Does this sound like a hot flush????
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I always imagined we might just sweat a bit and need to put a fan on and open a window.
How completely wrong I was.....
Does this sound familiar to anyone..................?
- hotty/coldy feeling
- sweat on chest and head
- chest tightens, so therefore cough
- as a consequence of the cough, do a sick
- headache and tinnitus
Usually lasts for 5 or so minutes, and the number of these episodes is increasing. On about 12 day, whereas last cycle would only have 1 or 2 a day.
Are they hot flushes?? They are often also accompanied with stomach cramping, like period pain.
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karen96096 Guest
Guest Guest
Hi Lou, Probably. I think we all experience the sensation differently but it is all a disruption of our temperature gauge! My skin gets really hot and I look embarrassed. No sweating, that is usually reserved for when I’m trying to sleep! Then I get chills too. I want to get off this merry go round now!😊
michelle92591 Guest
Sochima822 Guest
A Hot flush is a feeling of intense
warmth, that is not caused by an external source, but an external source can trigger it and is usually most intense over the face neck and chest. Some flushes cause you to break out in sweat. It's caused by the decrease in estrogen and common among women entering menopause.
jules0405 Guest
I get some kind of electric shock could be anywhere in my body that signals a hot flush is coming, then my whole body temperature rises, my forehead, under my breast, under my tummy, between my legs all red hot and wet through could last up to 20 minutes, at the same time I may have intrusive dark thoughts, pounding heart, I feel weak like I’m going to faint, I feel like any second I will fall to the floor and black out, I’ve been having hot flushes for a long time, I’ve been on and off HRT, I usually get sore breasts and low mood with HRT so I stop taking them. I’ve niw been off HRT for 4 months and I’m thinking of going back to doctors and going back on it, trying a different one, my flushes are awful and affect my quality of life. In the mornings I wake up with my body so sore everywhere I tell myself, that one day it won’t matter because I will be dead. My thoughts can be so low in the morning. I’ve made a doctors apt to discuss HRT because I can’t cope without them, hot flushes can affect us all differently but they are equally disturbing and affect quality of life, good luck Lou