get horrible flushing/flashes & those have subsided somewhat, but i get all these new issues - ok, i will just keep saying my prayers - thank you!
betty11791 debra16694
And btw I'm not taking hrt
nanc00951 betty11791
This is good to hearI have been on this forum so many times with my ailments from peri
ans continually asked the question from someone who actually experienced some relief
my worst symptom is the anxiety and wanting to cry
May I ask if you ever took any medication to (other than hrt) to help you?
betty11791 nanc00951
apart from omega 3 I don't take anything I'm on medication for my blood pressure and I wasn't ready to add more medicine guess it was my anxiety of too much medication but I believe it's a journey we will over overcome be positive
debra16694 betty11791
HI Betty - interesting...i am also on a B/P RX & was on a really nasty one which i weaned myself off of (not fun) so i totally get not wanting to put more chemicals/substances into our bodies. i have gone to so many drs, naturopaths etc. all prescribing new drugs & supplements...i have spent a fortune! The only thing i am religious about taking is my Blood pressure Rx, VIT D RX, omega tablet, B Stress Formula & Magnesium glycinate - but would still love to have a "magic pill" to end the symptoms - guess i am kidding myself - you sound like a strong woman with a very positive attitude - my attitude needs a serious tweaking - it exhausting keeping up the fight -
nanc00951 betty11791
Yes I was prescribed an antidepressant (I was told by my GYN I needed it and my GP prescribed it) I began to take for 2 days and stopped. I said what am I doing. The last thing I need is these side effects (which I know go away) but having something else in my body to worry about. My GP told me it was my anxiety which is making me not take the medication!
I just do not know what to do with all these awful feelings. I do not want to do anything. I do what I have to and get by. If I have to communicate with others it is all very fake.
I am seeing a therapist who helps when I am with her, but unfortunately I cannot be with her 24 hours a day.
debra16694 nanc00951
hi there Nancy - yes, my dr wanted to put me on anti depressants many times - i know anxiety & depression go hand in hand but i wasnt ever really depressed per se so i refused the RX. my son had a recent bout with situational anxiety in grad school & completely worked thru his symptoms with the help of reading & watching you tube videos by an "old school" australian therapist called Claire Weekes. He found her approach to dealing with anxiety to be a game changer for him & he has managed his anxiety without drugs or endless therapy sessions. It might be worth your while to google her - All i can say about any Rx is, they all have side effects, some worse than others -
tracy43395 debra16694
I am 6 years into surgical menopause. OMG my life has come to a standstill. My main problem is daily crippling migraines. I cant read a book, do puzzles, knit or any of the hobbies that kept my mind occupied so I just sit in the dark, alone all day, miserable.
debra16694 tracy43395
OMG - you poor thing! Thats terrible! OK, i will stop complaining now - i hope you get some relief soon!
maggie81413 debra16694
Hi ladies, I am now 2 and a half years post- hysterectomy/menopause, and was praying my awful mental symptoms of depression/anxiety would be subsiding to some degree by now, but no, just seem to be getting worse, though some days are better than others. I don't like being negative, but I've tried so many things to help, EFT, hypnotherapy, acupuncture etc but to no avail. I am normally quite fit and healthy physically, except for mild asthma since aged 30, I'm now 59, but any form of HRT I've tried affects my chest, making it tight, so just can't tolerate it. I don't really want to take antidepressants, knowing about all the down sides to them. I struggle every day to enjoy anything, and have to fight off suicidal thoughts on a regular basis. I never, ever thought it would be this bad. I have seen GP's and spoken to the local mental health support team over the phone, going to give CBT a try. I pray we all get some respite from this soon!